I own a small (~500k in sales/annum) ecommerce site. Enough for 3-4 employees, premises and a small owners salary.
About 50% of our sales come from organic search results (Google). We write a lot of content, have long form product pages, put out YouTube videos, sponsor blog posts, etc etc. but we have NO IDEA what really works, despite paying for services like ahrefs.
All we know is that when we drop off the first page of Google (which is increasingly filled with content and ads instead of search results) our sales take a dramatic hit. And that hit could easily make or break the business and the people we employ.
So Google, when you make updates like this, it has real implications on millions of small businesses. It’s not just a feature for “user engagement” or “customer satisfaction”, it’s a big deal.
Google is aware that this is a big deal. It is a big deal to them as well. Search is their golden goose and they are terrified of doing anything that would break it or worsen it. No one has ever accused the Search team of having a "move fast and break things" culture.
That said, their interests aren't perfectly aligned with yours. Their main priority is producing a scalable algorithm that outputs rankings that users are happy with. If their A/B tests show that a new algorithm makes their users happier, then they will use that new algorithm (after an extremely long period of A/B testing and due diligence and gradual rollouts). The fact that your specific website is helped or hurt by their new algorithm, is not their priority.
If they decided to prioritize stability over user satisfaction, I can guarantee that you, me, and most people will eventually abandon Google entirely in favor of a different search engine that gives us results that we're happier with. This is exactly why smart companies continually try to innovate and change, even if they need to break a few eggs in the process.
I agree with everything you said, but there’s one additional nuance: what may be best for the user, may not be what’s best for the business.
I’d say that if there’s a general trend over the past decade, it’s that search results haven’t necessarily lead to a better user experience, but Google did a lot of fighting with spam sites, in addition to more ads / integrations with their wider ecosystem.
All this makes for a lot of quality hits in the whole experience, and I totally understand the frustration of people who depend upon their rankings. I don’t think there’s a solution, though, as Google needs to keep evolving, especially to fight SEO spam that tries to game their algorithms.
happiness is hard to measure, but I can easily think of metrics that indicate unhappiness off the top of my head. not clicking through any of the hits, continuing to the second page of results, and retrying the same query phrased differently are all strong signals that the user was not satisfied with the results.
And the last one you look at is in most cases the one with the info you were looking for. Their algorithm pushes that result to the top for the same query in the future.
The effect is quite dramatic - for a query with only two results, a single click by one user can cause those results to switch which is on top a week later.
Doesn't that require to have analytics installed on the target website which many won't have?
Without those, how can Google now how much time I am spending on a website I am visiting, e.g., from firefox?
Also, why would time really matter? Say I'm trying to remember some javascript method name, and I go to various websites and the one that has the answer I close it immediately.
Not really, having analytics on the Google search page itself is usually enough (they see the time it takes for you to go from Results page -> Website -> Back to results page).
> Their main priority is producing a scalable algorithm that outputs rankings that users are happy with.
Are they measuring happiness? Or are they using bad proxies for happiness, or even sometimes ignoring happiness to optimize for number of searches?
An ideal search engine that delivers perfect results for everyone would be a site people only spent a few moments on. A shitty search engine with a virtual monopoly would be a place people wasted tons of their time banging their heads against. A search engine is like a door; you generally don't hang out in the doorway.
> most people will eventually abandon Google entirely in favor of a different search engine that gives us results that we're happier with
Nobody is doing this. Not only would it take a fortune to become a contender, not only are sites required to optimize for google, but in the end google would buy and shut down any threat. You could maybe compete with google if you had state backing and could lose infinite money over infinite time, but then google would just lobby to have you banned.
This is aside from the brand dominance, which would still keep google as the top search engine if the entire infrastructure of Search was thrown into a dumpster and the brand sold to people who rebuilt it from scratch with no knowledge of how it worked before.
I feel sorry for you, but in your position, my absolute first priority would be finding sales from sources other than Google. They're a private company and they have no obligation to you whatsoever.
I agree, that’s why half our sales come from elsewhere (social media, mailing list, subscriptions etc.) But we can’t ignore the power of organic search. For most people it’s where they start when shopping
With the level of power google has over us, can they really hide behind the defense of being a private company? What are the changes being made to the algorithm? Why isn’t this public knowledge?
