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Intro to CoffeeScript (aseemk.com)
121 points by aseemk on Aug 5, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 89 comments

> What I find sad, though, is that most people who dislike CoffeeScript don’t truly know it. They haven’t taken the time to really learn it, or even try it. Their reactions are usually knee-jerk, or based on fallacies. [...] The explanation for most people’s dislike of CoffeeScript is probably our natural resistance to new things and our comfort in what we know.

Oh, wow. I've been using CoffeeScript for about a year for the usual front-end crap, not long ago I re-evaluated Coffee for the second time before starting a full-JS project and certainly won't use it. While I'm a fan of bracketless whitespace significant langs (Python, Sass, Haml) CS's is just bonkers and you never know when a single space will bite you by compiling to a completely different code you had in mind. The ecosystem is weak not to say non-existent comparing to JS, and every JS solution and example out there from minor jquery stuff through SPA frameworks to mobile UI builders is in, well, JS (duh!), so public code reusability becomes a ridiculous task of converting to CS, only to compile it to JS once again. I still use CoffeeScript for small front-end work, meanwhile for any bigger work I find CS an obstacle over JS, and an unnecessary step between my idea and working code; especially when the JS ecosystem has grown a lot of tools to help you deal with what pisses you off (underscore/lodash as an example come to mind).

And from the slide:

> And as of July 2013, it's also the tenth most popular language on GitHub! That's more than Objective-C, ActionScript, C#, Clojure, Go, Groovy, Scala

Yay github charts as evidence of industry value.

Knee-jerk, fallacies, resistance? Call it what you want and good luck. Meanwhile, I will use coffee to keep me awake, not to write apps with.

//edit: care to explain the downvote?

In my experience of using CoffeeScript, the author is absolutely correct. CoffeeScript is rejected for reasons "usually knee-jerk, or based on fallacies." I introduced it respectfully and fairly in a former team, and at first people are generally fainting and acting like the world will end.

(This is backend node.js work which emphasized tests and code review. I don't know what it's like outside that.)

Not all rejection is knee-jerk. "Usually" is the operative word here. I would have loved knowledgeable, reasoned critique. I personally assembled as many reasoned critiques as I could, to demonstrate my respect for reasoned, fair decisionmaking. I am continuously disappointed by the low standards of discourse, in programming culture.

(The first random misbegotten idea which pops into my lizard brain to confirm my prejudices, is not a sufficient "reason".)

Eventually, most realize CoffeeScript's sheer maintainability can far outweigh CoffeeScript's (real) flaws; some former detractors become downright zealots. Sure, some still dislike it; but they tend to be ignored because it's really not that bad. Nothing compared to the real problems that a team encounters.

I don't understand the "ecosystem" complaint. Every JS lib is interoperable with CS, so the only things needed in the CS "ecosystem" is syntax specific tooling. We'be got source maps and syntax highlighting for most editors, and most other JS tooling should work fine.

I love CS myself. To me, in terms of aesthetics, CS is to JS what Scala is to Java. I have been bitten by the whitespace issue that you mention though. I don't recall the circumstance but an indent that was off just a bit did not cause the compiler to complain, but did cause it to generate code that I did not intend. It took some debugging of the JS output to find that one, and it certainly gives one pause to think how similar bugs might slip into the code undetected. I've never encountered this kind of problem with Python, so I wonder if the CS compiler just needs to be a little fussier/smarter with its whitespace processing?

Compilers/interpreters complain about code that's invalid. Since the code is valid it shouldn't interfer, the problem is in the language's syntax design that's prone to shooting yourself in the foot. The design lets you mix indentations, something that Python won't let you do.

A very simple scenario where hell is a keystroke away:

    hello =
      woot: 1
      yay: 2
      funfunfun: (x) -> x + 1
    hello2 =
        woot: 1
        yay: 2
       nowthatsfun: (x) -> x + 1


    y1 = (x) -> 
        x + 1

    z1: (x) -> 
        x + 1
    y2 = (x) -> 
        x + 1

    z2 = (x) -> 
        x + 1

Those are fairly visible here, not so much on a huge codebase (not to mention with some callback hell attached). You can write perfectly legal code that just doesn't work as expected.


worth a read, with more trap examples http://ruoyusun.com/2013/03/17/my-take-on-coffeescript.html

While the examples are completely accurate, I've just never run into an issue like that in practice. The majority of my codebase is CoffeeScript and it's just never been a problem.

