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Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (March 2014)
118 points by whoishiring on March 1, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 206 comments
Please lead with either SEEKING WORK or SEEKING FREELANCER, your location and whether remote work is a possibility.

SEEKING FREELANCER - Android developer (Remote not possible) LONDON


Mixlr is a platform for social live audio. We build simple and intuitive ways to share and create interaction around live audio streams. We have over two million registered users, including over 30,000 monthly active broadcasters, and we’re growing fast.

We’re looking to meet a great Android developer to join our small, passionate team here in London, and take responsibility for bringing the full Mixlr experience to the Android world. You will have the opportunity to drive the development of our Android app from the first git commit onwards.

The most important single characteristic you will possess is a passion for building great mobile apps, but here are some more attributes which would come in useful:


* a passion for implementing fantastic user interfaces

* knowledge of live streaming protocols, especially on mobile

* enthusiasm for music apps and/or audio programming

* experience working with JSON and RESTful APIs and web services

* broad knowledge of different Android devices

* experience with test-driven development

* proficiency of at least one other language apart from Java, especially: C, C++, Ruby or JavaScript


You can read more about Mixlr on our Dev Portal[1]. If you would like to discuss this opening more then drop us an email: jobs@mixlr.com.

[1] http://dev.mixlr.com

SEEKING FREELANCER: Finance-industry startup seeks data scientist for ongoing part-time lead role.

We’re looking for an engineer with a finance background (or a finance person with an engineering background!) to help out behind the scenes at Open Exchange Rates.

Open Exchange Rates[0] is the fastest-growing currency data API on the web, loved by the likes of Etsy, Shopify, Kickstarter and thousands more.

We have a super-exciting backend engineering project involving overhauling a large part of our platform, over which you'll have complete autonomy within the requirements.

Project scope, budget and timeframe are all negotiable for the right contractor, but likely to be 2-3 months, plus ongoing work available.



* Python, client-side and server-side JavaScript (+PHP and PhantomJS a bonus); intermediate sysadmin skills

* Proficiency with relational and non-relational databases

* Understanding of foreign exchange markets

* Designing and implementing algorithms for financial data analysis

* Understanding of APIs, methods of online data collection, and authorisation mechanisms

* Ideally: Expert front-end development skills in HTML/CSS/JS (negotiable in project scope)

* Remote possible; UK preferred; London ideal.

* Chutzpah



Get in touch with josscrowcroft@gmail, with a little about yourself, your work, your story and what makes you come alive. Relevant experience also appreciated.

[0] https://openexchangerates.org

SEEKING WORK - Mannheim, Germany - Remote or onsite

I'm an experienced software developer with a strong full-stack web background. I don't just build your app/site, I'll also help you put the concept together if need be, and I'm good at filling the blanks with underspecified projects.

Server-side (PHP, Ruby on Rails, Node.js), client-side (HTML5/CSS/JS), also C/C++, ObjectiveC (iOS and OS X development), Java, Ruby, Delphi and many other languages and technologies.

I offer scalability consulting for high-throughput web apps and can make MVPs very quickly.

My background is in working with advertising agencies and I have a biosciences education as well.



- - - - -

On a personal note, it’s been one month since I started transitioning away from my agency-based life into freelancing and it’s been an awesome experience so far. As a result of my post in the last HN freelancer thread, I had the opportunity to build many colorful things: a gambling website and exchange based on MMO money, a proof-of-concept Twilio web app in pure Node.js, a responsive Wordpres plugin that works with data from different Google services, a cool messenger app on iOS (with more platforms to follow), and a minimalistic intranet portal.

In large part due to the HN freelancer post, this past month has been a great start and I'm really glad I rediscovered how much fun it is to just make something. So: thank you!

I worked with Udo from the last freelancer thread and I highly recommend him! Very impressive!

EDIT: I created an account just to share this!

Hey thanks :) Who are you?


SEEKING WORK - Remote (Paris, France - but can travel in Europe)

Full-stack web developer with sharp marketing skills.

I can help with figuring out how to make more money out of your application (B2B SaaS apps are where I have the most experience).

By understanding who your customers are and what they're looking for, I can help create a better experience for them (examples: fixing application hot spots, adding live feedback chat at the right spot, customer satisfaction surveys, analyzing and reducing churn rate...)

Do you have poor signup rates? Low activation or retention metrics? Do you think you could make more money out of your current application?

I have 8 years of experience as a software developer (Python/Django/Javascript), and I've worked both on my own products and for other startups.

I can also help with your MVP, help you come up with the right questions, and developing the right product.

Get more and better customers for your SaaS: http://www.saasfoundry.io


FYI, Colin charges $175/hr. I have no idea how anyone has the gonads to charge that rate for Rails work. I'd love to see some discussion around the age-old sales-man technique of "It's too expensive, you probably can't afford it anyways [scoffing]"

I've charged more than $175/hr in the past, when I wasn't in a startup. There are many clients for whom above-average rates are worth it and then some. (For reference, I'm not in the Bay Area.)

$175/hr, on its face, is not an outrageous number. That's fairly typical of a skilled mid-level developer's time at a consulting firm with a good reputation and track record of success.

(Edit: Another poster pointed out that OP edited his earlier post to remove the line "I'm very good and very expensive. You probably can't afford me." [0] I didn't see that when I responded, but that's not a great way to encourage people to work with you, IMO.)

[0] http://i.imgur.com/lyTtxVf.png

Maybe he's very good? I have no idea who Colin is, but surely it's up to him what he charges. If it's too much then nobody will hire him. What's the problem?

The problem is that he edited his post after I posted my comment in order to conceal his pompous attitude that is ruining San Francisco and other great cities.

http://i.imgur.com/lyTtxVf.png http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Ahttps...

"I'm very good and very expensive. You probably can't afford me"

Well if the tech industry can't afford you, then you might want to become a lawyer, buddy. We don't need that pompous tech-valley-swag-trash in our industry.

Was anyone really offended/annoyed by that? He was just pointing out he wasn't cheap. I don't see a problem here?


What are you talking about? I didn't call you a single time, your rate is advertised on your website dingus.

My guess is that other people didn't like the smugness of 'I'm probably too expensive for you.'

Welcome to the free market. If you don't want to purchase his services at 175usd per hour don't - if you do, do. Ranting about the expense of a freelancer in a freelancer thread is unlikely to make him change his rates.

He's worth it, if he can get people to pay it.


I already do charge around $100 an hour. But I don't preface it with Colin's ass-backwards line:

"I'm very good and very expensive. You probably can't afford me" [redacted] (http://i.imgur.com/lyTtxVf.png http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Ahttps...)

apologies, his post was edited.

SEEKING FREELANCER - NYC/NJ/Remote Free Music Archive http://freemusicarchive.org


The Free Music Archive is an interactive library of high-quality, legal MP3 downloads directed by WFMU, the most renowned freeform radio station in America. We're one of the largest repositories of Creative Commons music on the web, and our curated approach means it's not just free music, it's good music. We're based out of WFMU's magic factory in beautiful Jersey City, NJ.


A skilled backend engineer, with solid background in modern languages and techniques, who loves going down the rabbit hole to solve difficult problems related to performance, user experience, and long-term structural stability of a modern, high-traffic website (and who doesn't mind working with legacy code).

We're also ideally looking for significant overlap with at least a good chunk our current stack:

* mostly backend: PHP, MySQL, RDS, S3, Redis, Sphinx, Memcached, Chef; REST & API design generally

* and sometimes frontend: HTML5, JS, CSS3, Flash

Along with experience with reasonably modern source control (Git/SVN/Hg) and build practices. Note that we aren't zealots about any of the above; what we're most after is solid engineering chops -- if you're currently working with Rails or Django or Scala but don't mind digging into modern PHP for a good cause, that's fine. We need someone willing to roll up their sleeves and take long-term ownership of the project and address problems holistically.

You'll be working solo with a non-technical project manager, so your outstanding communication skills & technical leadership abilities will be greatly appreciated. Work will be very part-time (5-10 hours per week); pay would probably be around $45 per hour.

At the Free Music Archive, you'll have the chance to make valued, long-term strategic contributions to one of WFMU's most important projects. For more info, please send a note to andrea -at- freemusicarchive.org, including a CV or a resume, your GitHub profile (or other portfolio) and any other information about yourself you think would be helpful for us to know.

SEEKING WORK - Writing, Content, Marketing - Remote or Bay Area

I'm a writer and content marketer. Need an inbound specialist? Need a robust editorial calendar for all your audiences, channels, and content types? Need someone who can write a pretty sentence and back it up with analytics? Need a self-described "reasonably good-looking, like, I dunno, maybe 75th percentile" San Franciscan?

Look no further! I'm available for freelance content, marketing, and copywriting gigs. I've written for Slate, Priceonomics, Harvard Business Review, and other publications. I've also worked on some TV shows of equal audience size and lesser repute. I've run successful product launches and content campaigns for B2B and B2C startups, BigCos, etc.

Recent work...






Email me at jonfnathanson {at} gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote or Namur (Belgium)

I am a capable Haskell and Python developer. To get a feel of what I can do:

My side project is Reesd, a redundant storage service for developers. It is made of:

    - Several Docker containers (tentatively linked through Open vSwitch),
    - Web frontend,
    - SCP reimplementation with account permissions,
      bucket plan limits, and on-the-fly SHA1 check,
    - Redundant backend store,
    - Background jobs to check files SHA1 to detect early corruption,
    - Payment done through Stripe (almost done),
    - HAProxy,
    - Email through mandrill,
    - I'm working on adding PostgreSQL synchronous replication.
To read more about it: http://hypered.io/blog/2014-02-17-building-reesd

Vo Minh Thu

Reesd: https://reesd.com

Email: noteed at gmail.com

GitHub: https://github.com/noteed

Twitter: https://twitter.com/noteed

LinkedIn: http://be.linkedin.com/in/vominhthu

SEEKING FREELANCERS: DuckDuckGo (remote or local in Paoli, PA)

If you're an avid DuckDuckGo user who is excited about what we're trying to accomplish, then check out our hiring page at https://dukgo.com/help/en_US/company/hiring

Right now we're in need of some freelancing help in two areas: 1) devops (using Chef); 2) backend (using Perl).

