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The Mathematical Hacker (2012) (evanmiller.org)
147 points by ColinWright on Dec 23, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 102 comments

Farsightedness. Things that are too close cannot be focused on clearly.

Step back. Lets talk Ohms law and "electronics people". Some systems level folks care only about microwave RF scattering parameters and smith charts. Others just use NEC tables vaguely derived from Ohms law but all that matters to them is passing inspection. Some consider Ohms law a dumbed down version of Maxwells equations for fools. Some, believe it or not, actually use Ohms law directly. There is no "right or wrong" other than grouping them all together as "electronics people".

In a similar way its pretty dumb to lump language designers, AI researchers, CRUD frontend devs, and generic code monkeys all under "programmer". The engineering field went thru a spinoff phase over a century ago where we no longer have "engineers" we have MechEng, ChemEng, EE, etc. I suspect in a hundred years it'll be considered humorously quaint that we used to lump all these vocations together under "programmer" even though they don't fit.

I have spent the last 3 or 4 years self-studying mathematics, and what got me interested in it is essays from PG, articles by Yegge, and most of all reading SICP (and then reading "What is mathematics?", which in a lot of ways seemed a natural continuation of SICP). The argument he builds is really, really, weak:

He invents some concepts like "Lisp tradition" out of blue sky, based on a sample of three people, who he misrepresents and who aren't even serious Lisp programmers (except PG), and then fantasizes what he thinks the "traditions" (my ass, like old Lisp masters are convincing young adepts to not learn math or something) represent, so discussing this seriously is beside the point. Is the average C programmer better at mathematics? If anything, the books introducing Lisp programming go much more into modelling complicated domains, including mathematics, compare SICP or PAIP to K&R or your typical programming intro book nowadays.

Then, he seems to imply that focusing on recursion is somehow less mathematical. Recursion is a lot like mathematical induction, and inductive definitions are ubiquitous in mathematics. Also, a lot of mathematics is non-constructive and mathematicians aren't in general that interested in doing efficient computations, so it's more about knowing algorithms and numerical methods. So his big revelation reduces really to the fact that people doing numerical computations should learn numerical methods, or basically "know your domain", hardly a revelation. Or is it just a cry for programmers to learn more mathematics? But then the guys he criticizes have already done a much better job encouraging people to become interested in mathematics.

For everyone else who does not know all of the abbreviations:

SICP: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - """Wizard Book n. Hal Abelson's, Jerry Sussman's and Julie Sussman's Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (MIT Press, 1984; ISBN 0-262-01077-1), an excellent computer science text used in introductory courses at MIT. So called because of the wizard on the jacket. One of the bibles of the LISP/Scheme world. Also, less commonly, known as the Purple Book.""" (allegedly The New Hacker's Dictionary, 2nd edition)

PAIP: Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp - """Paradigms of AI Programming is the first text to teach advanced Common Lisp techniques in the context of building major AI systems. By reconstructing authentic, complex AI programs using state-of-the-art Common Lisp, the book teaches students and professionals how to build and debug robust practical programs, while demonstrating superior programming style and important AI concepts.""" (Amazon description)

K&R: The C Programming Language - """The C Programming Language (sometimes referred to as K&R, after its authors' initials) is a well-known computer programming book written by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, the latter of whom originally designed and implemented the language, as well as co-designed the Unix operating system with which development of the language was closely intertwined.""" (Wikipedia)

(PG: Paul Graham - https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=pg - """Paul Graham (born 13 November 1964)[1] is an English programmer, venture capitalist, and essayist. He is known for his work on Lisp, for co-founding Viaweb (which eventually became Yahoo! Store), and for co-founding the Y Combinator seed capital firm. He is the author of On Lisp[3] (1993), ANSI Common Lisp[4] (1995), and the book Hackers & Painters[5] (2004).""" (Wikipedia))

> "What is mathematics?"

Are you referring to the book authored by Richard Courant (http://www.amazon.com/dp/0195105192)?

Yes, it explains clearly a lot of the mathematical concepts that are subjects of some examples in SICP, and it is as rich in insights. Those are my two most favourite books ever, and studying them over a period of few years gave me as much as my whole undergraduate university degree I think.

Fantastic - thank you. Interesting discussions, and I hope people take the time to read the article, threads, refutation, and other comments.

I look forward to any additional comments and contributions people may choose to make here.

Something that was posted on HN once or twice before was EWD 1036: "On the cruelty of really teaching computer science", by Dijkstra.

It makes, in my opinion, a much more lucid argument than this article as to why a firm background in math, particularly theoretical math, is important for programmers of all sorts. It's definitely something I'd read if you're thinking about the role of math in computer science and programming as fields.

The article is here: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/transcriptions/EWD10xx/EW...

There have been numerous submissions of it to HN, of varying popularity. The ones I could find with the most comments are: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6838434 (three weeks ago) http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3553983 (one year ago) http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1666445 (three years ago)

Colin, I'm curious about your take on the essay. I have to admit that while I did read it, I did not engage with it deeply because I felt that the author created strawman views, particularly with regards to the people mentioned and the "Lisp school of programming." Since I found the premises so confused, I didn't have the energy to disentangle the real point from them.

(Part of my curiosity on your take comes from the fact that you commented on a similarly themed essay I wrote some time back.)

I've put it on my list of things to write about. It's a long list, but I hope to knock a few things off it over the holiday. Thanks for asking - I'll post here if/when I get something done.