It's pretty visually obvious when your indentation is out of whack. Even if it isn't, this kind of error would be picked up pretty quickly by your test suite.

Your second example though exists in exact the same way in python and ruby. Some people prefer to hunt for missing comma's and brackets, others for spaces.

I think that's a matter of taste. Coming from python, I've quite enjoyed coffee-script's syntax and I've actually done something in between, using brackets for objects just because I like the readability of it, but avoiding all semicolons and taking advantage of the indentation for code blocks.

Yes, the second is a bit forced, couldn't remember what was the other case I banged my head against the desk. I'm a Python programmer too, maybe that's why I expected the language will prevent me from mismatching blocks of code. Well, even sass and haml (which aren't full-blown programming languages) aren't that easy to mess up. Using Python convention (4 spaces indent) instead of the unofficial but common ruby/js/sass ones (2 spaces) helps a bit to spot out obvious bad indents, but still - in general I don't find the language trustworthy enough to jump into something big with it (for all the reasons I listed before).

btw added a link above with some more syntax gotchas.

Indenting with tabs (that are displayed as wide as multiple spaces) would make the first scenario much more noticeable.

Comparing Coffeescript to Scala is an outrage! ;)

When I heared about Coffeescript I thought about Scala, too. Not because it reminded me about Scala, but who it took to make Scala and then out of the blue some guy comes along with some new lang, which should ease some problems.

CS is to JS what PHP is to Perl.

(I didn't downvote you.)

It's great that you tried CoffeeScript and prefer JS. Your opinion is well-formed.

With my statement, I was referring to the many developers I've encountered who haven't tried it, yet actively dislike it and argue against it. Hence the (subjective) "most" in my first sentence that you quote.


(I know, OPs can't downvote direct comments)

You're right that people should try out stuff before criticising, and in general I support the notion; yet I fully understand people who don't want to jump ship onto very new things because leaving a well-established environment for an immature/unstable one can (but doesn't have to) be a risk. At least Coffee is relatively easy to leave - just take your compiled code and get rid of the source.

I'd also like to add for the rest: what convinced me to try Coffee was @jsjabber podcast with the author http://javascriptjabber.com/017-jsj-coffeescript-with-jeremy... - I think it explains the concepts pretty well (I recommend the whole podcast btw, it's great) and I encourage to listen to it if somebody is curious and wants to try out.

I'm in the same boat. Used it for a big project and now it's just cruft on my Javascript files. I have to continuously mentally process Javascript code I want to use from other libraries into its CS equivalent, and for what? All I get are list comprehensions and white space.

I originally found it very appealing because I wasn't well acquainted with Javascript or its prototype class system, and so I didn't have that life-saving knee-jerk reaction about CS at all. I dove right in and used it extensively. After getting used to both JS and CS, I've realized that Coffeescript is at best a Javascript obfuscator.

I understand the use of some layers on web tech. SASS is great. It introduces constructs that you legitimately can't get in CSS, like functions and variables. Coffeescript on the other hand is just a toy for the Python devs that are too lazy to properly learn Javascript.

> The ecosystem is weak not to say non-existent comparing to JS

In what circumstance is it appropriate to consider the CoffeeScript ecosystem to be distinct from the JavaScript ecosystem?

> [...] and every JS solution and example out there

It seems impractical to regularly code in CoffeeScript without being fluent in JavaScript.

FWIW I agree with you about CoffeeScript being a little finicky about the syntax. There's the bit a seemingly unimportant (non -leading) space char generating dramatically different results, and also things like:

    if foo and bar is x
not grouping the way you'd (or at least I) expect.

> In what circumstance is it appropriate to consider the CoffeeScript ecosystem to be distinct from the JavaScript ecosystem?