Are you guys by any chance seeking design help? Have been using DDG for a while now and would enjoy working on some of the visuals with you.

Yes, actually.


Looking for a remote pair, around the intermediate to senior level. Possible transition to salary down the road.



* willing to embrace pair programming

* fluent in english

* excellent internet connection

* available during EST (-500)

* vim (I hate to specify an editor, but it's required due to the nature of how we remote pair. Don't have to be pro.)

* javascript

* css

* html

* ruby


Nice to have:

* pairing experience

* node

* express

* coffeescript

* rails

* sinatra

* angular

* sass / less / stylus

* haml / jade / slim

* postgresql / mysql

* redis


No agencies, ninjas, or rock stars please.

-- dave_at_pairshaped_dot_ca

P.S. We've been working with nodejs lately and I would love the opportunity to pair with experienced noders and siphon some of your knowledge, even if it's just now and then (paid of course).

Hey i'm hari, i'm available for pairing. I'm a freelancer too. Take a look at my github https://github.com/hariharasudhankm. I've done a just-dice.com partial clone (https://github.com/hariharasudhankm/justdice) And working on sails.js too. My email id is hariharasudhan@live.com . Here is my linkedin link (http://in.linkedin.com/pub/hariharasudhan-km/37/23/918/)


Lambda is a talent agency for freelance developers and designers. We help you find clients, negotiate for higher rates, and take care of the business side of freelancing.

  - Exceptional talent only: $100/hr minimum rate.
  - No recruiters or spam. We're developers too and we only match consultants with projects that fit their expertise and interest.
  - Serious clients only: Wanna hear about a disruptive social network for cats that "just needs a coder"? Neither do we.
  - Freelancers with side projects or startups are especially welcome!
If that's appealing, you can read more and sign up at: http://getlambda.com/

We've posted about this on HN a few times and have been amazed by the response. I apologize in advance if it takes a while for us to get back to you -- we interview everyone personally and are still ramping up the process.

Right now, we're particularly looking for NYC-based iOS and Android devs, as well as designers.

> I apologize in advance if it takes a while for us to get back to you -- we interview everyone personally and are still ramping up the process.


You tend to ignore people, you're the same as a recruitment agency. I personally think these threads should be restricted to direct hires, not your skimming-the-top fodder.

If we've ignored you, it's unintentional and I apologize.

Ken and I (Andrew) list our email addresses on our home page. Similarly, every automated email we send comes with the reply address set to one of our personal email addresses. Sometimes, people reply to those automated messages asking for things we can't really help with. I try to respond to everyone, but honestly, sometimes messages just slip through.

I've considered removing our email addresses from our web page. I'm sure that would decrease the number of messages we receive, which would increase the percentage we could reply to. But that would ultimately make us less available.

If you have any suggestions on how we can keep track of a high volume of inquires, I would love to hear them. Neither of us have run a startup at this scale before, so we're naturally trying to figure things out as we go.

Agreed. I'd still like a response from my initial email.

You guys look cool, are you US only though?

Yes, we're US-only for the moment, although we can work with anyone who has a US corporation.

SEEKING WORK - Brooklyn/NYC or Remote

I am a Ruby and Javascript developer who works mostly with Rails. I have also done smaller projects in Node.js, Backbone & Sinatra. In my work I value readable code & making systems as dead simple as possible. I believe that comes through if you take a look at my code on Github. Recent projects include writing a parser for SEC XBRL filings and a participatory visualization of endorsements in the 2013 NYC Mayoral primary (http://nyc-dems.com). I am currently working part time for a client porting his in-production Drupal web app to Rails, but I have time for another 20-30 hours of consulting per week and that's what I'm looking for. You can visit my website or Github for more info:



SEEKING FREELANCER - Remote (anywhere within UTC-8 to UTC+2)

PROJECT: Design and build a minimal, clean, static site for a software developer (namely, me!). You'll author SASS and a small number of HAML templates that serve as the foundation for the personal site, then use Middleman [0] to actually generate the site along with their blogging extension [1].

[0] http://middlemanapp.com/

[1] http://middlemanapp.com/basics/blogging/

MOTIVATION: I've been giving a lot of talks lately, and I know my co-founder would appreciate it if I spent some time on making my web presence a little more legitimate -- right now, I don't have a public site that I blog about or do anything interesting with, and I'd like to change that.

I'd love to do this myself, but I know that if I try I won't be able to stop myself from going down the rabbit hole of writing my own blog engine first, and that's not going to be good for my sanity. Better to outsource this to someone smart!

SKILLS: If you're interested, you should...

-- Have a good eye for minimalism, clean lines, and a focus on content

-- Know how to write well-structured SASS (and know your way around Compass to avoid reinventing wheels), and how to write organized HAML

-- Able to write some minimal Ruby (enough to wire the Middleman glue together with YAML and some configuration blocks)

-- Understand how to write a readable, understandable git commit

-- Be able to communicate in written English at a reasonable level (if you can read HN, you're probably good!)

My e-mail address and more about me is in my profile. Get in touch with any questions, or ask them here and I'll try to get back to you.


Remote or Montreal

I'm a full-stack developer. I specialize in Android, python, and AWS.

-- Built and designed The Unfollow App (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.unfollowap...). Backend was done in python/flask.

-- Drag To Shirt (http://dragtoshirt.appspot.com/)

-- Face It Shirt (http://www.faceitshirt.com/) -- Twtspire (http://www.twtspire.com/)

Looking for short-term projects. Available immediately.

Technologies: Java, Android SDK, Python, MySQL, AWS, Ansible

http://www.interstellr.com/ | email address in profile

SEEKING WORK - Remote, Amsterdam, London

Syadmin as a Service

Do you want to improve your scaling, resilience and reliability, but don't have a full-time Ops person on the team? Why not rent one?

I work with startups and online businesses to help them spend less time worrying about technical problems, and more time growing their business.

How can I help you?

- Expert sysadmin services, on tap

- Continuous Integration for your infrastructure

- Infrastructure design and implementation

- Server maintenance and optimisation (performance and cost)

- Quickly get up and running with tools like Puppet

About Me

I'm writing a book on AWS System Administration that will be published by O'Reilly early this year.

Here's an AWS case study for an infrastructure I built: http://aws.amazon.com/solutions/case-studies/fashiolista/

If you think these services could help your business grow, let's talk. mike@epitech.nl

SEEKING WORK - Seattle, WA, USA or Remote

Unity 3D C# developer for over three years, specializing in serious games, educational games, training simulations. I'm also interested in plain ol' regular games.

I've shipped products on Windows desktop and iOS. I can also build for OS X desktop and WebPlayer.

I've worked with artists and educational specialists to design interactions and generally end up doing more than simply programming.

Recently I've been working with the Oculus Rift, Vuzix AR glasses, and the Epson AR glasses. I've worked with OpenCV to roll and AR system from scratch, as well.

In a past life I was an electrical engineer, so I have experience with electronics, microcontrollers, robotics, etc. More importantly, I bring a solid real-time system perspective to the table.

Contact info, past projects I'm allowed to share, and other neat things at www.edparadis.com

SEEKING FREELANCER - Local (SF Bay area) or remote.

PROJECT: Front-end assistance with graphing interface for real-time and historic network traffic statistics.

WHO WE ARE: CloudHelix is doing a modern network visibility and control platform on top of an in-house postgres-fronted clustered column store database (API is DBI or REST).

OUR CURRENT STACK: jquery, underscore, D3, node, postgres, c, go

We're looking for something a little snazzier than Highcharts or current graphite frontends (either developed or adapted is fine), capable of doing 10-20+ 1-second refresh graphs and ideally with some interactivity in a good-looking dashboard view. Happy to provide access to our beta portal and examples of what we like/dislike and pay for some scoping time.

Could consider hourly, or a first phase of discovery/mockup then agree on a project price.

SEEKING FREELANCER - Remote (but based out of NYC)

Ruby Developer Looking for a Ruby developer to help on StartupThreads, a company that makes custom merchandise for many of your favorite startups. We have a beta release of a new dashboard and API for merchandise distribution that some part time help with code review and pushing a few new features.

Looking for folks with experience with devops & api design ideally.

Javascript / Front End Developer Longer term project, building a WYSIWYG tshirt designer tool (similar in basic function to: http://www.customink.com/lab). There are many interesting technical challenges involved that would be fun to work on. Experience with Raphael.js and HTML5 would be ideal.

Contact frank@startupthreads.com

SEEKING FREELANCER -ShareLaTeX.com - Front end developer/designer - Remote

We are an online LaTeX editor that very recently went open source, we are now looking for someone to join the team who will focus on the front end. The site is very functional but a long way off where it should be in terms of design and UX. We want someone to come in with a lot of ideas to help us shape how this tool will look and feel. The application is used by thousands of scientists around the world to help them work more efficiently. We have advertised this as a full time position as well but to be honest we are just looking for the right person, a good freelancer for a couple of months could be perfect as well.

Please get in touch for a chat if this is of interest. henry.oswald@sharelatex.com

SEEKING FREELANCER: London, UK (No remote.)

We're a successful London-based startup that is building the future of craft hobbies online. We're developing some fun, innovative models of community, commerce and content, along with great technology to underpin that.

We're looking for one or two seasoned, full-stack PHP developers to help us architect and build from the ground up a key new system for us, likely using Symfony2 or similar.

The project is for 3-6 months+, starting ASAP.

Please contact me at matt[at]broadmargins[dot]com if you'd like to learn more.