Perhaps we should augment any decline in traffic from Google via paid search ads on Google. If google really is operating as a private company, maximising shareholder value, deliberately pushing businesses onto this path is a perfectly logical strategy for them to pursue.
The unfortunate implications on society is a consolidation of wealth and power and a widening gap between those who have and those who do not.
If I interpret your statement correctly, you're basically asking, in a summarized form, this:
Is it right for Google, by changing their (non-public) algos, to de-rank to lower levels your website?
(therefore multiple themes like a potential conflict involving their public_vs_private services, impact of changes on the global users, can search algos be non-public, lack of alternatives, etc...)
Not to be snarky but is there any evidence this goes somewhere other than /dev/null? I've seen support forum threads with hundreds of posts, many of them from users saying they had submitted feedback, and can't think of a single time it visibly made a difference.
Are there successful examples of ".. sales from sources other than Google", or ones where majority is not via GS (google search)?
Short of good examples, this tough love comes of misplaced.
GS is THE dominant search engine. They WANT to be in that spot.
It sounds strange to me, that google put themselves in such spot, and project that no one should have obligation towards them.
- Subscription for Free Delivery/Benefits (like Amazon Prime)
There are a lot of people that come direct as well or through Google searches for our brand name, especially repeat customers (about 70% of our customers have ordered before). These people can be word of mouth, ads we take out in other publications, non-sponsored blog posts from others etc.
How do you make the distinction, if at all, between people using the search bar to find your site again (or after hearing about from someone else) vs people landing on the site because they found a product on Google?
a lot of small ecommerce companies use social media these days. I talked to a guy running a men's grooming product company recently and they almost exclusively use TikTok/Youtube/instagram and have put a lot of emphasis on having a community around it and relying on word of mouth rather than buying ads on google or Facebook or relying on search.
There are tons of strategies, that is one of them. Many people use it. Doesn't mean this is the right one for everyone.
This comes with risk too. You are at the mercy of the tiktok/YT/IG algo instead of the Google algo. There's lots of work that goes into making content that is engaging and liked on social media. Having your community is not enough because even if you have 20K followers, if your content is not engaging, people won't see it in their feed.
As for relying strictly on word of mouth? Sure, but that's likely a minority of brands. Most people need the distribution from one of the big tech co.
> They're a private company and they have no obligation to you whatsoever
This is not really a bad thing, just treat them as a partner, they even do things for "free". They could stop working for/with you at any time, this shouldn't stop you for making the most out of the collaboration for now, but it's harder to plan for the long-term.
I ran a marketing agency and this is the problem with SEO. No one really knows what works. Sure, we know what works right now, but a new update might completely change that. And worse, you might get penalized because Google decided that what it used to think was great (and worthy of top rankings) is now suddenly not kosher.
You can do that Google tells you (“create great content”) but you still have to get it found. Unlike social media, this isn’t always a space where you can make the content exciting enough that it gets “discovered” through word of mouth. Not a lot of entertaining content pieces for “affordable door repairs seattle”
Leaving this industry has done wonders for my stress levels. There was constant anxiety that you’d wake up one day and find that your rankings have tanked overnight.
Apologies for the naivety of this question, but it's it possible to "wean" yourself off of Google (or any one income source)? that is, maybe "pretend" that by default you're only receiving 50% of your total income and then during leaner times you have some buffer to figure something out. I can understand there might be no way to do this in some (or maybe all) industries, but wondering what kind of resilience like this is possible in smaller businesses.
I'm assuming you are investing heavily in SEO optimization because it is cheaper than just buying the ad-space on google search.
Do you have an estimate on the price increase of dropping all that content creation/blog sponsoring, and just purchase the traffic directly "at the source"?
Spend 10k a month on ads and you'll be guaranteed to be found as well as bring in new customers.
There are ways to position your advertising budget so it generates new and more profit when you drop ads on Google & Bing + social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Tiktok :)
But yes, being at the mercy of the search engine Gods is no fun.
Would love to see Google address scraping mirror sites such as gitmemory.com and algorithmic content farms.
I've been using Bing (via DuckDuckGo) for a bit and find that it's a little bit less gamed by these things. Perhaps because those sites are optimizing for exploiting Google's algorithm?
Agree with filtering out the content farms, strong disagree on mirror sites --- they often have content that has been deleted for whatever reason from the original source, and it's often useful content too.
