In a similar vein, "Sound of Music"[1] about the Austrian Trapp family is a very popular Christmas movie in the US, but barely anyone in Austria (and Germany) watched it. The reason may be that Schnitzel is served with noodles in the movie[2]. NO Austrian would ever do that!
I never thought about the schnitzel/noodles thing before, I guess "schnitzel with potato salad" doesn't quite fit with the rhyme nor the rhythm of the song :)
Those famous musicals made during that era aren't usually very culturally accurate. For example Dick Van Dyke played a cockney chimney sweep in Mary Poppins, made a bit of a pigs ear of the accent but otherwise turned in a performance that was really fun, and if you're able to let a few things slide they can be quite enjoyable.
[1] - [2] - (German)