Looks like you re-posted your own old submission. Nothing wrong with it I guess since people are still interested judging from upvotes. But that would be one of the reasons "the quality of HN threads is going down" as many complain. Some older users don't even want to comment anymore, since it's all the same thing re-posted all over again. Well that and bitcoin/NSA "news".

Threads like this are not the problem.

I don’t like the gamma example. In the second (4915328) previous submission, there is a comment of kenko: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4918977 . Minimal extract:

> >>> int(math.exp(math.lgamma(41)))

> 815915283247882431423526575245034982027017846784L

> [...]

> Prelude> fac 40

> 815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000000

Another problem is that lgamma runs in constant time but it’s accurate only in a finite range. To extend the range the polynomial must have more terms, so the “accurate” version doesn’t run in constant time. And for enough precision, you must use the “long” version of the floating point numbers. The complete analysis is complex and I don’t have enough time to do it.

The recursive functions runs in linear time only for small numbers. It uses only integer arithmetic that is faster. But if the number are big enough you must use “long” integers, and the time is probably quadratic. So it’s not clear which version is better, neither for small numbers nor for big numbers and asymptotic behavior.

Typically you wouldn't use lgamma to compute exact values of factorials at all. For a real world example of this function in action, look at John D. Cook's blog:

[1]: http://www.johndcook.com/blog/2012/07/14/log-gamma-differenc...

[2]: http://www.johndcook.com/blog/2010/08/16/how-to-compute-log-...

[3]: http://www.johndcook.com/blog/2008/04/24/how-to-calculate-bi...

"So it’s not clear which version is better..."

In general, it's application-dependent. But often, in applications, the factorial enters multiplicatively, and they are in products with other stuff; the whole thing can easily underflow or overflow.

So what you often really want is the log of the factorial. (If someone gave you the exact integer factorial for free, the first thing you'd do is take its log.) That's why they implemented lgamma(). The error guarantees it gives are in the log domain, which is (often, not always) what you want, anyway.

When I need a decently performing factorial, I generally break out a memoized iterative version.

As a Lisp hacker, I am somewhat stunned to learn that the world suffers from too much Lisp philosophy and that Lisp is unmathematical. Not to mention that Eric Raymond is a spokesman for Lisp.

Actually there is a somewhat valid and interesting point in that essay, obscured by crap. There are differences between numerical computing culture and symbolic computing culture; people should know both. But from where I sit hardly anyone these days is familiar with symbolic computing while everyone either claims to be or wants to be a “data scientist”, that is, do numerical machine learning. Nothing wrong with that, but I have a hard time seeing numbers as the underdog in this fight.

I think what he argues against is a third culture, where the focus is on implementation of an algorithm in the code, rather than on the algorithm itself -- and generally, the algorithm is what matters more. Just a couple months ago I've seen some code that spent most of the time traversing the entire (large) data structure and counting elements satisfying certain conditions, while 5 minutes of looking at the actual math was all that was needed to see that the count was a simple function of known quantities.

But, his valid point is indeed obscured by a lot of crap and strawmen :(

The Fibonacci example is flawed, in that the given definition, in terms of phi = (1 + sqrt 5) / 2.0, is inaccurate even for moderately-sized inputs. A standard, O(n) definition for computing fibonacci numbers is

  >> let fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
  >> let fib n = fibs !! fromIntegral n
The constant-time approximation is

  >> let fib' n = let phi (1 + sqrt 5) / 2.0 in round (phi^n / sqrt 5)
Around n = 80 the constant-time solution starts giving incorrect results

  >> fib 80          -- exact O(n)
  >> fib' 80         -- approximate O(1)

This isn't a fair criticism for the C implementation. The output doesn't even remotely fit in a 32-bit int, which is what this implementation is for.

"Moderately sized inputs" is a misleading thing to say for a function that grows exponentially. Would you protest that the ones digit in exp(80) is wrong in double-precision IEEE 754 arithmetic?

The formula isn't innacurate. It's simply using data types that can't fit everything. The point of the article is that Binet's formula is something that should at least be mentioned when presenting the classical introductory examples of recursion to programmers. It's unfair to praise simplistic recursive functions without even mentioning that the same result can be obtained in a much more mathematically elegant way.

If you are doing a fib function that is not valid up to an input of 80, you might as well just have a lookup table with 80 values in it. So much for mathematical elegance.

How about a fib function that is valid for an input of 40.5? Binet's formula smoothly interpolates the Fibonnaci numbers. Quite elegant! And even without the interpolation, the original formula is accurate enough if you change the return type from int to double.

Besides, writing Binet's formula is much shorter in the source code than hardwiring the lookup table. Way more elegant.

In all fairness, if there were a type of algebraic numbers, the calculations would be exact. (But probably not O(1) anymore.)

And of course the sane solution is to use exponentiation by squaring on the 2x2 matrix whose elements are all 1s, except the right-bottom one, which is 0. Not surprisingly, (1 + phi) is an eigenvalue of that matrix.

Indeed! In fact, it occurs to me that you can get something of a 'best of both worlds' solution between the elegant mathematical solution and the exactness of the recursive solution very easily in Haskell, by defining the field extension* Q(√5), i.e. the rational numbers extended with the square root of 5

  import Data.Ratio
  -- The number (a :+ b) represents (a + b √5)
  data Q5 = Rational :+ Rational deriving (Show) 

  instance Num Q5 where
    (a :+ b) + (c :+ d) = (a + c) :+ (b + d)
    (a :+ b) * (c :+ d) = (a * c + 5 * b * d) :+ (a * d + b * c)

  phi = (1 % 2) :+ (1 % 2)
It's now enough to notice that the coefficient of √5 in phi^n is half the n'th fibonacci number, so define

  fib n = let a :+ b = phi^n in round (2 * b)
to get

  >> fib 10
  >> fib 20
  >> fib 80
  23416728348467685 -- exact result in O(log n)!
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field_extension

This is mind-blowing. This comment is the best answer I've seen yet to the question, "Why learn Haskell?".