Example code, debugging tools, message forums, developer teams.

> The explanation for most people’s dislike of CoffeeScript is probably our natural resistance to new things and our comfort in what we know.

This is a mildly insulting, as is the invocation of Blub.

CoffeeScript doesn't have a ton of exotic features. String interpolation, list comprehensions, and class definitions (!) are all familiar to programmers from other languages.

I'm guessing that a lot of people have weighed CoffeeScript's feature set against its overhead and decided the trade just isn't worth it.

> CoffeeScript doesn't have a ton of exotic features.

Not only that, but it's JavaScript. It's JavaScript with some different tokens and shortcuts for a number of things that are missing from (some) JS runtimes and features people are used to from other languages, but it's JavaScript semantics nonetheless.

The author apparently knows this on at least a superficial level, since he pays lip service to it in his slides, but I'm not sure someone who invokes Blub in a comparison between languages that have the same semantics understands the point of the essay from which it comes.

I've written my fair share of coffeescript and right now I'm working on a large node/angular project and I'm glad we stuck with Javascript. I definitely miss some of coffeescript's features and having cute, ruby/python-ish looking code, but at the end of the day, it's another dependency that can easily be circumvented.

So far, I thought CoffeeScript as something neat to use. After going through the slides, I now think it is not worth it for a mildly seasoned javascript programmer. I can see how it could help a newcomer to avoid javascript pitfalls, but those pitfalls could also be covered with a few commandments to follow.

I'm what I would consider a "well-seasoned" JavaScript developer and disagree. I think CoffeeScript is better for people who already know JavaScript decently well than newbies. CoffeeScript doesn't help you avoid learning JavaScript, it just makes it more pleasant.

What overhead? If you mean performance, there's actually basically no runtime performance overhead in most cases. In fact, if you use CoffeeScript's "for" loops have a performance advantage over JavaScript Array's map()/forEach() methods.

I used to have a similar opinion but was forced to use CoffeeScript on a project and haven't looked back.

> What overhead?

The overhead of tooling, extra dependencies, debugging complexities and new syntactic constructs.

If you're going to pay for all that, why not bite the bullet and use a language which actually improves the states of things and adds useful semantics?

The overhead of having an additional dependency. The more moving parts there are, the more things can break.

Then why don't you write assembly?

1. Since when can you write web applications in assembly?

2. Languages built upon assembly generally have better user experience, better tooling, better semantics and effectively no more dependencies than assembly. CoffeeScript has very slightly better user experience, worse tooling, identical semantics and more dependencies than javascript.

1. That's missing the point, but since you asked, Emscripten and Native Client.

2. I disagree that CS's user experience is only "very slightly" better, but that's very subjective.

Tooling is a somewhat valid complaint but it's a young platform and it's improving (source maps, etc).

Semantics aren't quite identical (scoping, implicit return values, "fat arrow" functions).

How does CS have more dependencies than any other compiled language? The only dependency is a compiler.

> 1. That's missing the point, but since you asked, Emscripten

Has LLVM grown an assembly frontend? Emscripten is more or less an LLVM backend.

> and Native Client.

These are no more web applications than writing firefox extensions at this point.

> Semantics aren't quite identical (scoping, implicit return values, fat arrow functions).

For the most part, this is minimal syntactic sugar, not significantly different semantics.

> How does CS have more dependencies than any other compiled language?

It does not, the point is that javascript has no dependency, and that if you're going to add a compiler dependency you might as well go for real changes.

> Has LLVM grown an assembly frontend? Emscripten is more or less an LLVM backend.

I don't know, probably, but LLVM's IF is essentially machine independent assembly anyway.

But again, missing the point.

Look, I think masklinn very clearly got your point. It just happens that your point was expressed in an unconstructive fashion, and then you keep (again, unconstructively) repeating "you don't get the point" without following up with a clearer explanation of what your point is (notwithstanding that I think we all understand your point).

Because high level languages provide me a significant freedom from concerns about implmentation, freeing up my mental cycles for the business problem at hand.

