about: | I'm an independent consultant and co-op co-founder, formerly Web Literacy Lead at Mozilla. I wrote my thesis on digital literacies, and consult around that, working openly, and Open Badges. Mastodon: social.coop/@dajbelshaw I live in Northumberland, England with my wife and two children. More at http://dougbelshaw.com [ my public key: https://keybase.io/dajbelshaw; my proof: https://keybase.io/dajbelshaw/sigs/y8OIaQ15qgWbNwQ_o3hm_eFlxrB4BNhL4E5QjKFKOfU ] Verifying my Blockstack ID is secured with the address 1oTLZ6kA1PrZhXLvkuYVTVBm5eXQH42zW https://explorer.blockstack.org/address/1oTLZ6kA1PrZhXLvkuYVTVBm5eXQH42zW |