This is kind of pedestrian for a mathematician, and there aren't any features in use here that are exclusive to Haskell. Basically, you're just definining a new field of numbers where you throw in the sqrt(5) into the rational numbers. You could very easily do this in Python too:


The only reason I haven't actually implemented a number type like this in Perl 6 (someone proposed it to me years ago) is I didn't really it had such a lovely and practical application.

Props to Haskell, though -- p6 makes it easy to do, but Haskell is definitely more elegant here. Though maybe if I keep playing with it...

grr. this has nothing to do with haskell.

Ture, but notice how easy and natural it is in Haskell. You can do the same thing in Python, as noted in the comment by jordigh -- but it takes ~40 lines, as opposed to ~8 lines in Haskell. I'm willing to bet that it's even more verbose in C++, and I don't even want to think about doing it in Java.

I aimed for clarity and some extra features in mine (e.g. __repr__ and __str__) instead of code golfing it. I also used the actual Binet formula instead of just approximation.

The only big Haskell feature here is a default implementation of binary exponentiation, but this is a library feature, not an innate feature of the language. It would be easy enough to augment existing standard Python libraries with such a corresponding feature.

It wasn't meant to be a criticism of your implementation - just a comparison of the two languages for this particular task. Haskell happens to be very concise for writing mathematical code. I love Python too, but for different reasons (easy to prototype, great libraries, flexible).

I've noticed that people with a mathematical background tend to be very attracted to Haskell. There's a great blog post by Dan Piponi enumerating eleven reasons to use Haskell as a mathematician:


I have a mathematical background, and I am not that attracted to Haskell. And I've tried. It seems that Haskell attracts logicians, which are their own particular subspecies of mathematicians, but I think far more mainstream mathematicians are attracted to Python. Sage is a prominent example of how easy it is for mathematicians to get into Python.

> It seems that Haskell attracts logicians, which are their own particular subspecies of mathematicians

Or perhaps people who care about foundations in general.

The "deriving (Show)" gives you __repr__ and __str__ for free in Haskell.

It gives you a default that isn't very pretty. Python also has a default that isn't very pretty.

    (1 % 2) :+ (1 % 2)
Gives much more useful information than:

    <__main__.Qsqrt5 instance at 0xffee4d6c>
In fact, it encodes the same information given by your __str__ with the added benefit that it can be read back into a Q5 value:

    1/2 + 1/2 sqrt(5)
Of course, yours would be nicer to display to someone unfamiliar with Haskell's type constructors. No arguing that. But it's also clear that Haskell's derived show trumps Python's default __str__/__repr__.

Now this is beautiful! Instead of dealing with all algebraic numbers, it extends the rationals with just the bare minimum needed to get the job done. :-)

Earlier this year I implemented the arithmetic of ℚ[φ] in Ruby, to illustrate how something like this would work for my students: http://bit.ly/1gSQdpC

Obviously the Haskell implementation more directly expresses the idea! I found it easier to implement ℚ[φ] than ℚ[√5], even though the two are isomorphic as fields.

> I found it easier to implement ℚ[φ] than ℚ[√5], even though the two are isomorphic as fields.

In fact they are equal (as opposed to, say, ℝ[x]/(x^2 + 1) and ℂ, which are 'merely' isomorphic).

I can't upvote this comment enough. A lucid application of group theory to derive an operationally-efficient algorithm.

Field theory, not group theory, at least not directly. The two are linked by the fundamental theorem of Galois theory.

It's O(log n) because Haskell is smart enough to implement exponentiation by repeated squaring and summing as appropriate? (There must be a better name for that.)

I believe that's called Russian Peasant Exponentiation.

This solution -- O(log n) through repeated squaring -- is a good illustration of usefulness of many areas that "neighbor" computer science, such as linear algebra, combinatorics and graph theory.

By the way, if you want to pick up a book on cool applications of linear algebra, I recommend this one (PDF available for free):

Jiří Matoušek - Thirty-three miniatures (Mathematical and algorithmic applications of linear algebra) http://kam.mff.cuni.cz/~matousek/la-ams.html

I don't think this illustrates the practical usefulness of mathematics. This is not a practical problem, it's a mathematical problem. It's no surprise that maths is useful for solving it. A better case for math can be made with machine learning, image and audio processing, etc.

Calculating recurrences is a very common problem in CS. We have an entire toolset -- dynamic programming -- built around it.

Yes, if you take the simplest recurrence and say "calculate it" it may sound artificial. But all the tools that can be used for this example -- direct formula, repeated squaring, dynamic programming -- can be used for more complicated recurrences also.

> In all fairness, if there were a type of algebraic numbers, the calculations would be exact. (But probably not O(1) anymore.)

I once tried to implement a library for exact Euclidean geometry, and I couldn't find any way to implement even the constructible numbers with reasonable efficiency.

For the less mathematically trained: constructible numbers are the smallest set containing the integers which is closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and square roots. If you start with a line segment from (0, 0) to (0, 1), and use only compass and straightedge constructions, the points you can construct (i.e., that are the intersection either of two lines, two circles, or a circle and a line) are exactly those whose coordinates are constructible. This is how one proves that trisecting angles with compass and straightedge is impossible, BTW.