The height of the level of js and cs don't seem significantly different.

Other people have answered this for me, but I mean the overhead of another moving part in the tool chain. Sometimes this is worth it (i.e. your example of C v. assembly down thread), but I don't think it's the case here.

I don't mean to suggest CoffeeScript is without value. I just don't think it has hit the requisite "escape velocity" to make me want to integrate it to my tool chain.

This is a fantastic slide deck. The per slide comments below are great too. Particularly on an iPhone as you read them simultaneously.

We've been using CoffeeScript for a bit over a year now and never looked back. All of our front end code is written in CS and I can't imagine writing JS again. It's just objectively better. Less code to write, easier to read, minimal cruft, and a joy to use.

The only hiccup was getting the compilation integrated into the build process. We handle it with direct loading of the CS files while working locally with coffescript.js loaded as well. That way code changes are available as soon as you refresh the page. Our build script for the app (when packaging it up for staging/prod) pre compiles the CS files so there's no compilation lag in prod.

I've been experimenting with node.js for a side project and its pretty easy to setup a project entirely in CS. There's a pretty good template with CoffeeScript/Express/Mongoose to use as a template here: https://github.com/olafurnielsen/form5-node-express-mongoose...

Thanks for the compliment! The viewer doesn't quite look and feel right on the iPhone, but glad you didn't think so. =)

I don't know what your stack is, but FYI on Node we use Connect/Express middleware that automatically compiles CoffeeScript files to JS -- and in production, caches the results -- before serving them. No manual building/compiling/packaging needed at any point. You might find something similar for your stack if you haven't already looked:


There was some slight formatting issues but overall it worked well. It's nice to have the additional context/detail with the slides kind of like what you'd get if someone presented it live.

The node.js side project is a RESTful API so all the CS is server code (no front end CS or JS). It all builds automatically and no special config there. I started if off using a stripped down version of the template I linked to above (though removing mongoose and using node-postgres async instead).

The custom build process is for out main app JackDB[1]. It's written in Java and it's a combination of taglibs and a build script. We have a check in there for dev/prod to decide whether to serve precompiled JS files or the original CS files (if its local dev). We did it this way so it fits into our nginx caching setup which marks all static assets as permanently cached (max-age + public). The build process also prefixes the resources with the git revision so each new build forces the client to get the latest and greatest.

[1]: http://www.jackdb.com/

mkdir {js,cs}

coffee -cwo js cs &

echo "alert 'x'" > cs/x.coffee

echo "<script src='js/x.js'></script>" > x.html

open x.html

echo "alert 'x2'" > cs/x.coffee

refresh x.html

> What I find sad, though, is that most people who dislike CoffeeScript don’t truly know it. They haven’t taken the time to really learn it, or even try it. Their reactions are usually knee-jerk, or based on fallacies.

This sounds a bit like the bi-polar LISP programmer. Belief that he groks things much better than most programmers grok things? Check. Belief that most people are behaving irrationally? Check. Belief that it's foolish to make an obvious choice? Check.


JavaScript is now a moving target. It's what the examples for new "HTML5" features and libraries are written in. It's what an open source library should be written in if you want it to get traction, and to attract other developers. While it may be a good choice for quickly modifying code on a single project, it isn't as good of a choice for something to get great in as JavaScript is.

There's the saying that you need to know JavaScript in order to write CoffeeScript, but you really only need to be able to read JavaScript in order to write CoffeeScript. My guess is that a lot of developers who mostly write CoffeeScript would trip over simple things for a while if they tried switching to JavaScript. This might keep them from seizing opportunities for JavaScript developers such as contributing to an existing JavaScript project or an open source library that's implemented in JavaScript.

While I understand your sentiment... I have to disagree with a few assumptions. I feel that it's perfectly fine to write a project, or even a module in coffeescript. If you look at the NodeJS/NPM ecosystem, you will find a lot of modules will use, or be used by other modules that will be in either JS or Coffee respectively.

