There's been a few different proposals to use functional languages to write hardware: Chisel ( and Bluespec ( are two others. They haven't really taken off because the productivity bottleneck in hardware is not in design but verification and specifically sequential verification. Combinational verification is quote easy, because modern SAT solvers can prove almost all combinational properties you can throw at them.
The trouble comes in when you start dealing with complex state machines with non-obvious invariants. I don't think these functional languages can really help too much here because unlike C or C++ in the software world, there isn't unnecessary complexity introduced by a language, e.g. verification becoming harder due to aliasing. It's the properties themselves that are complex. Lots of progress is happening though: Aaron Bradley's PDR ( and Arie Gurfinkel and Yakir Vizel's AVY ( have made pretty major breakthroughs in proving a lot of complex sequential properties and these algorithms have made their way into industrial formal tools as well.
The trouble comes in when you start dealing with complex state machines with non-obvious invariants. I don't think these functional languages can really help too much here because unlike C or C++ in the software world, there isn't unnecessary complexity introduced by a language, e.g. verification becoming harder due to aliasing. It's the properties themselves that are complex. Lots of progress is happening though: Aaron Bradley's PDR ( and Arie Gurfinkel and Yakir Vizel's AVY ( have made pretty major breakthroughs in proving a lot of complex sequential properties and these algorithms have made their way into industrial formal tools as well.