> I'll chalk this one up to the PR/marketing person
This entire web server is a marketing hype since day one. I imagine they are trying to build a pro product and support company out of this.
It's a web server with event loops and some fancy memory allocation. Shouldn't Node.js have taught us all by now the perils of event loops and insanely tweaked HTTP parsers? Sure, it looks great for "Hello World" benchmarks but falls right on its face as soon as you have an app of significant size spending real time on CPU.
I'm wondering just how well these app servers perform with a real-world Rails app behind them? My understanding was that Unicorn deliberately does not try for maximum performance simply because you'll lose most of that as soon as you add Rails, and then the app server is not the bottleneck. Amdahl's Law applies - you can't get more than a 1% speedup by optimizing a component that consumes 1% of the total CPU time.
I also wonder how their hybrid evented/threading/process model works in the presence of a GIL (which, last I checked, Ruby still has) and in the presence of blocking socket calls (which, last I checked, both the MySQL and PostGres APIs used).
It sounds like the real benefit is not performance but the simplicity of having the slow-client spoonfeeding built in rather than requiring an external Web server.
a.) they could achieve that a lot simpler by bundling nginx, Unicorn, Rails, and a pre-vetted set of config files and shell scripts to bring the whole thing together and
b.) that's the value proposition of PaaS offerings like Heroku. Heroku is pretty damn simple already - just git push your code - and you'd outgrow it around the same time as you'd outgrow the bundled slow-client spoonfeeding, so what's the value proposition of this?
This entire web server is a marketing hype since day one. I imagine they are trying to build a pro product and support company out of this.
It's a web server with event loops and some fancy memory allocation. Shouldn't Node.js have taught us all by now the perils of event loops and insanely tweaked HTTP parsers? Sure, it looks great for "Hello World" benchmarks but falls right on its face as soon as you have an app of significant size spending real time on CPU.