Everybody seems to forget that addition in exact (arbitrary-precision) arithmetic is not O(1), so the "O(n)" solution is no longer O(n).

Fair point! It's interesting to figure out what the complexity must be.

There are certainly n additions to perform, and the numbers being added on the k'th step are of size O(phi^k) which will take O(log(phi^k)) = O(k log(phi)) to add. Therefore the total running time is

   1 + 2 + ... + n = O(n^2)
so the theory predicts quadratic, not linear time. I wonder if this is borne out by numerical experiments.

I take a small stab at this here: http://lee-phillips.org/lispmath/

There is a calculational school of programming in which algorithms are derived from specifications in a presentation of first-order logic adapted to program derivation. It does not seem to be popular on HN. "Programming: the derivation of algorithms" by Anne Kaldewaij is a good source for this. A derivation of an efficient algorithm to compute Fibonacci numbers is given, as well as for me the most memorable implementation of binary search.

Miller should have used Kaldewaij's O(log(N)) algorithm to compute the n-th Fibonacci number, given below.

  def fib(n):
    """Lifted from Kaldewaij."""
    a,b,x,y = 0,1,0,1
    while n != 0:
      if n % 2 == 0:
        a,b = a * a + b * b, 2 * a * b + b * b
        n = n // 2
        x,y = a * x + b * y, b * x + a * y + b * y
        n -= 1
    return x
As Kaldewaij remarks, the algorithm is harder to understand without its derivation.

Of course there is TAOCP by Knuth, who added a supplement on probability to the mathematical preliminaries.

Miller's suggestion that programmers should know calculus, statistics and linear algebra is sound, though perhaps pedestrian. There is no end to the mathematics one might apply. The article omits logic and dependent type theory. The Curry-Haskell-Lambek isomorphism theorem on the equivalence between the category of cartesian closed categories and functors and the category of simply-typed lambda calculi and translations is basic in the study of functional programming languages. Ramsey's theorem has been applied to program termination. I myself am interested in applications of game theory--though I am not giving away my secrets.

That algorithm can be de-obfuscated (see my top level post for the intuition). The above is equivalent to calculating a power of a 2x2 matrix, and since matrix multiplication is associative, we can use the squaring trick.

In python (I left out the code for matrix multiplication for brevity) this becomes

  def nth_power_assoc(comp, f, n):
    """Reduce n copies of f with associative operation comp (short for composition, not compare)."""
    if n < 1:
      raise ValueError
    if n == 1:
      return f
    if n % 2 == 1:
      return comp(nth_power_assoc(comp, f, n - 1), f)
      g = nth_power_assoc(comp, f, n / 2)
      return comp(g, g)

  def fib(n):
    M = ((1, 1), (1, 0))
    M_n = nth_power_assoc(mmul, M, n)
    return M_n[0][0]

Yes, of course, that's how the algorithm is derived. I have to say I prefer the "un-de-obfuscated" version, though it wasn't intentionally obfuscated--the code is the way it is in Kaldewaij's derivation from a matrix multiplication.

I would say a bigger problem with not knowing the foundations of any field well, is you can fall victim to the errors of the people who do understand it and interpret it for you.

In the case of recursion, I think the author does not go far enough. The problem with recursion is that the fact that a given recursion is O(n) is usually quite opaque, while for a loop it is obvious. This is a much more significant concern than the fact that the change of state from one iteration to the next is implicit, rather than explicit. However, you can avoid both recursion and mutable state by using map and reduce, e.g.

  def fibonacci(n):
    initial_state = (0, 1)
    state_change = lambda s: (s[1], s[0] + s[1])
    final_state = reduce(lambda s, _: state_change(s), xrange(n), initial_state)
    return final_state[0]
The problem arises because even though recursion is relied on heavily in the foundations of mathematics, mathematicians also like to use the weakest axiom system they can in a given situation. Therefore they use set theory when they really have to, and first order arithmetic (which includes recursion) most of the time. But computer programming does not usually even need recursion, and so we shouldn't use it except when we have to.

EDIT: seeing the O(log(n)) solutions, I started to wonder if there is a way to see this without knowing about numbers of the form a + b * sqrt(5). There is, and you can also see it clearly from my solution.

By observing that the way I use reduce is just applying a function n times, you only need to see that the function is a linear transformation on R^2, to see that the problem is just calculating a matrix power. It is trivial to construct the matrix power in log(n) using the usual tricks.

Mathematics will take up precisely as much space as it 'needs to' in computer science. The fact that you're arguing for some kind of effort in getting it more space says to me you're as misguided as the people who say it has no place. Just let it happen: If it's needed, it's needed. It's not a matter of principle. It's a matter of practicality.

>Just let it happen: If it's needed, it's needed. It's not a matter of principle. It's a matter of practicality.

There's underlying premise behind what you suggest, which is that things turn out optimally by themselves with no need for any human effort and supervision in getting them a certain way.

I don't thing this idea is true to history.

You may intend differently but this sounds incredibly passive. And is deleterious to change.

Revolutions like the main stream popularization of the computer or the rapid boom of the iphone seem to 'just happen'. But this obscures the toil of the drivers of said changes. By encouraging us to let 'it just happen' you are encouraging the hacker community to be passive in determining its own outcome.

However, it does seems misleading to serve teaching the recursive solution to fibonacci to students learning recursion as an example of bad practice or of demonstrative of Math's secondary role in computing. Fibonacci's are a very intuitive, and instructive, application of recursion (its efficiency is irrelevant here).