While CS supports some features with different syntax than JS, it really isn't THAT hard to pick up, and for the most part I don't care too much. I've mostly written JS, but have used CS for certain bits.. I find the syntax much more pleasant in unit testing, and for grunt tasks in particular (though will likely be using gulp in the future over grunt).

This presentation did show a lot of the niceties with dealing in Classes with CoffeeScript, a lot of which I wasn't aware of... I do tend to keep my objects a bit differently than many though.. I tend to treat my objects as either libraries or effective structures, rarely do I add "smart" methods to my entities.

Will it get me to switch everything, no.. however, multiline strings are nearly enough to get me to strongly consider .coffee for a lot of cases, often I will even mix into .js projects in node.

"If you look at the NodeJS/NPM ecosystem, you will find a lot of modules will use, or be used by other modules that will be in either JS or Coffee respectively"

The big thing for me with Node.js was you could have whole application in one language. Apparently it's not possible anymore because you have to deal with CoffeScript.

If it's a third party module, what do you care... plenty of 3rd party modules are written as wrappers to libraries in C. Probably in your language of choice even. This includes .Net and Java.

It's funny to see some of the comments on this thread (or the comments on any thread about CoffeeScript), demonstrating exactly what Aseem is writing in his post. Delicious irony, that.

To make a different point, and one which can easily get missed -- the other unsatisfactory argument I hear somewhat often is: "I love the idea of CoffeeScript, except for X feature, which is terrible, so I won't try it." Where X can stand for scoping, classes, optional parentheses, and the like...

One of the big goals with the CoffeeScript compiler -- despite all of it's flaws and imperfections -- was to annotate and make accessible the source code, and to keep it tiny (I think still somewhere ~< 2,000 LOC), so that if there's one particular thing you don't like, you're free to change it. So if you're intrigued, but dislike X, feel free to fix X before using it, and send your patch along as a pull request. Open source, right?


I mostly enjoyed the slides, and I'm interested in CoffeeScript, especially since I'm going to be working a little in Node in the near future. This post is a critique on the blog post, rather than on the slide content, which was more or less fine.

Too much focus placed on how those who dislike it haven't given it a proper shot. This could be true, but six paragraphs is overkill. You make a few points: A) they aren't being open-minded enough, B) they are the typical blub programmer, and C) they shouldn't feel bad because it's perfectly understandable to do something so mundane. Had I been someone who had spent a few hours toying with CS and left unconvinced, you'd have lost me pretty quickly.

You mention that you hated it too, at first, but not early enough. I'd submit that you're far more likely to lose readership than to open eyes with this method.

Also, as someone who isn't particularly set against CS, I didn't enjoy reading so much about how I shouldn't feel bad for hating CS at first sight. I didn't.

Sounds like the OP has to justify his large mental investment he made in CS by bashing others who have different opinions. "I'm not a blub like them. I'm not close-minded like them. I'm not doing mundane things like them."

It's a telling sign about a language when the language advocates have to employed negative psychological ploys to convince people (or convince themselves) to use the language.

On the contrary, it seems that OP was going out of his way to explain that it's acceptable to have initially hated CS.

If CS is actually terrible, why don't we talk about what actually makes it terrible? I can't comprehend the notion that evaluating the advocates of X will demonstrate anything concrete about X.

Thanks for the great feedback. I think you're totally right.

I didn't intend to come across as so preachy in my post. I was just writing freely without (too) much worry.

Live and learn. =)

I can't fault you for that, and I could probably learn a thing or two from writing more freely.

Why does everybody compare CoffeeScript against vanilla JavaScript? I find using underscore makes my code sufficiently elegant that I've never felt the need to switch to CoffeeScript.

    var newArray = _.map(_.filter(array, function(item) {
        return item % 2;
    }), function(item) {
        return item + 1;

    newArray = (item + 1 for item in array when item % 2)
Uh huh.

