Toyota was forced to recall all their BZX cars for that issue, whereas the scale of the problem you linked appears to be much lower across Tesla's models.
It was a voluntary recall on an extremely low production vehicle (at least at the time), a total of 260 cars with a potential issue.
Compare that to the tens of thousands of ACTUAL INCIDENTS identified by Reuters through Tesla internal documents and Tesla's refusal to even cover the repairs, let alone proactively recall all potentially affected vehicles. Much of what was covered by Reuter's occurred AFTER China forced a recall for the exact same issues.
"All their BZX cars" = less than 5,500 cars total. It wasn't just a completely new car model, it was the first one built on Toyota's e-TNGA modular EV platform. The factory line had just barely gotten off the ground.
Toyta sold ten million cars that year so scale wise that doesn't even qualify as a rounding error. The Teslas suspension problems that caused some wheels to fly off effected tens of thousands.
It's really easy to cherry pick problems when someone makes millions of cars every year.