What specific areas of modern computing underutilize mathematics in favor of abstraction despite any tenable reason?

If people don't know what math can do they don't know when they need it.

Case in point: will a blue or green button increase conversions? Lots of people still don't apply the simple math that will resolve this issue, and instead resort to meetings, consensus building, user stories and dick swinging.

The way it takes up space is by enterprising people bringing it in and finding success with what it adds, then other people scrambling to catch up.

You're arguing to be left behind in the scramble, or worse, left behind period.

Except that the "better" solution posted isn't better in many programming languages.

For example: Python. It has infinite-precision integers. As such, although his "better" formula starts to diverge from the actual answer at n=71 (308061521170130 versus 308061521170129) while only getting worse from there, the "naive" solution keeps working - albeit with O(n) behavior.

  def fib(n):
     return round((pow(0.5 + 0.5 * pow(5.0, 1/2), n) -
                    pow(0.5 - 0.5 * pow(5.0, 1/2), n)) /
                   pow(5.0, 1/2))
  def fib(n):
      a, b = 0, 1
      for i in range(n):
          a, b = b, a + b
      return a
You can do it with the decimal library as well, but you have to adjust precision on-the-fly to get the required precision.

This is a better solution if you're willing to allow the additional complexity: http://willwhim.wpengine.com/2013/04/02/a-fibonacci-a-day-fi...

He lost me when he claims that "Lisp culture is hostile to mathematics". I mean, has he heard of Maxima? Axiom?

Lisp culture strikes me as "every programmer is free to come up with his own abstractions, and which need not play nicely with each other, especially when they leak". To a large extent the macro systems of modern Lisps are at fault here. Macros are primarily syntactical abstractions, so they empower the programmer to quickly implement what he can envision, no matter how much boilerplate it would take in another language. But one thing macros cannot possibly do is ensure that the programmer's vision is correct and takes into account even those pesky subtle corner cases. In the hands of a not particularly careful programmer, Lisp macros are just an efficient tool for screwing up big time.

On the other hand, Haskell culture is more like "let's try to find the most general possible unifying principles that work for everyone, and let's use universal algebra / category theory / etc. to ensure our abstractions do not leak". And the type system is great help in this department. Algebraic data types make it harder to forget to account for all cases. Type system extensions allow the programmer to express more program properties statically, leveraging the compiler as a correctness verification tool. And all the categorical constructs expressed primarily as type classes (besides the already known Functor, Monad, Category, Arrow, etc., check Hackage for everything Edward Kmett has uploaded) are general patterns that arise everywhere, both in mathematics and in programming. Which is no surprise, because programming is mathematics.

So, back to the main point of my comment, while I would agree that "Lisp culture is hostile to mathematics" is unnecessarily too strong a statement, I would also say that most Lispers do not leverage mathematics to the extent one would expect from functional programmers.

I'm not deep in Lisp's culture, but his claim might still very much hold.

The fact that you can name two math-related Lisp projects doesn't mean that those play a big role in "Lisp culture" in general.

How important are Maxima and Axiom for the average Lisper?

Are they pillars of the Lisp culture or outliers? There very well might be a thriving 1% math-loving Lisp community and a 99% who are hostile to math.

Those are the right questions to ask, not if counter-examples merely exist.

> The fact that you can name two math-related Lisp projects doesn't mean that those play a big role in "Lisp culture" in general.

Macsyma for example was one of the first big and very useful Lisp applications which brought down Mainframes and Minicomputers of that time.

Macsyma led to: optimizing compilers with good maths performance in Lisp, the addition of many numeric data types to Lisp (bignums, floats, complex, ratios, ...), Lisp-based workstations, ports of Lisp to many architectures just to run Macsyma, ... Common Lisp then was standardized with an extensive numeric tower - which was reused for other languages like Scheme or Haskell. Even today a free version of Macsyma, called Maxima is used and maintained.

> Are they pillars of the Lisp culture or outliers? There very well might be a thriving 1% math-loving Lisp community and a 99% who are hostile to math.

Many Lisp users apply mathematics. Traditionally either directly with Mathematics applications (even RPL on the HP calculator stands for Reverse Polish Lisp) or in application domains like AI (signal processing, image processing, machine learning, etc etc.).

Lisp's numeric tower is, if anything, a great example of how not to do mathematics. It is just too coarse-grained to be useful: it lumps into a single giant structure every possibly imaginable number. On that basis, you cannot easily constrain yourself to working on a more specific algebraic structure of interest. If you need a total order, you are screwed up: the numeric tower includes complex numbers. If you need to work on a quotient ring, you are screwed up: the numeric tower includes floats.

Haskell's relatively fine-grained distinctions between numeric types is nothing like Lisp's numeric tower.

> Haskell's relatively fine-grained distinctions between numeric types is nothing like Lisp's numeric tower.

Ugh; we're not calling out Haskell's numeric hierarchy as a good example, are we?

(Well, maybe it's a good example of how to handle numbers—although I find the lack of a positive-integer type a pain—but it's certainly not a good example of how to handle general algebraic structures, which is what it seems to pretend to be. What in the world is `sign` doing in there, for example?)

> Well, maybe it's a good example of how to handle numbers—although I find the lack of a positive-integer type a pain—

In another subthread I mentioned the absence of a Semiring type class, which should be a superclass of Ring (Haskell's Num) and provide addition, multiplication and fromNatural. So, yeah, I am not entirely happy with Haskell's standard library either, but the situation in other (general-purpose) programming languages is even worse.