I hold a (rather fresh) Ph.D. in Human-Computer Interaction where I explored the use of paper-based interfaces with augmented reality on a camera+projector system [1].

I am most experienced with C++ and OpenCV on Ubuntu, but I am not afraid (and actually enjoy) experimenting with whatever tool best fits the job. For example I toyed with cala, Python, Ruby, Java, Bash, GNU Make, CMake, Inkscape, Android, Arch, TinyCore...

For example, I am the lead developer of Chilitags [2], an OpenCV based, C++ library to detect fiducial markers for augmented reality, but I'm currently exploring their use in browsers (via a emscripten conversion to javascript, with three.js), and their port to Android.

I would love to give a hand on proof of concepts or technical designs of innovative solutions to make computers understand humans better. I like the challenge of processing "natural" data, such as images, video or 3d movements to make a reliable solution to a problem.

Contact info (email, LinkedIn, GitHub, TwitterDM): http://quentin.bonnard.eu/contact/

[1] http://quentin.bonnard.eu/portfolio/metroscope/ [2] http://quentin.bonnard.eu/portfolio/chilitags/


Hey, my name is Basti and I've been a freelance webdeveloper for over 5 years. For the past seven months I've been a nomad traveling through Europe. I've got two backpacks. If your job requires traveling (in the EU): I'm totally ready.

My current area of work includes everything JavaScript (+CoffeeScript) and the rest of the crew: HTML, CSS.


  * jQuery

  * Backbone, Underscore

  * Mustache, Handlebars

  * Stylus, LESS

  * Foundation, Bootstrap, Semantic-UI

  * Gulp, Grunt, Bower

  * Node.js, NPM

  * Express, Koa

  * Socket.io, Websockets

  * MongoDB, Redis

  * Git, Ubuntu, Nginx
I am the creator of jQAPI (http://jqapi.com), have sold a jQuery Showcase/Blog/Twitter (http://usejquery.com) and I finished 3rd in the Nodeknockout 2012 in the category Utility/Fun.

Find my mail address in my profile. Or http://mustardamus.com or http://akrasia.me or http://github.com/mustardamus or http://twitter.com/mustardamus.

Looking forward to your message!


I am a Web developer (AngularJS, PHP, studying RoR) based in Manchester, UK. I am looking for contract work, alongside with my undergrad studies (graduating in July).

I have worked with local startups, remote agencies and with clients directly and I have worked with wide range of projects, from proof-of-concept prototypes as a solo developer to large (6+ months) projects from scratch with a team of developers.

I believe that software engineering is not only about writing code. I am always eager to become more productive, constantly improve the quality of the products by improving my non-technical skills, "Pragmatic Programmer" is one of my favourite books ever!

Recently I have been working a lot on Single-Page Applications, being responsible for both front end and underlying RESTful API.

In the last half a year, I have completed a business critical application for small business which is used daily to complete vital tasks and improve staff efficiency. I have also worked on a healthy restaurants recommendation app (HTML5 + AngularJs application compiled with PhoneGap), custom application to manage shop orders, and others.

Here is a list of some of the projects I have been working on in the last half a year: http://gedrap.me/projects.html

Drop me an email at gediminas.rap@gmail.com and we can talk how I could help you!

SEEKING WORK - Atlanta or Remote

I'm a full stack web developer based in Atlanta, GA

Skills: AngularJS, Ruby on Rails, C#, ASP.net, Android, D3.js, jQuery, pure Javascript, PostgreSQL, Nginx Experience: RESTful APIs, Widgets, web applications, and Android apps. I'm always open to learning anything that gets the job done.

Blog: http://kcoleman.me

Github: https://github.com/KevinColemanInc

Email: kevin.coleman@gatech.edu

SEEKING WORK - San Francisco Bay Area, CA or REMOTE, TRAVEL OK

I build apps, websites, APIs, and turnkey solutions that solve critical business problems. Here are some recent projects (more at https://www.pilvy.com/):

* An iOS VPN client for a major VPN service provider that uses iOS's built-in configuration profiles.

* IVPN Client for Windows: Developed for IVPN (https://www.ivpn.net/), who had some unique security & privacy requirements. Based on OpenVPN.

* VMware End User Computing Demo Portal (https://www.vmwdemo.com/): Allows VMware's sales and marketing teams to easily demonstrate the Horizon product suite to potential customers. Eliminated a ton of time-consuming work by automating Active Directory/LDAP account provisioning, expiry, and integration with Horizon Workspace.

I'm looking for short-term (1-3 months) projects. Available from mid-March.

tech: Objective-C/Cocoa/iOS, node.js, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, C#/.NET, Python, Elixir/Erlang

https://www.pilvy.com | https://github.com/ammmir | amir at pilvy dot com

SEEKING WORK - remote only, from Mumbai-India

Recently helped a couple of clients with next version of their web projects - implemented search using haystack for organicinputs.ca, integration with payment gateways like PaypalExpress, PX Fusion for next version of http://architecturemedia.com/

https://www.book-pay.com went live in June 2013 - developed from scratch in Django and Postgres,a site for booking seat for cycling tours offered by www.londonbicycle.com - so far 530+ users with 400+ seats booked

Helped in launching http://www.foodfan.com - Django,Postgres, S3 for photos, Sphinx for search, Jquery

8+ years of software development experience in dotnet and Django, open to working on other technologies.

Have worked with clients from US, UK and Syria

A blog post - http://www.vishalsodani.com/programming/experience-report-fr....



Contact: vishalsodani@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Denver, Colorado, USA or Remote

I am an experienced software developer with a strong skill set in UNIX/Linux/BSD backend server development in C++ and Python doing high availability, fault tolerant and high scalability architecture. Designed and built custom binary protocols and have used protocol buffers (google protobuf extensively). ZeroMQ experience as well!

I also have extensive experience working with Pyramid (Python web framework), PostgreSQL, and building web applications with JSON/XML data interchanges and the like.

Security while building products is extremely important, and I have a lot of experience building secure software, security in depth, and understanding how systems work on both a macro and micro level to be able to easily figure out how to provide additional security where possible by separating concerns. Along with security knowledge I have built and implemented various projects that made extensive use of cryptography and am familiar with common pitfalls associated with most primitives and how to use them to build secure constructs.

Do you have an interesting challenge for me? Get in touch :-)

bertjw@regeer.org http://bertjwregeer.com/ (Resume is out of date on the website, contact me directly for an updated copy)

SEEKING WORK, Texas (remote)

I have experience in front end web design, layout design, logo design and graphic arts, programming experience in PHP, Javascript, .NET (C# and VB) and a little bit of Java. I've done work in Laravel 4, Slim Framework and built themes and plugins for Wordpress.

I have graphics and media experience working in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and some Dreamweaver, also After Effects.

I’m currently pursuing an associates’ degree in business application programming at TSTC Waco, gaining experience in C#. C++, Java, Python and Visual Basic. I’m seeking any entry-level or intermediate work in the web design or programming fields, or graphic design.

You can find online examples of my graphic arts work, programming work and contacts:

Github: https://github.com/kennethrapp Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kennethrapp Behance: http://www.behance.net/kennethrapp Wordpress Plugins: http://profiles.wordpress.org/kennethrapp/

Contact me at kennethrapp1@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Washington DC or remote

My current focus is on full-stack web development with Django and Python, although I also have significant experience with WordPress and PHP. Most of my clients fall into one of three areas:

- startups who need assistance building a MVP,

- non-profits looking to use technology to help connect with their stakeholders, and

- small businesses trying to modernize their websites to increase their conversion rates.

I have worked with clients from Austria to Australia, so I understand the importance of communication and frequent updates when working remotely. Since I am often the sole developer/designer on projects I work on, I provide end-to-end technological solutions. Since I realize my successful clients might need additional development help in the future, I ensure everything I do is both maintainable and well-documented.

My online portfolio contains details about recent websites I have completed for clients, as well as open source projects I currently maintain or have contributed to in the past: https://marteydodoo.com/portfolio/

The easiest way to contact me is through my website: https://marteydodoo.com/contact/

SEEKING WORK - Remote or Los Angeles

I develop high-quality custom software for startups and established businesses. I was the prior CTO/cofounder of a venture-funded social networking startup, have a top-flight education, and have been helping startups with their software needs full-time for almost two years.

I take on a minimal number of clients to ensure high quality and fast turnaround. I specialize in developing complete software solutions and in solving hard-to-solve problems. Clients have hired me for projects involving:

Custom Backend Architecture | REST API Development | Desktop Software | Search | Database Architecture | Automated Classification | Scaling/Performance Testing | Low-level Hardware Interfacing

I have studied and interned at top-flight institutions such as Caltech (Computation & Neural Systems), Microsoft (Windows Search), Google Summer of Code (Neural Networks), Purdue University (Computer Engineering), Two US National Laboratories (Parallel Computing & Bioinformatics), and the US Dept. of Homeland Security (Fellow).

Shoot me an email at dan@danwilhelm.com with more about your project and I will get back with you promptly. Also check out more of my work at http://danwilhelm.com.

Freelancer - SEEKING WORK - Mumbai, India - Remote I have just completed my ongoing projects and I am back here for more. I have been doing freelance work from reddit and HN successfully for the past year or so.

I am a software engineer working in one of the country's largest e-commerce websites.

I love learning and working on new technologies and platforms, but currently, my main experience is in Node.js and PHP. I also have some experience in working with Ruby and Sinatra. I work on linux, and I have deployed and managed web, database and application servers on CentOS and Ubuntu. I am familiar with bash scripting. I am also familiar with some basic Python and Go, but I have never really got a chance to work on it.

One of my previous jobs involved working with a large WordPress application, so I am quite adept with WordPress too. Most of my freelance work from reddit has been on the wordpress front: Customizing and working on various plugins.

