I use browserify and I'm happy with it, but I have one question that perhaps someone can answer :
how can I develop a library with different modules, say lib/module/func, lib/module/other, and compile the library as static, then import it in another project and be able to require lib/module/other from the other project using only the compiled lib?
Just package the library as an NPM module -- that's the reason why Browserify exists, after all -- then reference it in the other project's package.json file. If it's private (not open source), you can still reference it via Git or a private NPM repository.
Why compile the module? Browserify lets you use a module's CommonJS export, so the only build step is at the application level. Utils etc should not be built except for non-node users (umd).
It would allow to distribute and package the library simply, rather than having to checkout the library in the other projects dir and have weird require(../../lib/module/other)
We must be doing different things. If I start getting relative paths like that, I usually pull it out into a separate module.
I can understand bundling a bunch of modules together for UMD builds, but if you need to bundle all of your NPM/browserifiable modules for other browserify apps, you are probably going about it the wrong way..
how can I develop a library with different modules, say lib/module/func, lib/module/other, and compile the library as static, then import it in another project and be able to require lib/module/other from the other project using only the compiled lib?