Just let me turn on and leave on verbatim mode permanently please?! Google Search is broken/terrible without it. Even with it 50% of the results are just AI generated spam, and I even have an ad-blocker filter to remove a ton of them.
This is so much a problem. I get that Google is trying to be fuzzy to serve users that are not computer literate and may phrase their queries awkwardly, but by now it seems that they have completely overshot that target.
Google's search engine seems to assume that every user is 3 years old, and never interested in anything detailed, but instead trying to learn basic human tasks.
This does not only not work when searching for very specific technical terms (that Google likes to replace/expand with superficially similar but completely irrelevant terms). I get that that's probably a minority of searches. But I think it's even worse for more common searches, since now the sphere of SEO spam that you will be inundated with in your results is drastically expanded, with additional spam that only matches because Google did not take your search terms more literally!
And then "verbatim mode" takes way too many clicks to activate (every single time), and is mutually exclusive with setting time constraints (e.g. search results for "last month").
I understand why more and more of my queries auto-suggest "reddit" as the last term. By now, you rather have to hope that a human has asked a similar question on reddit, and that other humans happened to know the answer, instead of searching for yourself. It used to be the opposite.
YES EXACTLY and this transcends Google too, so many products need a "I know what I'm doing" switch for power users. I despise this mass infantilization of UIs happening right now. I develop web apps and work closely with UX and I'm always trying to push this particular envelope... unfortunately it's managers and "visionary" bosses who want one unified design seemingly made for a child.
Every so often you'll see another story of a kid who did something bad with their parent's account linked to paying for things. The last one I saw was a 2 year old who got like 30 burgers delivered by using some app on his mom's phone. Literally a UX so intuitive children can use it just fine.
Designing for or at least in mind of multiple personas can help; Microsoft used to design things with 3 in mind. But bosses can see anything extra as too much work, not worth it, and if not kill it outright at least deprioritize and delay it indefinitely to the same effect. Another trick is to sneak stuff in under FUD about ADA lawsuits; at the very least you can ship a nice set of keyboard shortcuts for power users to 'discover'.
Seriously - this makes using google so damn annoying. The fact that verbatim is buried behind multiple clicks and you also have to quote is confusing and slow. You can easily permanently disable something like safesearch - why is verbatim not the same? And why is there not a simple equivalent to quotes to search verbatim?
I can't help but wonder if Google engineers have some back door way to enable verbatim mode for their searches. It would absolutely make them more efficient and they'd be fools not to at least consider implementing such a feature.
It's always confusing to me when I see this signal because I never have Google fall on its face so badly that I wish verbatim came back.
I remember verbatim. It wasn't good. It couldn't find even small fluctuations in spelling or the precise wording of a target. Three or four parallel searches to go through all the tenses of verbs.
I love how they use the word "perform" to talk about how sites rank or place in search results.
It's not about them finding better results, it's about the results themselves "performing" variously well in the search. It feels so backwards, and feeds into the sad idea that all of the content is just there for Google to bring in front of ad viewers. :/
The next time I lose something around the house, and my fiancée ironizes about how bad I am at searching, I'm going to blame the search performance of the missing thing, instead.
I feel like this is just because they are directly addressing the webmaster who think in terms of SEO and relative rankings. On the individual level they are trying to "perform".
To take your example for the seller of a specific brand of product you couldn't find. It might be a problem with their location or branding. In that case it seems like it makes sense? You are the search algorithm they are trying to game.
As great as that would be, putting more emphasis on organic search results would be one of the biggest pivots in company history. Of the countless updates they've made to the search results page I'm not sure if a single one made organic results more visible.
Sales for my business has been great for about a year now. I was just about to hire my first person. The last few weeks sales from google clicks have dropped a LOT and I think this is why. Now I am not so sure about hiring someone. Thanks google.
About 50% of our sales come from organic search results (Google). We write a lot of content, have long form product pages, put out YouTube videos, sponsor blog posts, etc etc. but we have NO IDEA what really works, despite paying for services like ahrefs.
All we know is that when we drop off the first page of Google (which is increasingly filled with content and ads instead of search results) our sales take a dramatic hit. And that hit could easily make or break the business and the people we employ.
So Google, when you make updates like this, it has real implications on millions of small businesses. It’s not just a feature for “user engagement” or “customer satisfaction”, it’s a big deal.