I have worked with various data stores too: Mysql, mongodb, redis are the primary ones.

On the front end side, I have worked on big JavaScript projects working with various html5 APIs. I dig semantic clean HTML markup and know my way around CSS.

I have worked on AWS on an earlier job, though my current organization has its own servers in a data center. I like working on big problems, "architecting" solutions which scale out and working on them, and tackling and troubleshooting live issues. I usually try to work on git whenever possible.

I am looking for medium to long term projects, and I love working remotely. Let me know if you have anything interesting and we can chat. Email me at mail@munimkazia.com.

SEEKING WORK - remote / Berlin

I'm a front-leaning, full-stack developer that has recently moved to Berlin from NY. I am American, and know just a bit of German (but am learning).

I have experience with every aspect of creating an application, from mockups and UX design, to graphic design, to the full-stack implementation, to deployment. I've successfully built and sold a past start-up of mine, and have a great deal of insight with product development. Because of this, I'm probably of most value the earlier a project is in its life cycle.

Backend stack: Ruby on Rails, with DBs/data stores such as MySQL, Postgres, Mongo, and Redis. I've also worked a bunch with Elastic Search. I can also use Node.js or PHP for the right project, but lately I've been doubling down on being a backend mono-glot.

Frontend stack: my preference is Angular.js, though I've also worked Backbone and Meteor. I am well-versed in current best practices, can build responsive mobile-friendly websites, and code pixel perfect CSS and HTML5. I have a great deal of graphic design experience and can help there as well.

Portfolio: http://eatingthe.com

Email: jeremy@superplussed.com


Electronic hardware design, product prototyping and microcontroller programming for displays, sensors, actuators and feedback loops - interface libraries written in c, c++, python and LabVIEW. Microcontroller experience includes PIC dsPIC and Arduino. Previous work includes automation of high precision physics experiments as well as digital interactive entertainment applications.

website: nseymoursmith.github.io

email: nseymoursmith@gmail.com

I've worked with Nic and would highly recommend him, very practical and resourceful. If you need anything related to hardware then give him a try!

SEEKING WORK - Chicago area or remote

Full-stack web developer and freelancer with 10 years of experience and a math background looking for work in the Chicago area. So far I’ve specialized on digital startups, and have worked with clients out of Chicago’s 1871. Throughout my work I’ve also been involved in helping startups build the back end of their application, design and optimize their websites and develop their business. Interested in short and long term projects.

Primary Specialties:

- MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular.js, Node.js)

- LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), including Wordpress

- Server set up on: CentOS, Solaris, Ubuntu, and Debian

- Data analysis in R and SAS

All of my development is responsive. In the past, I’ve worked on e-commerce sites, social networks, mobile versions of websites, and other projects. Here are some publicly available examples:

http://loadcost.com - Node.js (JavaScript), data analysis model written in R

http://yolobe.com - Node.js (JavaScript)

http://foundintown.com - PHP

References from past clients available. If you are interested, email me at: robert.haidari@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK, New York, remote work / freelance

I work with HTML5, JavaScript and CSS on the frontend; compiled from Hogan/Handlebars, CoffeeScript and LESS/SASS with Backbone as the logic handler. For the backend I primarily use Node.js again either built with JavaScript or CoffeeScript. I have also worked with PHP and Django. Components are installed with Npm and Bower, then compiled and minified via Grunt.

I have web experience in many areas dating back to 1996. I also maintain some web applications: Gignal (http://www.gignal.com) with Parse as backend; Konfect (http://www.konfect.com) with Neo4j as database;

I have used MySQL since 1998, but primarily uses MongoDB and Redis now.

For more info, please check: http://github.com/webjay | http://twitter.com/webjay | http://www.linkedin.com/in/jfsaxberg

Contact me via jacob@webcom.dk

SEEKING WORK - Remote (On Site if Necessary)

Author of Hacking the Kinect (http://amzn.to/1aljFwQ). I'm a robotics guy looking for some side work. I'll solve your robotics problems. I'm out of Cleveland area right now.

Skills: Sensor Fusion, Mathematical Filters, Localization, Planning, Kinematics, Sensors and more. Computer Science is the easiest for me, but I've worked at every level (EE, ME). C/C++, Python, Java, Android, Go, Ladder, etc.

Project Examples:

* Hybrid Safety System (Perception, Sensor Fusion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_Xc4yq-rz0

* 38-Ton Self Driving Mining Trucks (Perception System): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlqV0BNVkKQ

* Paint Stripping Fighter Jets with a High Powered Laser (Sensor Fusion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKmE2Bu3LqY

Github: https://github.com/Qworg

Email: jeffkramr@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote Web+Mobile UI designer and front-end developer.

4+ years of experience with designing usable interfaces with a focus on increasing user conversions.

Designed patio11's site which increased his conversion rate and profits:



Also designed the VideoLAN website and the interface for VLC Media Player for Windows 8:



Experience with Photoshop, Illustrator, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript/Jquery.

Knowledge of Ruby, Rails, BackboneJS, Git and Heroku.

Portfolio: http://ashraful.me/work

Pricing: $55/hour

Email: ashrafulsf@gmail.com


GitHub: http://github.com/sebinsua

LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/heyseb

Email: seb@momentumlabs.io

* * *

Two things...

  - If you're just browsing and you run a business, drop me an
    email, I'd love to figure out ways that I can add value to your
    business, and I won't charge anything for this time.

  - If you have an idea already I work with most technologies 
    and can quickly build an MVP/prototype from scratch or 
    get up-to-speed to contribute on a currently-running project.
* * *

I'm an experienced full-stack developer that practices Behaviour Driven Development (BDD).

I've worked in the following technologies on the server-side (Node.JS, Express.JS, Python, and Django), and on the client-side (JavaScript, Angular.JS, Backbone.JS, HTML5, CSS3, Objective-C.) However, I can probably pick up any language or tool that you're already using, so if I haven't mentioned it, just ask.

Don't hesitate to get in touch if you think I can help you in any way!

SEEKING WORK - Remote or Chicago, Boston or Austin (Data Science)

I turn raw data into answers for your business. If you have the data, great. If not, I'll instrument your business to collect that data.



* Real-time high-frequency trading dashboards that make six-figure returns. This included building and deploying a distributed system for processing hundreds of data streams in dozens of ways.

* Directly advised the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs on policy for rolling out telehealth. Advice based on dozens of interviews and the analysis of millions of deployment and medical records.

* Used AI to find the few hundred relevant records among hundreds of thousands when working with research physicians at a Boston area hospital.

* More projects and details at http://datademystified.com/


I thrive in startups but have also worked in government and academia. I've studied engineering and policy at MIT & Michigan. I have experience keeping sensitive data safe (incl. classified, HIPAA and Fortune 50 highly confidential).

Email me at john@jthess.com with your business questions and I'd be happy to set up a time to chat.


I help start-ups and e-commerce sites get more users from their traffic at a lower cost of acquisition. How? I analyze your conversion funnel and then use A/B testing and other tactics to improve conversion rates.

More info, case studies, and testimonials here: http://www.gkogan.co

Contact me directly at greg[at]gkogan[dot]co, or call me at +1 917 575 9535.

Sidenote to the downvoter(s): Please explain. Are marketing freelancers somehow against the rules here? FWIW, I have a background in development and have been part of this community for over two years.


Looking for freelance gig/remote Full/Contract. I have 10+ years of development experience mainly for web platform. Though language is not a barrier but I usually write code in PHP and Python. Working on site scrapper is something I love a lot. Check my profile below:


Contact given at the bottom of the link

SEEKING WORK: Linux System Administrator (Remote, Will work for bitcoins, write to: me@behnam.cc) I'm an experineced Linux System Administrator living in Tehran/Iran. I Configure and maintain different services on Linux servers (Redhat family to Debian): • Configuration of web servers (Nginx, Apache...) • Configuration of mail servers (Postfix, qmail, Mailman) • Configuration of DNS servers (BIND, djbdns, dbndns...) • Configuration of Linux IP-Networking (routing, iptables, sysctl, ...) • Configuration and management of SQL-base databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL) • Configuration and maintenance of NoSQL databases (Redis, MongoDB) • Configuration and maintenance of Linux base Bandwidth Shaper machines (tc-MasterShaper) • Configuring and maintaining of Transparent and full transparent web caching machines (Squid-tproxy) • Familiar with MikroTik CoreRouters (2800GS) as Shaper, VPN server, Proxy server,... • Familiar with Cisco Systems devices (2600, 3600 Routers and 2900, 3500 Switches) • Familiar with Joniper Networks Solutions (SRX220)

SEEKING WORK -- Remote or local. I'm based out of nowhere in particular, and like to travel to interesting places.

Full stack software engineer with 5+ years experience and a math background. Mostly I do heavy lifting in Java and Clojure. I've worked on complicated cloud pipelines, full-stack web apps, and in a past life, high volume, near real-time distributed trade processing applications for a Big Finance Company. I've also done work with parsing, domain specific languages, full-stack web development, custom high-speed message queues, and security and encryption. I like to solve hard problems.

Github: https://github.com/mthvedt/

Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/mike-thvedt/11/5b4/9bb

Contact: mike.thvedt@gmail.com

The buzzword list: Java, JEE, JMS, Hibernate, Spring, jUnit, Clojure, Ring/Compojure, Javascript, jQuery, Mocha, Haskell, Oracle and Postgres SQL, ElasticSearch, Redis, Mongo, AWS.

Hmm, wondering why you got downvoted?!

Your experience seems fairly impressive, by the way.

SEEKING WORK - remote or triangle region, North Carolina

I'm a Haxe/Python developer. I build cross-platform games and apps for the browser (Flash/HTML5), desktop (Windows/Mac/Linux), and mobile devices including Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and BlackBerry. My secret weapon is Haxe, which allows me to quickly build multiple versions of an app from a single codebase. I'm also proficient with the native languages of these platforms and can build platform-specific extensions, incorporate third-party SDKs, etc.

