Very interesting case study in how simple changes lead to emergent complex systems. Who would have thought that taking health insurance away from the person and assigning it to the employer would lead here? With every band-aid we put on the system, it just flows around and makes itself more complex. All of these systems, the paymaster, the insurance companies, the employers, the drug companies, the trial lawyers, etc -- they live in an ecosystem we have created over time. This ecosystem was continually adjusted to solve one problem, thereby creating more complexity for all other areas.
For that reason, I do not believe a list of remedies is the way to go here. Especially trying to increase hospital taxes -- that has as much chance of working as spitting in the ocean increasing global sea levels.
Whatever we do, we have to fight the complexity actively -- even if it doesn't directly lower costs. We can understand these things as basic software architecture principles. A couple of small suggestions:
- Eliminate needless architectural tiers. Make it illegal for anybody but the patient to pay healthcare providers. If you have insurance, fine. The insurance company pays you, then you pay the provider.
- Decouple the hospital (building and administrative staff) from the services being provided
- Standardize components. Mandate that all services provided must be in a free and open market. That means open pricing (bidding), public consumer reporting, outsourcing if possible, and so forth.
- Require interoperability. One provider cannot require that another provider be used. It's the provider's responsibility to interface with other providers
- Establish naming conventions
You get the idea.
The point here is that we've been playing whack-a-mole. Some guy goes out and writes a wonderful article about the complexities and problems with the market. So new adjustments are made to fix them. They only create more problems, which some other guy goes out and writes about. Each iteration may take many years. Over time the amount of cruft and inefficiencies is staggering. If we continue with this strategy of fixing the problem it's just going to get worse.
This method of problem solving hurts. Let's not do that anymore.
Just switch to a national health service. The whole idea of paying as an individual, or having individual insurance, is just wrong. Society should insure society.
I don't think that solved the problem of cost, it simply changes who pays for it. Less scarcity, lower barriers to entry, and more competition are what decrease costs. That could be done with the government paying, but it's harder.
Also there is not the separation between provider and payer which results in providers angling for the most expensive treatments, only forced down by a payer who regards the patient as an unwanted liability. (This has been partially subverted in the British NHS by ill advised privatization.)
It absolutely solves the problem of cost. Medicare is an enormous organization and can have enormous influence over suppliers. The prices paid for routine treatments are a single digit percentage of what consumers pay.
There's numerous examples in this article about how Medicare pays more reasonable prices for things than anything billed out to consumers.
Insurance companies often get the same sort of deals, but they certainly don't pass on the savings.
There's numerous examples in this article about how Medicare pays more reasonable prices for things than anything billed out to consumers.
Yet the article says that the $800 billion a year the US government spends on Medicare is what's driving the federal deficit. So is Medicare part of the solution, or part of the problem?
The reason for high medical prices is high medical costs, which includes the insurance premiums doctors pay to maintain coverage should they be sued. A "national health service" sidesteps this by making it hard to sue the provider, who ultimately is the state, which also runs the court system. To "safeguard" people (and provide a sense of cost containment), a national health service designs regulatory processes and guidelines to control and manage costs.
Might work in the short run in a small and homogenized enough population, where everybody basically only needs the same type of care; beware if you ever get a rare condition, since there is no incentive to specialize, and the regulations for "edge cases" are written as they are discovered.
The real solution to high medical prices is to lower costs, foremost of which would be insurance premiums doctors need to pay to cover their practices. This can be accomplished through tort reform. The best part of this is that if you don't like insurance companies taking money, this reduces that purely by market action.
It's incorrect that you can't sue the NHS. But also, the quality of health becomes political, so democratic mechanisms rise to prominence as means to hold the system accountable. The press is ever-happy to pounce on medical malpractice.
The NHS does approve experimental and innovative treatments, and it does treat rare conditions. It also chooses whether to offer, or not offer, expensive new drugs. This, again, is democratically accountable - if it refuses a drug that is widely seen as life saving, the tabloids will pressure the politicians into turning up the heat and forcing it to change course. Also there absolutely is an incentive to specialize; the NHS pays a doctor's salary, so (provided it's willing to hire them) they do not have to pick a specialty that's profitable.
