I don’t think this is as profound as you made out to be. Most complex systems are incomprehensible to the majority of population anyway, so from a practical standpoint AI is no different. There’s also no single theory for how the financial markets work and yet market participants trade and make money nonetheless. And yes, we created the markets.
It's fine if it isn't perfect if whomever is spitting out answers assumes liability when the robot is wrong. But, what people want is the robot to answer questions and there to be no liability when it is well known that the robot can be wildly inaccurate sometimes.
And many, many companies are proposing and implementing uses for LLM's to intentionally obscure that accountability.
If a person makes up something, innocently or maliciously, and someone believes it and ends up getting harmed, that person can have some liability for the harm.
If a LLM hallucinates something, that somone believes and they end up getting harmed, there's no accountability. And it seems that AI companies are pushing for laws & regulations that further protect them from this liability.
These models can be useful tools, but the targets these AI companies are shooting for are going to be activly harmful in an economy that insists you do something productive for the continued right to exist.
Similar here (25+ years Linux experience, including making my own distro). Personally, I use the Arch wiki for pointers to the current way to do system-level things, which has changed over time, with kernel and userland (e.g., all the things systemd changed, and for various kinds of devices), and sometimes for applications (e.g., what programs are currently available to do some small thing).
> EM dashes break things, such as sentences or thoughts
Some style guides recommend "space, en dash, space" for this, and I prefer that myself – mainly because some software doesn't treat em dashes correctly as word separators for double click selection purposes.
For example, I'm pretty sure that at least some Kindle models would highlight both the word before and after the em dash when selecting one of them, which makes using the dictionary very annoying.
I would suggest you make sure you don't have any indoor mold. Mold in an apartment caused me problems some years ago. My understanding is that outdoor/natural mold is perfectly fine for most people (including me), but molds tend to incorporate whatever they consume into their spores, because molds prey on other molds so they try to arm themselves.
The problem is with manmade stuff like sheetrock, where the mold grows and then incorporates the binder chemicals into their spores, which are too small to see and yet get inhaled and then leech into our sinuses or whereever.
I've had problems in both work and home situations. I was tested and confirmed allergic; I don't think most people are, but it was rough for me. I'm always on the lookout for those water circles in drop ceilings; they're notorious mold colonies. Once a natural material stays wet for 12 hours, molds will begin to grow.
Just something you might be able to check off your list. Good luck.
Hey man just so you know, your consistent repeated badgering of people who don't want to funnel money to Apple in order to run their own software on their own hardware is coming across really weird and creepy.
> Why are you getting paged? Because you built the system.
There are at least two problems with this thinking. The main problem is it's not generally true. The system is created by the entire organization. The people who raise money and allocate capital, the people who set development policies and priorities, the people who design and assemble the components, the people who sell it to customers and negotiate service levels and the people who operate and maintain it all collectively built the system.
Another problem is that it encourages moral hazards. Not paying fair on-call compensation allows unethical managers and sales staff to reap short-term rewards and bonuses by oversubscribing customers, promising more than can be delivered and rushing things to market before they're ready.
Spotlight was bad back in the day, so I installed Alfred and started using that. Then Spotlight suddenly improved a lot, enough that it was usable for me, and I deleted Alfred. Then about five years ago something happened internally at Apple to the Spotlight team and it just got worse and worse and more difficult to use, making me regret deleting Alfred.
I wish Apple would just fix Spotlight. They don't seem to think it's worth fixing.
I know this format is common usage but don't see it commonly used to represent this fraction-- 50% or half -- where this construct seems needlessly long or formal.
The second part was just playful aside -- not serious. Ofcourse that didn't come through. I know there is a common sensical read that all readers will apply to it and it will not be misinterpreted. I thought this being HN people will find it amusing to treat it as a logical statement and parse.
If you write a text adventure, use Inform6 if you like OOP progamming or Inform7 if you want... something else, declaratively. Both can compile to a Z8 game which can run everywhere, from 16 bit computers and up.