You've probably heard of Haxe - are you curious if it lives up to the hype? Shoot me a message and we can chat about it.

Here's a recently published Android game (free to check out), which also runs on iOS, desktop, and Flash: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.monsterfac...

My e-mail address is in my profile.

GitHub: https://github.com/bendmorris


I'm an 18 year old iOS / Python developer with significant experience working freelance with clients. Some examples of stuff I've built and worked on:

- Clockster - custom timekeeping app for release this year: http://mostlyserious.io/work/clockster.html

- Rendezvous - iOS app developed in 24 hours with proceeds going to charity: http://www.jgmsoftware.co.uk/mobile/rendezvous/

- PenPalWorld - flask API and iOS app developed from scratch, releasing at Easter: http://www.penpalworld.com/

As well as these projects, I have a good deal of experience with Java, Javascript, and a collection of scientific programming tools such as LabView and Matlab.

I'm currently a student at the University of Cambridge (UK), working towards a degree in computer science. You can contact me at bsc28@cam.ac.uk, and my github is @baltoli

SEEKING WORK -- remote (or L.A./Orange County)

Just want a banana, and end up getting the gorilla and jungle too? My experience will help you define your business needs, and come up with the right solution to fit your requirements.

Full-Stack Developer. Front end development in Responsive HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript (jQuery, jQuery mobile, JSON), and RESTful APIs built with PHP or Node.js on the server. Emphasis on a strong design to build projects that are simple and attractive.

Specializing in iOS and Android apps built with Cordova/PhoneGap that work beautifully on different screen sizes and devices.

  20+ years professional software developer, 15+ years freelance
  app website: http://imagenuity.com
Lets discuss your project - contact: jim at jimbergman.net or http://jimbergman.net/contact/

SEEKING FREELANCER, remote possible.


GraphHopper is a young Open Source project and we provide an efficient alternative to commercial routing software. GraphHopper uses OpenStreetMap as data source and is fast, platformindependent and very flexible.

We offer commercial support and consulting for GraphHopper. We are looking for a Java developer per project and later if desired also for long-term employment. With us you work directly on GraphHopper or for our customers. You'll find more details on graphhopper.com or just email us!


You have a passion for fast algorithms and you have solid Java knowledge. You don't fear topics like GIS or graph algorithms and you like working in a remote team from home office. Additionally you should have no fear in applying or learning TDD, as well as contributing in the open.



SEEKING WORK - SF and Greenville, SC or remote

I am a designer focusing in user interface and user experience. I also specialize in landing pages and optimizing ecommerce sites.

I have worked with YC companies, Harvard startups, and all sorts of other businesses.

I have a limited portfolio on dribbble at http://dribbble.com/joshmlewis.

Email hi @ josh.ml

I should also add I do front-end dev as well.

SEEKING WORK - Rails MVP and Testing Consulting | Philadelphia, PA | Remote




MVP Ruby on Rails Consulting and Development


I'm a product consultant who enjoys working one-on-one with entrepreneurs to take an idea, shape it into a product, and then build the MVP with Ruby on Rails. My projects are driven by regular communication and feedback from you.

* Consultation & Project Plan: $500

* Development: $2k/week, $500/day


Rails Testing Consulting


You don't write tests for your Rails apps, and it's starting to hurt. The time you dedicate to debugging mysterious errors could be better spent confidently adding new features. Unfortunately, you don't have the time to figure it out on your own.

I can review your Rails app and put together a re-testing plan, train you or a team on how to test, and work with you to re-test your app.

* Rails Testing Audit and Plan: $500

* Rails Testing Training: $1000

* Rails Retesting: $2k/week


I'd love to hear from you via email at hi@iamericsteele.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote or on-site

We are a team of experienced full-stack developers (ex-City, ex-Deloitte) who love to work on interesting and challenging projects, our recent works are:

* Easy to use staff holiday & leave management web app (SaaS), ideal for companies between 5 and 100 employees (Fortune 5,000,000)

* Digital library and office management web app for attorney offices integrated with super fast duplex scanners, barcode printers/readers and SMS reminders

* Online trading platform of physical gold, capable to handle 10k+ concurrent users with horizontally scalable architecture

We build bespoke software solutions for startups and enterprises working in SCRUM and help other software companies providing consultancy services on demand, so that they can easily extend their headcount.

Technology stack: Java, Spring Framework, Hibernate, Play Framework, GWT, JPA, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JQuery, AngularJS, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Teradata, SQL Server

You can find more about us at http://codedose.com

SEEKING WORK - remote, based in Connecticut

Developer and designer (4+ years), work out of my own shop, Heta (http://heta.co). Primarily develop, design, and customize WordPress themes, or convert PSD designs or HTML/CSS/jQuery to WordPress. I'm also building an app and run my own server as a hobby.

I've worked on complex sites for digital agencies (30+ templates, 25+ plugins), as well as on smaller sites for small businesses/individuals (10 templates, 10 plugins). Soon I will begin selling my commercial themes directly to the public.

Technologies I use: PHP, HTML, CSS/LESS/SASS, jQuery, CodeIgniter, WordPress, mySQL, ZURB Foundation (3/4/5), Bootstrap, SVN or Git for version control, Fogbugz or Sifter for issue tracking, HipChat to stay in touch. Self-taught and resourceful.

Reach out to me at: hn [at] heta [dot] co (not com). I can send you links to live sites I've developed, sites I've converted to WP, etc.

SEEKING WORK - Remote (UTC-6 to UTC+2 -- I'm in Europe)

I'm a full stack software developer with 15 years of experience. I've been building Ruby on Rails apps since 2007 (my github id is in the high 200s) and rich clients since 2009. I've helped launch several successful projects, one of which saw 40,000 signups on its first few hours after launch.

I'm only dogmatic about writing simple code. I'll try to push for simpler solutions if they have similar benefits to more complicated ones. It's crucial that I understand the motivation behind each feature request. Expect me to ask "why?" a lot.

I prefer lasting relationships. I'll do my best to earn your trust.

I'm not interested in building apps related to gambling, pornography, or that otherwise try to exploit the worst there is in people.

Technologies: Ruby (Rails, Sinatra), Clojure, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, ClojureScript, HTML, CSS, SASS (with or without Compass). Heroku, EngineYard, Amazon EC2.

Email: dgleal@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote or Greenville, SC

Looking for part-time work to build out a portfolio. I have done mostly corporate work but I'm looking to get out on my own a little bit more. This means I need more experience to show but that's kind of hard when your employer owns the source :) Chicken/egg and all that.

I'm a full-stack senior developer with about 12 years of experience, mostly in Microsoft-based stuff (C# and ASP.NET MVC/Web API is my current comfort zone), but I'm also dabbling in Node and PhoneGap (and Xamarin!). I also prefer git and Angular for front-end stuff so I'm not completely brainwashed. Lots of database experience with SQL Server, but I also like Couch and MongoDB as well. Oh, and I've done SharePoint too if that helps (or hurts).

I can help you design and develop your MVP or I can just help you fill in the areas you're missing on your dev team.

My email is in my profile, or you can hit me up on Skype at cbsmith5.

SEEKING FREELANCER, New York, remote work

I work with HTML5, JavaScript and CSS on the frontend; compiled from Hogan/Handlebars, CoffeeScript and LESS/SASS with Backbone as the logic handler. For the backend I primarily use Node.js again either built with JavaScript or CoffeeScript. I have also worked with PHP and Django. Components are installed with Npm and Bower, then compiled and minified via Grunt.

I have web experience in many areas dating back to 1996. I also maintain a web application called Gignal: http://www.gignal.com

For more info, please check: http://github.com/webjay | http://twitter.com/webjay | http://www.linkedin.com/in/jfsaxberg

Contact me via jacob@webcom.dk

You're supposed to put seeking work not seeking freelancer.

sorry, I'll remember that next time.

SEEKING WORK - devops - san francisco or remote

i live in san francisco and most recently was the lead devops engineer at bleacher report, the 3rd largest sports website and the 36th most trafficked website in the states. i am a consulting (systems administrator | systems engineer | devops engineer | site reliability engineer) and am currently looking for a new client.

here's a brief description of the work i did at bleacher report, which is the 3rd largest sports website and the 34th most trafficked website in the us. i reduced costs by migrating from engineyard to aws. i built completely new infrastructure and increased scalability & reliability by using autoscaling. i succeeded in halving monthly infrastructure costs from ~$150k to ~$80k and refactored chef cookbooks for all stacks. managed traffic surges of key sports events that surpassed 2,000 requests per second.

more information is available at www.elijahchancey.com

SEEKING all-round freelancer (remote):

Must have: - RoR (at least be able to get it running) - CoffeeScript / frontend stuff

Nice to have: - Ember.JS - NodeJS / Socket.IO - Cocoa (MacOSX) / .NET (only in combination with one of the above)

Email me waseem@sadiq.nl with your resume/projects and details.

Only respond if you are able to ramp up on our project before March 5th please.

SEEKING FREELANCER: Remote, anywhere in the world. Preferably Russian-speaking, but not required.

Our company, Qbix, has developed several really popular apps, including "Calendar" and "Calendar Plus" for the Mac, and "Groups" for iOS. They enjoy 25k, 2.5k and 20k daily active users, respectively. (See more at http://qbix.com)

We are looking for a person to completely take over development of Calendar + Calendar Plus for the Mac. We are developers ourselves and use Mercurial for version control. Reach out to us for info to check out the codebase.

+ Must be extremely proficient with Objective C and Cocoa

+ When reaching out, please include links to your portfolio, especially if you have apps for the Mac or iOS.

+ Your work will be used by hundreds of thousands of people every month. With great exposure comes great responsibility.

Simply send an email to "greg" and the domain is qbix.com .


