My (unorthodox and somewhat rickety) note-taking gizmo uses Poisson's equation to classify (continuously) entries.
Basically the note-taking gizmo is a graph. Nodes are given conceptual masses either through pagerank or betweenness centrality (i.e. either through how many random walks or how many shortest paths cross a node). Then we calculate a potential energy (gravity potential) if we by inverting the graph laplacian (a few methods are available). Special attention is given to nodes that "float the most.
That looks really cool -- I presume it has some way to enter more than a single word/phrase in a node? Not sure linking individual words is useful for me :-) I should just try it, of course...
Basically the note-taking gizmo is a graph. Nodes are given conceptual masses either through pagerank or betweenness centrality (i.e. either through how many random walks or how many shortest paths cross a node). Then we calculate a potential energy (gravity potential) if we by inverting the graph laplacian (a few methods are available). Special attention is given to nodes that "float the most.
E: forgot to link to it!