In my experience, team efficiency does not improve linearly with head count. A 100-person team may be 2 or 3 times more productive than a 10-person team. Collaboration efforts (process, bureaucracy, calls, meetings, mails, chats) increase exponentially with larger teams. AI can help with coding but not much with this collaboration process, at least not yet. Now, AI can make a small team much more productive because their collaboration overhead stays the same. But AI cannot help with a 100 person team because their collective collaboration overhead cannot be solved by AI. I guess the trend will move towards smaller sized teams that can effectively use AI.
while all of the above engineering solutions work, I wish they adopt a human centric solution. When there is too much demand and too little inventory, they could introduce some kind of lottery system where they accept partial payments through out the day and then randomly pick tickets in a lottery (individuals and group bookings as well). In this way, fans can avoid the mad rush, ticketing systems don't have to handle the peak mad rush for 10 minutes.
Apart from the above differences, another important difference is that OLAP is often columnar based, as opposed to the typical OLTP being row-based. So, OLAP queries use different kinds of index. Snowflake has introduced Hybrid tables where the same data is stored and indexed twice, once in OLAP columnar type and the other in OLTP style row index.
When using Maven build tool with Java, the downloaded artifacts always have the version number added to prefix (artifact-version.jar).. and that means there can be multiple versions stored in parallel, cached globally and cherry picked without any ambiguity. The first time when I used Node and Python, I was shocked that the version number is not part of any downloaded artifacts. Versioning the dependencies is such a fundamental need and having it part of the artifact file itself seems like a common sense to me. Can anyone please explain why the Python/Node build tools do not follow that?
I tend to ignore positive reviews in general as they can be bought. Negative reviews are more reliable in identifying any common pattern of problems with a particular product. I guess this tool will be helpful in that case.
For a business that relies on SaaS applications over cloud and uses dumb machines (windows, iPad, whatever) as client terminals, can someone please explain what are the actual threat factors that these EDR tools like Crowdstrike Falcon address? And if SaaS applications can restrict access, detect anomalies with user behavior, have MFA for auth, etc.. will that mitigate these risks? I guess common issues like key loggers, malwares, virus attacks have much simpler solutions than a complex EDR which seems to need root access!! Someone, please educate.
can someone suggest tips to remove all the bloatware from HP/Dell/etc and reinstall a cleaner minimalistic windows in a laptop? How do I know all the compatible drivers that exactly map to my specific laptop? The vendor websites are sometimes ambiguous and I don't get the confidence that right drivers would be installed. If reinstallation is too much of a hassle, is there at least some kind of script that can remove all the non-essential bloatware and make windows lean?
If you want to make it easy, then the best way to go is to download Windows ISO from Microsoft. Then install Wifi driver if it is not working out of the box. Then install something like Dell Command Update to install the rest of the drivers.
And make EU more like USA? let them be influenced by corrupted wall street, loose EPA regulations for pesticides, favor the rich in the name of capitalism? In spite of the flaws and messy bureaucracy, I still like EU for their policies towards environment, food, socialism, etc. And above all, EU is the single beacon of hope to keep a check on mega corps like Apple, Google, Meta, MS, etc.
Of course, I totally agree that EU has to work on their common standards to run/startup a business.. and it is likely affecting their competitiveness (along with few other factors).
I should have added the context for my earlier comment. I was merely reacting to the parent's proposal "..incorporate the European states as self-governing US territories under the supervision of the federal government. And absorb NATO into DoD.." It has lot more long-term repercussions than merely standardizing the standards !! I assume he was n't serious and probably just a clickbait comment to bring attention to the issue.
This point is not relevant, unless your argument is that all those nice things in the EU (which I agree are much better than in the USA) arise from the bad things that the author is talking about (lack of standardization mostly).
Let me put in another way. Can the EU solve the standardization issue and still keep the nice things you mention? I don't think they are related (at least I don't see a tight link)
Both Apple and Microsoft are already trillion dollar companies. Why do they get so much greedy to get even more money with ads? This also ends up giving a very bad user experience to their billions of customers, pretty much the entire planet. Why would their board members even consider or approve these kinds of despicable practices? are they doing this to earn even more compensation on top of their already high compensation? I am just pissed off with this extremely bigger companies trying to get even richer with all these dirty strategies.
Unfortunately, investors in publicly-traded companies don't reward size, they reward GROWTH. And apparently, placing ads in a space with lots of eyeballs and no existing ads looks like tempting low-hanging fruit to every organization sooner or later.
Buying the debt is different than paying off the debt. I see so many comments here assuming that to buy the company totally (or to have total control over a company), one should pay off all debts of the company. It is simply not true. I feel this whole concept of "Enterprise Value" does not really correlate any meaningful value.