Hello! Looking to pick up an interesting project or two this month. I'm just as happy on the front or back end so I guess I could be one of them unicorns you hear about! Recent projects have included iOS & Android apps, a charity volunteering app (making use of ChartJS & PhantomJS amongst other things), pretty complex Wordpress site for the NHS, and a bit more...

Skillz and whatnot below...

The Web:

Web site & app dev/design.

* PHP (Codeigniter mostly of late but have worked with all kinds)

* HTML 5 / CSS 3, Javascript / JQuery

* Hand-coded or Bootstrap/Foundation

* Responsive as you like

* API development or integrations

* Wordpress

The App:

iOS and Android app dev/design. I work with Titanium for the most part but I've also used PhoneGap/Cordova in the past.

Most recent iPhone work:

* https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/eatmcr/id384069000

* https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pitchup.com-campsite-caravan...

The General:

* Generic sysadmin stuff (VPS setup, AWS & whatnot)

* Worked with all kinds of API's from AWS, Twilio, Stripe, Mailgun, etc etc

* Git or mercurial for source control

Contact details in profile or via my creaky old personal site http://pitbot.net. Happy to supply links and details for recent work and show what I can do for you!

I'm UK based.

SEEKING WORK - Remote (Based in Perth, Australia)

I'm one of those right-brain centric big picture thinkers, so I have a knack for joining the dots between disparate systems and coming up with novel solutions. I'm a full stack developer but I have a preference for the frontend, particularly AngularJS.

Here's a quick laundry list of technologies that are fresh in my cranium:

Frontend: HTML5(canvas, filesystem ...), AngularJS, KineticJS, Bootstrap, Less, Facebook & Twitter API

Backend: Play!, web2py, Google App Engine

Languages: javascript, java, python tcl

Couple of things I've built:



Currently working on this:

http://pokerstoker.com/ (Can provide a link to the demo)

E-mail: andrew@andrewdyster.com

More info at http://AndrewDyster.com/


I'm a Ruby developer based in London, looking for contract work to go alongside my part-time work at a successful YC startup and my undergraduate studies.

I love working in Rails, and have particularly outstanding experience building Twilio applications, from whole-company phone systems to small SMS services. I spoke about a cloud-based phone system I built at Twilio's European conference in 2013.

Apart from that, I have plenty of general Ruby experience, working with clients from charities to web hosting companies. I'm not afraid to work in Javascript, HTML5 and CSS3, and am happy to negotiate on price to find an arrangement that works for you.

https://github.com/timrogers http://timrogers.co.uk/portfolio

Think I can help? Drop me a line at me@timrogers.co.uk.


I am a freelancer specializing in iOS and Android development. Here is most recent mobile work:

* iDitty Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.iditty

* iDitty iOS : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/iditty/id576841506?mt=8

* Croppola iOS : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/croppola/id549869191

Homepage: http://sapandiwakar.in

Portfolio: http://sapandiwakar.in/portfolio

Contact details in profile. Happy to discuss details about what we can work on together.

SEEKING WORK - Remote/Freelance Python/Django/jQuery, with extensive experience building e-commerce marketplaces. I have a research background, data analysis, playing around with NLP right now. I run a django dev shop, currently taking gigs for it. Here's my portfolio:

* http://www.cloudshuffle.com/

* http://www.sidmitra.com/portfolio.html

Contact details in my profile or the link above. Here're some examples from my portfolio:

* http://turbotaxcpaselect.intuit.com - Turbotax CPA Select, to help select accountants.

* http://www.ecomarket.com - An online marketplace for ethical and eco friendly products.

* http://www.teaspiller.com - An online marketplace for tax experts. [Recently acquired by Intuit]

* http://www.knowyourbank.com

* http://www.hypedsound.com/ - a music sharing platform.

* http://www.garnishbar.com - social network, to share mixed drink recipes

* http://www.fratmusic.com - an online radio streaming app serving over 1.3 million uniques a month.

and many more. Ping me for more details.

Github: http://github.com/sidmitra

Homepage: http://www.sidmitra.com

SEEKING WORK - SF Bay Area / Remote - Long or Short Term Consultation

I am a Product Designer (Interaction Design/UI/UX). I have experience relevant to products from iOS & Android to Large Web Platforms. I typically consult on or perform the following:

- Product management - strategy, best practices, team building, implementation.

- Product design - strategy, best practices, team building, process, interaction design, ui design, iconography.

- Front end dev - I tend to build most things I spec at the very least to a minimum in which there is no chance of fidelity loss from prototype to final product. I've also setup processes for growing teams and established best practices for new hires.

- iOS design/dev

info@bvrgroup.us | http://bvrgroup.us | http://dribbble.com/dylanrw

I'm William Riley-Land, software engineer, and founder of Kun.io App Studio LLC. https://linkedin.com/in/willprl

I am the author of an open source module called Baucis https://github.com/wprl/baucis

I personally perform software development and coding using Node.js, MongoDB, and Backbone.

I bring 10+ years of professional software development experience to the table, as well as about 3 years of experience with Mongo and Node.

I'm also looking to work with an assistant developer for various project management and systems admin tasks.

Please visit http://kunio.acuityscheduling.com or email me at william@kun.io if you would like to talk about a project or collaboration.

SEEKING WORK - San Antonio, TX or REMOTE - keyston [at] conceptual-ideas.com

Full-stack software engineer with 7+ years of experience specializing in backend development as well as Android Development.

Languages: Python,PHP, JavaScript, Java,Scala,HTML5,Less,Sass,ActionScript 3/Flex

Platforms: Android, Shopify,WordPress

Frontend : JavaScript (Vanilla, jQuery, Backbone.js, Handlebars,Node.js),HTML5,Less,Sass,Bootstrap,Foundation

Backend : Play!,Django,Kohana,Codeigniter,Node.js,Php,Akka,Spray.io, Netty

Environments: LAMP stack, NginX, Linux,Wowza,AWS



Pet project - a Scala driver for RethinkDB -https://github.com/kclay/rethink-scala

Hourly and Contract(short/mid/long term) Jobs welcomed

http://ihaveinternet.com/portfolio/ loads but doesn't resolve to your content.


WFMU seeks to engage a firm or individual on a contract basis to act as Software Architect for its Audience Engine Project. Audience Engine is an open source platform and strategy which will provide digital distribution of audio, video and audience engagement tools fully integrated with social fundraising tools, to radio stations, journalists and digital libraries. The functional requirements for Audience Engine are based on WFMU’s existing platform which can be seen live at wfmu.org. None of WFMU's existing code base will be utilized in Audience Engine. Audience Engine will be developed on top of an existing open source CMS system which will function as an Application Framework that can be integrated with any web based Front End. Whenever possible, Audience Engine will utilize existing open source components, such as CRM, Chat/Comment and Crowdfunding software by creating open source enhancements to provide specific functionality. Several new applications will be developed as open source CMS modules. For some functions, best of breed commercial components will be implemented initially until open source versions become fully functional.

The software architect shall guide and analyze the work of two or more full-time coders who will be hired by WFMU on a permanent basis. Deliverables will include a software blueprint and timeline for the Minimum Viable Product and post-MVP functions of Audience Engine, as well as user interface design. The purpose of the Audience Engine is to help media institutions become self sustaining entities, by providing them with a platform and strategy for distributing their content online, building meaningful traffic and audience around that content, engaging that audience socially around that content and then effectively raising individual donations via crowdfunding. The elements of the Audience Engine are to be built in a modular way so that existing media entities can use its various elements in conjunction with their existing sites and platforms. Interested parties should contact General Manager Ken Freedman at ken at wfmu dot org

SEEKING WORK - San Francisco or remote

I love programming, and I've been doing it for over 20 years. I'm looking for side work to keep me sharp while I'm taking a break from fulltime employment. My skills are varied, and I pick up new ones very easily.

- Python, Javascript, Go, maybe even C, C++, Java if the price is right-- I know a lot of languages but these are my specialties

- Any sort of web stuff, frontend or backend or in between

- SQL or NoSQL, I don't care

- Complex distributed service, or a simple script, it's all fun

Years of experience in the industry and in the open source world have taught me how to collaborate well. If you need an experienced programmer to crank out some quality code fast, then take a look at my work:

https://github.com/logan http://loganhanks.com

SEEKING WORK - San Francisco, CA (preferably the Peninsula) or Remote

I'm a full stack Ruby/Rails developer. I started working with Rails in 2006, and I've been writing software for over a decade. Outside of Rails, I've been working with Python at my day-job for the last six months. I am finishing a Master's with a Finance concentration now, and I have a BS in CS, in case you might be interested in someone with some specialized knowledge.

I am particularly interested in working with startups, working on data issues (I process data for a site with > 100M Uniques at my day job), or working on anything marketing-related. I've got a lot of experience running A/B tests and offsite marketing.

Email: justin@bulletprooftiger.com https://github.com/jcnnghm

SEEKING WORK - Remote from Brazil

I actually want to work for FREE for some time (2 months or so, after that I'll charge you an arm and a leg), as long as it's Go coding. I'm an old timer (I remember the #joiito IRC channel, the RSS/Atom wars and worked my way through PHP/Ruby/Python startups). E-mail me at jonasgalvez@gmail.com and you can learn more about me.

I'm specialised in Python and JS but want to move towards Go. If you're using or want to use React.js that's a plus. If you're using or want to use Docker that's another huge plus. You see, I want to work on really interesting/innovative technology (at least from my POV), and you get an awesome full stack developer to work for free for some time. If you think that's a good deal, let's talk.

SEEKING WORK - SF Bay Area - Remote or Local

Web Developer (Rails) freelancing while I build my startup. In a past life I spent three years as a Data Analyst at PricewaterhouseCoopers. I also play around with Machine Learning in my spare time.

I'm open to contract work at a big company, but I particularly enjoy helping startups and founders get their products off the ground. I'm currently working on that problem myself, so I'd like to think I know the pain points and best practices.

