Second, if I were, then small and homogenized could just as easily apply to a geographically concentrated population with the same macro drivers of external illness vectors (climate, weather and epidemiological proximity). Odds are that if the flu is going around the UK, the person coughing has the flu.
[EDIT] Third, I did say might and the short run...sometimes social engineering problems can take a while to diagnose, and can be difficult to treat.[/EDIT]
And just like anywhere that regulations spring up (Canada or not), regulatory compliance becomes a de facto legal defense against malfeasance.
Second, if I were, then small and homogenized could just as easily apply to a geographically concentrated population with the same macro drivers of external illness vectors (climate, weather and epidemiological proximity). Odds are that if the flu is going around the UK, the person coughing has the flu.
[EDIT] Third, I did say might and the short run...sometimes social engineering problems can take a while to diagnose, and can be difficult to treat.[/EDIT]
And just like anywhere that regulations spring up (Canada or not), regulatory compliance becomes a de facto legal defense against malfeasance.