> but it's certainly not a good example of how to handle general algebraic structures, which is what it seems to pretend to be.

How so? The standard library may be flawed, but the core language is perfectly capable of handling general algebraic structures. The only legitimate point of pain I can see is that a type or tuple of types can only be an instance of a type class in at most one way, for which the solution (admittedly, rather ugly) is to use newtype. A non-ugly solution would be to use something like Standard ML's module system, but in no way it would improve the situation to move closer to Common Lisp.

> How so? The standard library may be flawed, but the core language is perfectly capable of handling general algebraic structures.

I mean algebraic structures in the mathematical sense you mentioned (rings, groups, &c.), not in the computer-science sense of algebraic data types.

> I mean algebraic structures in the mathematical sense you mentioned (rings, groups, &c.)

I know you meant those. And I meant those as well.

> it lumps into a single giant structure every possibly imaginable number.

What? There are several different numeric types. It's there to implement more advanced mathematics capabilities.

Like in Axiom, which runs on top of Common Lisp.

> Haskell's relatively fine-grained distinctions between numeric types is nothing like Lisp's numeric tower.

Haskell's numeric capabilities were in part copied from Common Lisp.

> What? There are several different numeric types. It's there to implement more advanced mathematics capabilities.

There is no such thing as multiple types in Common Lisp.

> Haskell's numeric capabilities were in part copied from Common Lisp.

Haskell's standard type classes include the notions of ring (Num), field (Fractional* ) and integer (Integral). (Notably absent is the notion of semiring, which would be useful for a type of natural numbers, though.) The importance of making these distinctions is that you can statically ensure that you are using certain algebraic structures but not others.

* Somehow floating points were invited to the party, but, hey! I guess no standard library can be perfect.

For most practical applications this is not necessary at all. Common Lisp has countless mathematical applications which make use of its various numeric data types.

We are using different notions of type. For me, a type is a static guarantee about the meaning of a syntactic term in the program, rather than a mere labelling of values during the runtine process. In the sense of type that I use, Common Lisp does not have but just one type, and it is not even a type of numbers - it is a type of everything.

All in all, I did not intend to overly diss Common Lisp. It is a very flexible, expressive and powerful language. I am just saying that, at least from my point of view, Common Lisp does not look particularly inspired by mathematics.

Maxima and Axiom have been around since the 60s, and have had a crucial influence on the development of Lisp. More generally, higher mathematics has had an inseparable effect on the development of Lisp, especially Common Lisp. To me it seems absurd to say that Lisp culture is hostile to math.

Isn't that like saying:

"Modern racecars are designed with high performance CAD / simulation software - race mechanic culture is therefore inseparable from this software culture" - that would be the absurdity

Yes. From the answers above, what I've gathered is that those mathematic packages were important for the design of Lisp 3-4 decades ago. Doesn't help clarify whether current Lisp practice (as of 1 decade say), still favors mathematics as much.

A similar example would be AI, which used to tightly connected with Lisp, but it's something that modern Lisp practicioners (post-AI Winter) don't care much for.

Mathematics is the foundation of Computer Science. The field was created by mathematicians.

This is why all the schools of Computer Science I have ever encountered teach maths to their students.

The truth is, you can be a programmer without understanding the theory of computation, or logic, linear algebra etc.

But you will be a wiser, more competent, flexible programmer if you know the maths. And there are some things you can only do if you know the maths.

This was a necessary post

I am appalled by the relative "distance" several programmers have in relation to math

You can sometimes feel the pain when the person that made something doesn't know math (especially when it involves math, of course).

But the most people know is "how to calculate fibonacci with a recursive function". yawn

Math may be part of the "intelligence" of the business. Getting a CRUD interface unfortunately is usually part of the problem, but several companies have an automated intelligence that is based on a math background (even if you can use an existing library)

"I am appalled by the relative "distance" several programmers have in relation to math"

If you're familiar with the adage that people unfamiliar with unix are doomed to reinvent it, poorly, there is an analogy with people unfamiliar with math are doomed to reinvent it, poorly. Even if they insist they "dont use math".

An interesting foil the article did use would be to bounce ProjectEuler off Raymond, Graham, Yegge. I'm a huge fan of project euler.

Wait... this guy is trying to defend the usefulness of math with fibonacci numbers ? I wish him luck with that.

There are elements of math all over computer programming. I like the blog of Jake Vanderplas - an astrophysicist at U Washington - who liberally mixes Python and mathematics as applied to his field. jakevdp.github.io/blog/

I just got interested in image processing - one of the branches our bloggers says is specialized. The image processing textbooks use fourier analysis and convolutions to get information out of images. This is probably how instagram works.

Functional programming is another area that using mathematics - in this case category - to build an alternative to object oriented programming. To the train eye tutorials like http://twitter.github.io/scala_school/ and books like http://homotopytypetheory.org/book/ have something in common.

Mathematics looks irrelevant to coding because mathematicians are not using programming. Math requires thinking very hard about the algorithms they are using. This is time one could spend coding or drinking with friends.

The author is fairly obviously suffering from selection bias when claiming that "Lisp programmers tend to be ignorant of applied mathematics."

In the past I've been part of the overlapping communities to some degree, and that wasn't my experience at all.

I found this article so stimulating when it first came out that it led to me writing an alternative analysis: http://lee-phillips.org/lispmath/

Now with its own submission: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6954218

It would be interesting to see a proper discussion of that, too.