Production experience: Ruby/Rails, TDD, Heroku, MySQL/Postgres, jQuery, Bootstrap, Haml, Crawlers, Redis, ElasticSearch, Python, Git, Unix, AWS

Side projects: MEAN (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node), Node/Meteor, R, C, Octave/Matlab

dpmehta02[at]gmail[dot]com https://github.com/dpmehta02

SEEKING WORK - San Francisco - Remote - Travel Possible

Experienced pair of software developers with a history in startups. Proficient in:

  * Python  ['django', 'bottle', 'google.app.engine']
  * Javascript  ['angular','backbone','node'];
  * Clojure  '(Compojure)
  * Haskell, Go (and other esoterics)

We've helped entrepreneurs develop their MVP, as well as large companies develop core features. We provide services such as feature development, product management, and software auditing. Previous engagements include Getaround, Codecademy, Factset, Wakemate, drip.fm, and Swiftstack, among others.

For more info see our page at http://turbines.io, or talk to us at hn@turbines.io


I've worked on technologies ranging from package management/maintenance and Linux distros to web development and computer graphics.

Currently studying Computer Science and Engineering, my passion is to learn and to teach.

Lately I'm quite inclined in writing Python but I've also done lots of Javascript (also WebGL) and some PHP as well.

Website: https://gtklocker.com/ Github: https://github.com/gtklocker/ CV: https://gtklocker.com/cv.html Twitter: https://twitter.com/gtklocker Email: karantiaskostis@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - remote, based in Austria

I'm a JavaScript & Frontend Developer with a strong interest in data-visualization, product management, and mathematics. I'm currently looking for the next interesting client project. Throughout my 6+ years of industry experience I've created a couple of popular software projects ( heatmap.js [0], nude.js [1], many more), launched several web products, and consulted companies with their web strategies.

I love to work on anything web-related with interesting challenges and aspects that haven't been done.

say hello at hn-contact@w-labs.at

[0] https://github.com/pa7/heatmap.js [1] https://github.com/pa7/nude.js

SEEKING FREELANCER - SF Bay Area (must be local)

PROJECT: We are a stealth-mode start-up in Palo Alto looking to release our product as a mobile app on both iOS and Android. We've gotten quite a bit of interest in our product/company from our extensive network of prospective users and investors in the bay area.

SKILLS: iOS+Android app developer. -Must be local to bay area -We'd need you to provide end-to-end solution with both backend and UI/UX/Design. If you want to partner with another freelancer on it, that's fine. -Familiar with appstore and googleplay submission process. -Extra points if you've previously built apps that have successfully scaled

COMPENSATION: cash + equity

If you're interested and meet requirements, please respond with your contact info. Thanks!

SEEKING WORK - Remote (I'm based in Western Europe)

I'm an experienced Ruby on Rails developer and currently am looking for up to 10 hours/week of work. If we are a good fit I'm definitely open to long term project(s) discussion.

In the past I've done a lot of open source work and I'm a core contributor for Refinery CMS project which is still the most popular CMS built on top of Rails.

I'm also very interested in "spreadsheet to application" type of work.

mail: ugis@ugisozols.com

github: https://github.com/ugisozols

www: http://ugisozols.com

linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ugisozols


Soon-to-graduate (May) physician (MD) seeking to provide affordable consultation to startups in the healthcare/biotech arenas. Skilled in searching, extracting, analyzing, and presenting data from the medical and scientific literatures. Talent for translating complex medical information into easily understood content.

User side proficiency with a majority of the leading electronic medical records. Expert in simulation training in medical education.

Maintains high level contacts with multiple regional health care corporations and emergency medical service providers in the southwest, as well as prominent clinicians and research scientists in fields of emergency medicine, critical care, pediatrics, and general medical education.

Contact: cdameffmd@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote (based in LA)


Where I've worked/studied: thoughtbot, ZURB, Coveo, Atlassian, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont McKenna College

Things I do: Back end dev, front end dev, full stack dev, design (I have a partner who designs), code auditing, TDD

My usual stack includes:

* Ruby, Ruby on Rails



* Heroku, AWS

* Javascript, Angular.js, jQuery

* Postgres, Redis, MySQL

* Photoshop, git, ZURB Foundation, Responsive design

Sometimes: Backbone.js, PHP

I've worked with over 25 clients in 4 countries and am on the look out for interesting new projects. I won't belabor an explanation of my philosophy and experience on this thread, but please visit http://nealke.mp or email me if you are interested in learning more. You can contact me at me( at )nealke( . )mp



We're a small team that builds websites and apps for startups and growing companies.

Our past clients include TalentBin, Buddymedia, Crazyegg, Chitika, RE/MAX, Moovweb and more.


User experience


• Usability audits & testing

• Sitemaps & Information architecture

• Sketches & wireframing

• Onboarding users & conversion optimization

• Product strategy

• Content strategy


Web & UI Design


• Landing pages

• Marketing websites

• Applications (admin, backend, interfaces, etc.)

• Redesigns (taking a product and redesigning it from the ground up)


Front-end development




• Javascript

• Responsive (for tablets and mobile devices)


Email marco@masswerks.com and I'll reply within minutes


I am an experienced software engineer that has a proven track record of successfully leading complex, highly scalable application build outs. Right now, I am growing a new consultancy, Reactive.IO http://www.reactive.io and am looking for clients who have difficult technical challenges and need to solve them right the first time.

I have an extensive background in using Ruby/JRuby on Rails, Java/Scala, Erlang, JavaScript/Node.js, PostgreSQL, and Amazon Web Services to build highly concurrent real-time API services and interactive single-page interfaces. I have routinely hired new software teams and worked with them to architect complex systems and create effective software development processes.

I also help companies build a technical strategy to ensure they start with, and transition to, technology that best fits their ever changing business needs. Furthermore, I have been a proponent of agile software development for over 10 years and excel at structuring product ideas into attainable sprints.

Between my engineering and management experience, my focus is to always reduce your company's technical risk. By having the right technology mix, partners, and people in play; you can then rely on your software to grow every aspect of your business.

To learn more about my background, please look at the following links and feel free to reach out to me at robert.sosinski@reactive.io anytime.

Company: http://www.reactive.io

Blog: http://www.robertsosinski.com

GitHub: http://github.com/robertsosinski

Angel List: http://angel.co/robertsosinski

LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/robertsosinski

SEEKING WORK - remote, short to medium term projects - zak.wilson@gmail.com

I make software - mostly full-stack web development and HTTP APIs, but I'm adaptable. I have some interest in artificial intelligence and machine learning. I can do stuff that's harder than basic CRUD apps.

Stuff I know well: Clojure, Ruby (with or without Rails), Python, Django, Javascript, Lua, PostgreSQL, MySQL.

Other stuff I've used for something non-trivial at least once: Common Lisp, Scheme, Java, SASS, C, PHP, Haskell, Bash, Perl, MongoDB.

Yes, I can probably pick up that language or tool you're using that nobody has ever heard of. Github (perhaps a bit dusty): https://github.com/zakwilson


GitHub: http://www.github.com/sf49ers LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewtkim

Ruby on Rails developer here looking for freelance work.

I'm from New York but am currently located in Berlin and would be willing to work remotely or locally in Berlin up to 30 hours a week. I'm comfortable with full stack (HTML/CSS/Javascript), have 2 years of Ruby on Rails experience and studied engineering at Columbia. I would love to help you out on your project, so please feel free to e-mail me at andrewtevinkim (at) gmail (dot) com.


MustWin is a San Francisco based consultancy that specializes in the rapid design and development of successful web and mobile applications. Companies hire us to create their minimally viable products (MVP), implement their go to market strategies, increase the velocity of their teams, launch new features, and augment their in house expertise.

Tech: Agnostic, but specialties in Ruby/Rails/Javascript/Node

Site: http://mustwin.com

Ethos: http://mustwin.com/ethos

Testimonials: http://mustwin.com/#case-studies

Shoot us an email: we@mustwin.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote or San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara, CA

Ruby and JavaScript developer with Rails, Node.js, D3.js, SASS, HAML experience. Have worked with startups, two YC companies, worked remotely, built many MVPs. Good communicator. Focus on user experience and code quality.



Twitter: https://twitter.com/chrispolis

Github: https://github.com/cmpolis

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/chris-polis/24/33/89a

SEEKING WORK - Portland, OR or Remote

I'm a polygot, full-stack developer with over 13 years experience. My specialties are Rails, Postgres, Javascript, and Chef, although I've also done some iOS and Machine Learning projects. I am reliable, easy to work with, quick to turn things around, and a good communicator. I can work solo or on a team, either as lead or a team member.

You can see some of my recent work here:



If you'd like to work together, I'd be happy to discuss your project!: pj@illuminatedcomputing.com

SEEKING WORK - Vancouver BC or Remote (US & Canadian citizen)

Full Stack Engineer (actually fullstack - a strong aesthetic and eye for design included). Technical founder at modern startup looking for consulting work to pay the bills.

Been working with modern javascript stacks for the past 3 years (node, coffeescript, backbone/angular, couchdb, web sockets, grunt, and cloud services galore).

Before that 5+ years with Python, Rails, and everything related to 3D in an R&D role at a household name company.

View a Youtube demo reel of two of our products for UX feel (all FE and BE code by me). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3Ue0aFgO9w

email: dean {at} utl.io

SEEKING WORK - Remote only - Bangalore, India

Node.js web developer + Android programmer Keywords - Node.js, Java, Android

I do end to end development in Java and Javascript (jQuery, EJS, express.js, MongoDB). I have a strong track record in developing analytics applications involving web scraping, charting, reporting and BI.

I also do native Android apps as well, for a demo of some the code I've written you can check this - https://github.com/divyad . However, most of the code I've written is for proprietary projects. There is another Android game in the pipeline.