You could also do it with chain, which could make the first example a bit simpler to read and write. It is something like:

    var newArray = _.chain(array).filter(function(item) {
            return item % 2;
        }).map(function(item) {
            return item + 1;
I often use CoffeeScript + Underscore

You don't even need to call _.chain or value – underscore already does this automatically. You can also write it like so, if you like:

  var newArray = _(array).filter(function(item) {
        return item % 2;
    }).map(function(item) {
        return item + 1;
Personally, I find this quite readable. And honestly, my comment was more about comparing CoffeeScript to its compiled JavaScript output, as is done in the slides. The compiled output is incredibly verbose and gives the false impression that JavaScript is always complicated.


He's talking about underscore.js which coincidentally was created by the same guy, Jeremy Ashkenas, that created CoffeeScript (and Backbone.js).

Underscore actually is still useful with CS. You just don't need it as often as a lot of the list ops are built into the language.

bentlegen is probably talking about http://underscorejs.org/

Ah right, now I feel stupid.

> Indeed, I, too, dismissed CoffeeScript when I first saw it. But now that I’ve actually learned it and used it, I see how wrong I was: CoffeeScript truly is more powerful than JavaScript.

My experience was exactly the opposite. When I first saw CoffeeScript, I loved it, I started using it in my projects, it was really nice. But once I learned to use it, I stepped into all the annoyances caused by a bad use of significant whitespace, the many ways of doing the same thing, the tooling overhead, and the lack of readability.

In the end, I realised that there was a negative balance of good and bad things introduced by CoffeeScipt. It wasn't worth it. JS wasn't a bad language after all, and the improvements of CS were minimal if you know JS well.

I'm all for CS, use it daily, love it. It's absurd how much less code you have to write compared to the generated JavaScript. Huge win for this alone.

However, TypeScript is perhaps the better long run alternative to plain, boilerplate laden JavaScript. Bringing type safety into the mix is pretty compelling, going to check out TS at some point.

I stopped using CS because it's going to have some issues when ES6 becomes more of a real thing. For instance, how is CS going to handle for/of loops when ES6 has it's own for/of loops that is slightly different. The same goes for class and super.

There will have to be CS2 that introduces new semantics and old apps will have to be migrated.

>There will have to be CS2 that introduces new semantics and old apps will have to be migrated.

I'm sure there will be a new version of CS when ES6 becomes widespread, but why would old apps need migrating? CS produces regular JS, and thus will be 100% compatible with ES6.

Actually coffee's js is currently compatible down to IE6, which the author said is what he wants to support at this point. So unless MS were planning to backport ES6 compatible JavaScript to the dead IE6, CoffeeScript supporting ES6 will either change/break at some point or become a unreasonable backward-compatibility clusterfuck (probably the former). ES6 becomes official in late 2014 so there is probably enough time for a lot of changes to happen.

Are you saying the current JS loops will stop working at that point? Of course not. So why would it matter? CoffeeScript -> Javascript will continue to work like it always did.

current js loops for sure will not, but I guess maintaining full backward compatibility would be a hard task, so I assume at some point CS will evolve to support only the newer standards. ie6 compatibility it's something jeremy talks about in the podcast I linked in the other comment here.

This issue was actually raised a couple weeks ago here on HN and Jeremy responded thusly: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6079709

It would have been great if he had mentioned IcedCoffeeScript at some point too. Coffeescript by itself is 'ok' but IcedCoffeScript - at least on the serverside - is fantastic.

Indeed! I have much respect for Max and company. We use and love Streamline.js ourselves -- works great with CoffeeScript.


I'd love to talk on or write about Streamline at some point too.

Is CoffeeScript used much outside of Rails? If not, wouldn't it be a better idea to focus on mastering javascript so it applies globally?

We've built a product in coffee-script that is made for navigating websites and forms logging and scraping and pulling in data.

It's quite useful outside of rails in that sense I'd say. It could have just as easily been done in JavaScript but I'm not a fan of the syntax(fuck curly braces)

I'd maintain that just about anything out there can be used outside of the context you think of it in.

Asking if coffeescript is useful outside of rails is similar to asking is perl is useful outside of scripting, it's a poor and misguided conception that languages can only be used in a certain way or with a certain tool.

I'd say that's true much more often than not that if you know a language well you can build complex applications with it.