Moreover, the NHS, being free at the point of delivery, is willing to take on expensive treatment of poor people. In Britain, the idea that someone might go untreated perhaps for years for a quickly treatable illness, because going to hospital would bankrupt them, is seen as abhorrent and barbaric.
Ill health strikes randomly without regard to wealth; health of everybody benefits everybody. Therefore, everybody should pay according to what they can afford, everybody should be covered according to what they need.
I did not state that a national health service was impossible to sue, just that it is harder to sue; as especially with democratic processes dictating service levels, those same processes will also have to dictate operational mechanics to make sure everything is being done "by the book" (and "sustainable", according to some central regulatory body). Ultimately if a provider can prove they were following the letter of the regulations, their culpability is diffused back to the regulatory authority, and their liability diminished.
I was not targeting the British NHS, in fact, I didn't mention it. However, I would point out that:
> the idea that someone might go untreated perhaps for years for a quickly treatable illness, because going to hospital would bankrupt them, is seen as abhorrent and barbaric.
Is not the same as having a rare condition. You have added (1) quickly treatable, and are assuming (2) easy to diagnose.
To suggest that the 62M population of the UK is "small and homogenized" and needs no specialization…is the height of folly. The same can be said of Canada's 33M population. Both countries have world-leading treatment centres for a number of conditions (including some "edge cases").
Doctors here in Canada can still be sued for malpractice (and with few exceptions, doctors are NOT employees of the government; they are independent contractors), so that entire line of argument is bogus, like every single American argument I've ever heard against a true universal health-care system.
Second, if I were, then small and homogenized could just as easily apply to a geographically concentrated population with the same macro drivers of external illness vectors (climate, weather and epidemiological proximity). Odds are that if the flu is going around the UK, the person coughing has the flu.
[EDIT] Third, I did say might and the short run...sometimes social engineering problems can take a while to diagnose, and can be difficult to treat.[/EDIT]
And just like anywhere that regulations spring up (Canada or not), regulatory compliance becomes a de facto legal defense against malfeasance.
So the government can tell you how to run your own personal life health care like they can tell you how fast you can drive, how powerful (weak) your cell phone can be, etc.? That's not a world I want to live in. Isn't that the kind of world liberal loons thought Bush was going to lead us to? LOL too funny and too ironic. It seems liberals think as long as a liberal is in the Whitehouse then it's ok for government to take over our lives. Either way having our lives controlled by a conservative government or a liberal government; they are _still_ the Government which is supposed to be _us_!
>>So the government can tell you how to run your own personal life health care like they can tell you how fast you can drive, how powerful (weak) your cell phone can be, etc.?
I'm not sure if some of that was supposed to be irony. In terms of healthcare, the government pays almost half of the cost of providing care in this country. Not only does it give massive tax breaks to employer provided health insurance plans it also directly writes the regulations that govern almost every aspect of healthcare. In a sense, the government is already running your healthcare if not outright paying for it or compensating the hospital then running the system that provides or incentivizes the structure of the health insurance plan you have.
Breaks? One of the medications I was paying for on my personal plan recently is costing my new employer 3 times !!! what I was paying. Breaks? Puh-lease, are you brain-washed by deep thinkers like John Stewart?
You know why society has rules? It's because it's called society and not anarchy.
Libertarians, who would have you believe we should be free to do just about anything, fail to recognize that without a framework that defines acceptable behaviors, the social situation will quickly degrade into a free-for-all survivalist state not unlike parts of the world where the government has collapsed completely.
You can argue that the rules are too strict or too lenient, but arguing against rules period is insanity.
...That guarantees you the right to drive at any speed you want?
Sorry, laws are important, as are taxes. And while you may not use roads, the rest of us do. I don't have children, but I pay taxes for schools. I'm okay with it because education is important. While you may be able to afford health care, many cannot. You reap the benefit of healthy citizens as well. Healthy people, and people out of debt, promotes a better economy.
I work on a government contract. I've seen how much money the government can waste in general and I think this is the wrong solution.
If we do go to a government based system we need a way to make the government accountable for KEEPING costs down while still providing the best care they can to everyone. I don't think that just saying "let the government handle it" is the right mentality. We must first establish a mission for that (emerging) department of the government and keep them to it.
Also, how can we switch to a national health service, while we are over budget by about 40%? Sure, let's do it, but that would mean a reduction of government elsewhere by 40% first and THEN we could being to take other parts away while adding a national health service...