I agree with him that mathematical literacy should be more emphasized for a "hacker" -- someone who solves a problem. Obviously, mathematical knowledge comes in handy for any hacker tackling on physical phenomena. That does not mean, however, mathematics is the most important tool at hacker's disposal. I think the author just wanted to say that understanding mathematics helps solving a problem, but he went overboard to make it sound like someone who does not understand mathematics is a second-rate hacker. I don't believe that hackers are sized by mathematical aptitude.

There is still tons of drudgery in software engineering (eg web scraping). Which makes me believe there are lots more machine learning revolutions to come. The are all, of course, math led.

Well, web scraping can be fun, too! But depends on what you know about the page. If you don't know anything, it's tough. But if you have an idea about how it's structured... (see below)


I did a probabilistic approach before:- http://edinburghhacklab.com/2013/09/probabalistic-scraping-o... Companies like skyscanner employ loads of people to keep all the scrapers fresh.

Not only for drudgery. If you read good research in CS(even for varied fields like anonimity,protocol design,type analysis which usually have nothing to do with machine learning), machine learning have become really core to many of them.

To some extent it even seems like the job of the humans is to do the wiring , while the machine learning does the thinking , even in leading edge research.

For this discussion, I think it might be useful to separate two ideas.

First, there is the math you need in order to be able to program. This varies by programming language. (For Haskell, you'd better know some abstract algebra. For C, all you need is simple arithmetic.)

Second, there is the math you need in order to be able to write a particular program. This varies by the program you are trying to write. Since math connects with itself in many ways, you can often solve a problem using unexpected mathematical techniques, so for these purposes, it's best to know a lot of them.

Now, it seems to me that Miller's point might be that the Lisp (or perhaps functional programming) community has to focus more on the math knowledge they need in order to be able to write programs in their language. This leaves them less room for learning the broader techniques that would make them more able to write particular programs.

(Note well: I am not necessarily agreeing with Miller. I am merely stating what I think he is trying to say. In particular, since math areas relate to each other, knowing abstract algebra well may in fact turn out to be a help on the broader math, rather than a hindrance. To some degree, it depends on whether the average member of the "Lisp community" learns the math needed for functional programming, and says "Cool, that was useful, I think I'll learn some more math", or whether they say, "That used up all the time I have to burn learning math - I guess statistics (or whatever) will have to wait for next week/year/decade".)

> For C, all you need is simple arithmetic.

I would say C and its standard library. For example, you have to convert an element of argv that contains only the numerical characters from a char[] to an int. This requires a knowledge of power series in order to perform this confidently. If you have access to stdlib.h, all you do is use strtol() or one of its little brothers.

> Lisp programmers tend to be ignorant of applied mathematics.

As a Lisp programmer and a mathematician myself I must disagree. I spent years working on mathematical applications using Lisp dialects, initially drawing inspiration from computer algebra systems like Axiom, Derive, Maxima, and Reduce and later drawing inspiration from ontologies and knowledge bases like SUMO and Cyc. All of these systems are heavily math based and they are based upon Lisp.

> Lisp programmers tend to be ignorant of applied mathematics.

Please don't get your knowledge from some more or less useful bloggers.

Raymond a Lisp user? What had he done in Lisp? Yegge? Mostly an Emacs user with Emacs Lisp usage. Unfortunately his Lisp knowledge mostly ends with Emacs Lisp. Yegge would not recognize a Lisp, even if you hit him with Lisp Machine Manual over the head. Only Graham was and is a real Lisp user and hacker. OTOH there are too many Lisp and mathematics users.

Actually if there is a language with Mathematics background, then it is Lisp.

People like McCarthy, Minsky, Sussman are/were mathematicians.

The MIT Lisp hacker culture had lots of mathematicians from Joel Moses to Bill Gosper.

Lisp spawned symbolic mathematics which has been used in all kinds of areas with thousands of applications.

Macsyma, Axiom, Reduce, Derive and several other Lisp written maths applications have been used in many applications. The whole AI domain is based on all kinds of diverse mathematics written in Lisp: logic, statistics, probability theory, neural networks, signal processing, ...

Even students who are reading SICP are usually complaining that most of the examples are math related.

Let's see some actual Lisp applications:

* http://www.lispworks.com/success-stories/netfonds-primetrade... Real Time Stock trading. Applied maths.

* http://www.lispworks.com/success-stories/inspiredata.html Data visualization. Applied maths.

* http://www.lispworks.com/success-stories/brs-mle.html Machine Learning. Applied Maths

* http://www.lispworks.com/success-stories/memetrics-xos.html Marketing Analysis: Applied Maths.

* http://www.lispworks.com/success-stories/raytheon-siglab.htm... Signal processing: Applied Maths.

* http://www.franz.com/success/customer_apps/mechanical_cad/mt...

  Iseogeometric Analysis of aircraft engines. Applied Maths.
* http://www.franz.com/success/customer_apps/data_mining/pepit...

  Predictive analysis: applied maths.
and many many others.

It's just that these Lisp users tend to publish their works not as blog posts, but in domain-specific journals and/or as applications.

Looks like he was wrong on the Lisp front then. But actually all your examples kind of strengthen one of the points of the article (for me). That is that of we want to get things done, make a difference, then we should be focusing on applied maths and not the lambda calculus and category theory. Only a very few people are needed to focus on those things. For the rest of us a focus on those things means taking our eye off the ball to the detriment of what we work on (as an industry).

I like your point about the blog posts. If you want to find out how to really make things they're often not where it's at.