> Also, when she says "none of my students has ever invented references that just don't exist"...all I can say is "press X to doubt"
I’ve never seen it from my students. Why do you think this? It’s trivial to pick a real book/article. No student is generating fake material whole cloth and fake references to match. Even if they could, why would they risk it?
If it was intolerable due to cultural differences or him perceiving it as rude, that's a different thing than misophonia.
Misophonia is when you have an uncontrollable fight or flight reaction to trigger sounds. You can think of it as a miswired nervous system that reacts to certain sounds with fear and/or anger. In this case it's not about preference ("I find the sound rude") but something deeper and more neurological.
It sounds like your friend probably didn't have misophonia if he was simply able to get used to it after a few months.
Generally agree on the sentiment, about the "small investment" relative public awareness and access to technology, science, and cultural benefits of Space investment.
For the most part though, compared to some of what's happened in some of the other parts of the federal government recently, kind of glad NASA has managed to avoid a lot of the really bad fallout. Current government departures are around 116,600 [1], so the 8% is bad at JPL, yet 530 employees and 40 contractors, still not that horrible compared to some of the federal agencies.
Not in support of the trend, or the method that the cuts have been implemented in the federal government, especially since the feds already smaller population wise than historically. However, generally better results for NASA than some areas.
The DoD had 5,400 layoffs, and they're considering 50,000. Health and Human Service got 14,000 total across the CDC, NIH, FDA, and generally HHS. Pretty ugly in some parts of the feds right now.
Glad NASA seemed to have mostly been looking ahead and trimming a bit rather than get the meat axe like some parts of the fed have been getting. They've literally been referring to it as a meat axe in some agencies. 23 this year is all that's been listed so far for NASA. They're also trimming consultancies first, which are probably mostly expensive handouts anyways ($15 million each, Booz Allen Hamilton, Deloitte, Guidehouse, and McKinsey & Co.)
On the original comment. Think part of the issue, is still kind of the same issue that has been the issue pretty much since the Space Shuttle went away, possibly earlier. This general trend of projects, where nobody really seems to know quite what it is they're even trying to accomplish, or what it might be used for. That tends to transmit in a lot of the literature, webpages, and direction at the agency. Vague, throw if over the fence behavior, see if anybody has a use for it.
The ISS has had the same issue for decades, which has always been frustrating. Looked through the ISS research a while back (trying to apply for grants using NSPIRES) and it was frustrating both how much of the research had never really been used for anything decades later, and how much NASA was effectively funding grants just to try to convince somebody to look at the data that was already collected.
JPL unfortunately also has suffered alot of the same behavior. The Mars Sample Return Mission was such a boondoggle in terms of money expenditure, and during the last Town Hall I listened to on the subject, it seemed like almost every other project nearby had the main question "Why is all our money being siphoned up by the Mars Sample Return?" Lot of vague goals, vague timelines, vague budget costs. There's a general summary of the issues over at SpaceFlightNow [2]
Having been near the SLS project, very much the same. Frustrating to even sit in rooms where the subject was discussed. "Why are we looking at this slide again? Everybody knows what's going to get chosen." It had that same sensation that nobody really knew quite what the objective of even going to the moon was, or why they were even bothering to build a rocket. The colony stuff and outpost parts all seemed vague decades ago, like nobody really believed they were probably going to get to the launch anyways. There wasn't anything like the vision or concepts of the von Braun or Kennedy eras. Eh, it's something to do.
This is exactly my experience, every time! If I offer it the slightest bit of context it will say 'Ah! I understand now! Yes, that is your problem, …' and proceed to spit out some non-existent function, sometimes the same one it has just suggested a few prompts ago which we already decided doesn't exist/work. And it just goes on and on giving me 'solutions' until I finally realise it doesn't have the answer (which it will never admit unless you specifically ask it to – forever looking to please) and give up.
You can also block specific subdomains, too. Useful when I want to be able to see finance.yahoo.com items in my search results, but nothing else from the yahoo.com domain.