There are dozens of universal healthcare systems to study and implement against. Most are single-payer (France, the UK, Canada) but some are based on heavily regulated mandatory private insurance (Germany and Switzerland, IIRC; I could be wrong).
In every case, the government says "this is the price that you are allowed to charge for service X", which is based on cost-to-deliver plus a reasonable overhead (like the Medicare price in the U.S.).
Eliminate the for-profit healthcare crap like was described in this article and most of the American overspending on health services goes away. Not all of it, but most of it. As a side-effect, the health care system will become more efficient and could finally become an effective partner in providing health security (both for individuals and for the nation; having a functional health care system is arguably important for national security in an age where biologicals are a fear).
I'd add, the cost of medical education before one can practice in the U.S. has multiplied over the years and seems excessive compared to Europe, where medicine is traditionally a 6-year undergraduate program.
As a result, doctors needs to get paid far more, especially specialists.
You're right about the cost however the time issue is changing in many places:
Much of Europe: 6y med school then 4-6y specialist training (10-12 years)
Cost: minimal depending on country
Australia and the UK: 6 med school, or an undergrad and 4 years postgrad (min. 4y) + 2 years general training + 5-6 years specialist training (12-13 years)
Cost (aus): 7k per year of undergrad study
Pay (aus): 56k starting salary (up to 80 w/ overtime)
The US/Canada: 4 years undergrad, 4 med school, 5-6 years training - 14 years
Cost (us): 30-50k per year study
Pay (us) : ~45k intern
So the time taken to training completion is not drastically different (a year or two) but the total debt rung up does weigh on not just he doctors but everyone employed with a degree in the us:
Having said that, it is often said that doctors in the US earn more than their colleagues overseas: this is not true; although the top 0.05% may have higher earning capacity on average the US doctor earns about the same as elsewhere (certainly between the US and Australia anyway)
When you take int account lifetime debt and interest payments i feel that US doctors are getting a raw deal really
Who would have thought that taking health insurance away from the person and assigning it to the employer would lead here?
I would interject "who would think that a complex set of interlocking incentives would lead to improvements?" Who?
The whole arrangement seems like Ayn Rand's bad acid trip despite there being many articulate and intelligent people who have bought Coolaid, with and without personal gain involved.
Pile incentive on incentive till things are ready to break, rationally rearrange things up a bit till the process of exploiting perverse incentives takes hold again and things are once again ready to break.
And this situation "interesting" only from the outside. The intellectual irony is lost those dying or having their lives ruined.
A substantial portion of the country can see that marketization is simply something doesn't scale for medical care. State health care has pretty much been shown itself to be the only sensible way to organize health care in a modern industrialized society.
That won't take us there because the population of opportunists who make tremendous profits from exploiting the present perverse incentives is huge and they have essentially completed regulator capture and virtual state capture.
What will happen? It's mostly the relationship between a parasite and host. The parasite has an incentive to keep the host alive but an incentive to keep the host healthy. Sounds like the future.
For that reason, I do not believe a list of remedies is the way to go here. Especially trying to increase hospital taxes -- that has as much chance of working as spitting in the ocean increasing global sea levels.
Whatever we do, we have to fight the complexity actively -- even if it doesn't directly lower costs. We can understand these things as basic software architecture principles. A couple of small suggestions:
- Eliminate needless architectural tiers. Make it illegal for anybody but the patient to pay healthcare providers. If you have insurance, fine. The insurance company pays you, then you pay the provider.
- Decouple the hospital (building and administrative staff) from the services being provided
- Standardize components. Mandate that all services provided must be in a free and open market. That means open pricing (bidding), public consumer reporting, outsourcing if possible, and so forth.
- Require interoperability. One provider cannot require that another provider be used. It's the provider's responsibility to interface with other providers
- Establish naming conventions
You get the idea.
The point here is that we've been playing whack-a-mole. Some guy goes out and writes a wonderful article about the complexities and problems with the market. So new adjustments are made to fix them. They only create more problems, which some other guy goes out and writes about. Each iteration may take many years. Over time the amount of cruft and inefficiencies is staggering. If we continue with this strategy of fixing the problem it's just going to get worse.
This method of problem solving hurts. Let's not do that anymore.