I don't know Rails personally. Both at FiftyThree and with Thingdom, we use CoffeeScript with Node, both on the server-side and client-side.

I would recommend against using any CoffeeScript before you're proficient with JavaScript. It can be a great boon to productivity, but if you don't understand what it's doing underneath you'll shoot yourself in the foot a lot.

I like CoffeeScript but I agree with this.

Also, yes, plenty of people outside of the Rails community use CoffeeScript (I'm one of them)

After you load up the CoffeeScript module in your app.js (server.js etc) you can actually write an entire node.js app in CoffeeScript.

(Or just run the .coffee with "coffee" instead of "node")

True, I was thinking about universal deployment to PaaSes, etc

CS support is built-in to the Play! framework (Scala). By that I mean that it detects your CS files and compiles them for you as needed, then puts the resultant JS where it belongs amidst your static resources.

We use CoffeeScript with both Ember and Angular. Rails is not used.

CoffeeScript is, essentially, an unofficial Javascript 2.0. It's not at all tied to Rails.

I'm working on a Symfony/CoffeeScript/AngularJS/Bootstrap3 project right now. Haven't tried Ruby or Rails yet.

The presentation is very well put together, but CoffeeScript is a hack built on top of JS in order to use Ruby semantics. You're correct in that it's not really used outside of Rails, and not knowing JS proper (not that I personally recommend using it for much more than jQuery and a couple other libraries, when you absolutely must) poses a problem for when someone runs into the 97% of code that is JS.

"Not really used outside of Rails" - Do you have any source to back that up, or is it simply what you've seen? I first used CoffeeScript in a Python shop, personally.

Pretty much everything in this comment is wrong (though I do recommend learning JavaScript before CoffeeScript)

CoffeeScript is no more of a "hack" than any compiler. Compilers take one language and turn it into another.

I think you mean Ruby syntax, not semantics. CoffeeScript's semantics are much closer to JavaScript than Ruby in almost every way.

It may have it's roots in the Ruby world, but I'd wager more non-Rubyists use CS at this point than Rubyists. I'm one of them.

I write CS for nodeJS apps every day. The only Ruby I write is for Chef and it usually makes me mad. I've never written a Rails app.

You could possibly argue the semantics thing about Ember.

I'm currently using CoffeeScript on an Angular project with a Java Spring backend.

Well, surely JS is a better bet than CS, if that is what you mean.

I would just say that there are big differences between a JS `for` loop (`for in` in CS) and an ES5 `forEach`. The fact that you are creating a new function scope and are not returning all elements as you might expect:

  arr = new Array 3
  arr.push 4

  ( alert el for el in arr )

  arr.forEach alert

My biggest issue is that the language can be ambiguous and I'm not sure how to check what I'm compiling to without running the short cut all the time in Sublime Text 2

the coffee console app has a watch parameter iirc.. as do many build tools...

I'm not worried about the actual build step. I'm talking about that sometimes it's hard to figure out how the CoffeeScript compiler is parsing and generating the JavaScript

for me its upto the developer to choose between JS or CS. I used CS for some time and i liked it. But still i preferred to switch back to JS only to not to waste my time in correcting CS syntax issues and play with JS.

Yes, let me learn this domain specific language for a domain specific language so that I can learn another domain specific language whenever this one stops trending.

If you know Javascript, learning Coffeescript is easy. I became proficient in Coffeescript in a few hours, and I sure don't feel like a genius, so other people can probably do the same. It's just a more convenient way of writing Javascript, with a nicer syntax and some really pleasant features.

The issue at hand isn't whether or not it is easy or hard to learn, it's that the rabbithole can go on forever as all language implementations will manifest inadequacies which you will have to 1) be familiar with 2) know how to work around.

It's an inherent phenomenon that DSLs will change and come and go at an incredibly fast rate. I just don't find it worthwhile to write code that is dependant on the DSL du jour and pigeonhole myself and whatever unlucky sole has to maintain the legacy code in the future. Imagine being dumped on a mountain of ColdFusion legacy code.

I just find it kind of absurd is all.

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