I couldn't disagree more strongly. I think systems built on the lambda calculus are building nothing less than a new form of constructive mathematics, taking it squarely out of philosophy and into the realm of practicality. Theorem provers will only get stronger, and they will change a lot about how mathematics is done.

I do finite element methods myself, and Rust has helped a lot in writing allocation-free code (meaning allocation-up-front really), and it has benefited a lot from functional/induction-centric languages.

Having better programming tools is a useful goal. Writing applications is another one. Not all applications need advanced maths, though. In many Lisp applications many different kinds of maths have been necessary and used. All kinds of symbolic and numeric mathematics have been used. But Lisp has been also a topic of study and research - as it is also an application of symbolic mathematics. See for example Chaitin, The Limits of Mathematics. https://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~chaitin/lm.html or the research on Scheme: http://library.readscheme.org .

> But I think that most programmers who are serious about what they do should know calculus (the real kind), linear algebra, and statistics.

What does he mean by calculus of the real kind? I parsed that as referring to calculus of real variables, as opposed to complex analysis. One of the reasons that complex algebra is taught in colleges and universities is that real and complex algebra are related. Gerolamo Cardano ran into it around 450 odd years ago, so it isn't exactly an obscure area of maths.

I believe that he meant real and/or complex calculus, as opposed to lambda calculus.

> But rarely in these discussions will you find relevant mathematical considerations. If the goal is to compute a Fibonacci number or a factorial, the proper solution is not a recursive function, but rather knowledge of mathematics.

THE introduction to the Lisp culture, SICP, discusses exactly this on page 35 (first edition).

See also:


One cannot frame the position of someone on a topic from a quotation or two, and then have the ironic audacity of calling that person myopic.

No, the OP mostly fails to 'get it'.

First, beating up on Lisp is next to irrelevant to the role, potential or current, of math in business or computing.

Second, the OP fails to make a solid case for the power of math to make a powerful, valuable contribution to the solution of real problems for which we do believe we need software. In particular, in spite of the claim of the OP, I doubt that linear programming did much if anything to defeat Germany in WWII; why? Because both the Kantorovich Nobel prize for his work on the 'transhipment' problem and Dantzig's work on his simplex algorithm came after WWII was over.

Third, the OPs recommendation for math for applications is too meager; what he listed is all good, but we need more to be as successful as we should wish.

Here's a simple description of the potential of math for 'information technology' (IT) business, i.e., the money making kind: We have a lot of input data and want to process it, that is, manipulate it, with software to generate output data that is valuable in business, the money making kind.

So, a question is how to process the data? We want powerful means that will convert the input data to valuable output data; did I mention valuable in the sense of business, the money making kind?

Well, the traditional means in business IT has been to take some work that is well understood just as manual work, that is, in principle could be done manually. Then take those means and write software to do the corresponding data manipulations. There nearly always the means were just intuitive, obvious.

So, what IT did with the input data was nearly always just intuitive, i.e., what was well understood from manual efforts. Some of the big examples were bookkeeping, accounting, payroll, order entry, inventory control, materials requirements planning (MRP), customer relationship management (CRM), airline and hotel reservations. Here, again, we have means well understood manually, and IT wrote software to do essentially the same thing.

So, we are taking input data and manipulating it to get valuable output data. So, for more valuable output data, we want more powerful means of manipulating the data.

So, where do we find the more powerful means? E.g., we are flying airplanes and want to get the work done, that is, meet the published schedule, but at minimum cost. Turns out, can do much better, save maybe 15% of direct operating costs, where just the fuel savings alone are finger lick'n good, with integer linear programming set partitioning, i.e., quite a lot of applied math, including one of the early and main leads to the question of P versus NP.

Another example? Okay, how to climb, cruise, and descend an airplane for minimum cost within a given time window. There are various approaches, but a start is deterministic optimal control theory, which is some quite good and advanced applied math.

E.g., once the FedEx Board wanted some revenue projections. A mess up had the representatives of crucial Board Member General Dynamics (GD) pack their bags and get plane reservations back to TX, which would have killed FedEx. Here's what pleased the GD guys and saved FedEx: We know the present revenue, and we know the revenue at our planned target market. So, the question is how to interpolate between these two. So, let t denote time, say, in days, y(t) the revenue at time t, and b the revenue per day when are serving all the planned market. Then make a 'virality' assumption, that is, that the rate of growth in revenue is directly proportional to (a) the number of current customers talking and (b) the number of potential customers listening (or the corresponding revenue). With y'(t) the calculus first derivative of y(t), that is, y'(t) is the rate of growth in revenue, in dollars per day, we have that there exists some constant k so that

     y'(t) = k y(t) ( b - y(t) )
There is a closed form solution via freshman calculus, and the result is a lazy S curve that rises asymptotically to the full market revenue b. So, with this bit of math, there is only one guesstimate, k. So, draw some curves for various values of k and from other considerations pick a reasonable value of k. Or estimate k from the data on the growth so far. Done. The GD guys stayed, and FedEx was saved. True story.

There are many more examples, and many more to be found and executed.

Net, the role of the math is to find more powerful means of processing the input data and, thus, yield more valuable output data, valuable in the sense of business, the money making kind.

For the relevant math, there is nearly no limit. Fortran, Lisp, C, recursion, etc. have essentially nothing to do with the value or role of the math. The math is before the software development, leads to telling the programmers what to program, that is, what data manipulations to do. The data manipulations can be programmed in nearly any programming language although some languages are much easier for the programmer than others.

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