Please contact backoder@gmail.com if you have any requirements; I can start immediately.

SEEKING WORK - Toronto or remote

Available for robotics (or just mechanics/just electronics) projects. I have over a decade of embedded experience across a range of microcontrollers, mechanical fabrication and CAD expertise, as well as formal training in human-machine interface design. If you need a quick working prototype, designing a product for manufacturing, or anything in between, I can help.

Examples of past projects include:

* Distributed air flow monitoring system for food production facilities

* Predictor display design and analysis for achieving closed-loop control under high latency of robotic systems in space

* Smartphone-controlled robotic aerial photography platform

* Modelling and visualization tool for a novel greentech device

Email: ori@oribarbut.com

SEEKING WORK - remote, South India

You might be in need of a complete branding experience covering everything from logos to stationery to social media graphics and email signatures. Or you might need just a quick logo and a website or a slick new UI design for your latest app. Either way, if you need designs done, I'm your man. I have over 7 years experience designing brands and developing front-ends for apps and websites, a selected few of which are available for perusal over at my portfolio site[0] and on dribbble[1]. For inquiries, my email is in my profile.

  [0] - http://dffrnt.com
  [1] - http://dribbble.com/vjk2005

SEEKING WORK - Remote or Washington DC

I'm an experience Ruby developer(and Rails). I'm involved in Open source projects. I love full stack development. I live on the command line.

- 3+ years of Ruby development experience - 3+ years of Rails development experience - Core contributor on a Ruby framework(http://www.padrinorb.com/) - AngularJS/EmberJS experience

Email ortuna at gmail.com Github: https://github.com/ortuna Twitter: https://twitter.com/ortuna

SEEKING WORK -- Toronto, Canada -- Remote




Michael Lo - iOS developer (mainly)


Objective-C (iOS)

PHP (Laravel, Drupal)

Front-end (AngularJS, JQuery, Bootstrap, Phonegap/Trigger.io)

Tools (Git, SVN, Grunt, Composer)


Experienced mobile developer. I can work on projects of all sizes, build APIs, help develop architecture and conceptualize ideas. I've been involved from beginning (requirements, analyst) to end (deployment).

I love problem solving and building elegant, clean and modern solutions. Looking to get things done!

SEEKING WORK - Toronto/Kitchener or Remote

I'm a full stack web developer based in Toronto/Kitchener.

Skills: AngularJS, Node.js, Express.js, Android, D3.js, jQuery, pure Javascript, Photoshop, PostgreSQL, Nginx Experience: I've written RESTful APIs, survey Widgets, web applications, and Android apps. I also have experience with Arduino (maze solving car), 8085 Assembler, and C (both at a basic level). I'm always open to learning anything that gets the job done.

Portfolio: http://stolarsky.com

Github: https://github.com/EmilS

Email: emil.stolarsky@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Belfast - Remote or onsite.

Full-stack web developer with several years experience with designing and implementing web applications in Django and more recently single page web apps in AngularJS. I am also well versed at converting designs into HTML and responsive CSS that will work across a range of screen sizes on different devices.

Please email me at mail@neillyons.io if you would like to see my CV and we can arrange a chat.

Neil Lyons





SEEKING WORK - Remote (but often in NYC)

I'm an experienced full-stack web developer looking for a project I can help to architect and build from the ground up.

I've helped startups to build their technical stacks in the past and am comfortable with most aspects of product development.

Specific experience in Javascript (frontend and Node), PHP, Python, Ruby, MongoDB, MySQL, etc.

Check out my personal website (http://morgante.net) or GitHub (http://github.com/morgante).

Looking for a project I can start very soon, probably at a discount to my normal rates.

Get in touch - me@morgante.net

SEEKING WORK: Programming Tutoring :: New York, New York

I have over 15 years of design and web|desktop|mobile development experience. Topics can be almost anything, my knowledge is vast and includes:


<Databases> MongoDB or SQL

<Programming Languages> Javascript, Ruby, Python, Perl, Objective C, C++, Small C, OpenCL, CUDA, OpenGL, x86 ASM, VBA Scripting (Excel & Word) and more!

<Infrastructure> Nginx, Apache, Postfix, Amazon Web Services & EC2, Wordpress and more

<Tools> Git/Github, Photoshop, Sublime Text

<Frameworks> - Rails, Django, Express / Node.JS, Backbone.JS, Angular and more



Programming - Learn how to build a website or app. Harness the power of programming for your business, hobby, or ease of life!

Mathematica - Creating art using Math or crunch data and graph it for financial analysis

OpenCL - computing using beefy graphics cards

Tesseract - Optical Character Recognition

Scraping - Scrape the web or make bots that interact with the web

Reverse Engineering - the dark side of programming - Using Ollydbg, Softice, OTool, IDA Pro - see how viruses and trojan horses tick, reverse engineer your favorite software to tweak its functionality and add features, lots of possibilities!

Penetration Testing | Exploitation - Learn about SQL injection and how to search a website or server for vulnerabilities. Become an expert in XSS, Remote Code/Command Execution, Buffer Overflows, and the art of exploitation.


I charge $125 for one hour of tutoring. A discount can be negotiated for > 1 hour sessions.


SEEKING WORK - Boulder, CO/Remote

Front-end oriented programmer with a zeal to ship. I have around 20 hours of availability per week coming up I'm looking to fill. Looking for opportunities to collaborate and build something great from start to finish.

Lots of experience in Ember.js, a bit in Angular too. Also experienced in automating deploys using GruntJS and Capistrano. I've also worked extensively on the Magento eCommerce platform.

Backend languages include Ruby/Rails and PHP. Misc. languages: Bash, MySQL, MongoDB.

Let's talk about your goals, shoot me an email: graham@branchlabs.com



Hi all! I know that this post won't give me a job, but I have already one (at least for the next 3 months), but I just wanted to say that my tremendous skills in JAVASCRIPT/HTML5/CSS3/ANGULAR/C#/NODE/UNIX/etc... are nothing compared to the joy I bring to the teams where I am and also that I'm building the next Facebook-killer and so if you want to work with the next Zukerberg (I would rather be the next Page because at least, he was a good coder), feel free to hire me! Check more at http://marques.io

Nice blog!

SEEKING WORK - Toronto / Montreal / Travel is fine - http://gregmcwhirter.com

Are you looking to take an existing application to the next level or build one from scratch? Thinking about rolling out an API? Maybe you have data that you would like to view in new and engaging ways... We should talk, I'm a full stack engineer with 8+ years experience building secure, distributed applications using Ruby/Rails, Python/Django, JS/Backbone/Meteor/D3, HTML/CSS, SQL/NoSQL, ... and I'd love to hear from you.

Until then, gm@gregmcwhirter.com


I used to be a Rails developer but I want to become a Meteor.js developer. I haven’t work on a big project with Meteor yet. I wouldn’t mind working for free at first to prove my skills. I would then expect to be paid in Bitcoin.

Keep in mind that any code I write for you will be open sourced on GitHub and released under the Unlicense (public domain). Also, I expect any content you provide me with to be released under the Creative Commons CC0 license (public domain).

Others skills besides Meteor: Bootstrap, Sass, LESS, jQuery, CoffeeScript, Ruby on Rails, Ember.js, PostgreSQL, Git, Pixelmator, Sketch, Final Cut Pro

Best way to contact me: frabrunelle@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - REMOTE or Boston, MA area AngularJS, Rails, Mysql, heroku, Server Configuration, D3, javascript Github: https://github.com/Jngai Currently working on: http://www.internationalsituationsproject.com/ https://appblade.com/ Availability: Part time Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/pub/judy-ngai/10/4a7/b99/ Email: judy.ngai1228@gmail.com

I'm interested in exciting freelancing opportunities. I'm an electrical engineer/hardware developer. I love power and analog electronics, digital design, and the occasional DSP or micro-controller challenge. I have experience with Bluetooth, battery-powered, mobile, USB, ~500W audio power amp, low-noise and high-speed analog and digital, AC/DC, sensors, MEMS, control, actuators, high-voltage, tiny, low-power, turn-key PCB manufacturing and assembly, SolidWorks integration with mechanicals, human interaction. I enjoy writing Python, C, Mathematica, and MATLAB code.


.-Okie jona@mit.edu

SEEKING WORK - Remote or Sydney, Australia

Full stack Web developer and Native Android Developer with 7 years pro exp

> Recent Android project: http://positivethinking.net

> Experience with scaling Wordpress for media & online publishing companies

> AWS, LAMP, Nginx, yii, mongoDB, PHP, Varnish, Memcached and all the other web usual suspects..

> Good eye for design and business focused

> Very much a technology all rounder, I probably have the all required skills to build 100% of your product or MVP on my own

More info and contact at: http://mindfsck.net

SEEKING WORK – REMOTE or in Vienna, Austria.

Full-stack Python/Django web developer; have worked remotely with clients outside Europe.

I have worked on:

* a large database app for a local university

* webserver automation software for a local hosting company

* coin catalog and shopping cart for a local collector

* property management app for a company in China

* simple games

I have a CS degree and have worked with non-python languages (Java, PHP, Delphi, C/C++) in the past. I’ve held a few workshops on python for programming novices at a local university. MacOS, zsh, vim and git are essential tools for my workflow.

Find some examples of my work at


SEEKING WORK - Helsinki, Finland / Remote / Travel possible

Full stack developer with product design experience, both web and mobile.

Background in Google, Nokia and startups.

Main stack: modern JavaScript (Angular.js, d3.js, jQuery), Python (Tornado, Django), C++/ObjC, iOS.

I'm looking for short side projects in which I can quickly contribute value to you. I have strong background designing and implementing user interaction, but I've lead a fair share of complex backend projects. I can help you with anything from UI to setting up automated testing and deployment.

If needed I can travel for a week or two at the time.


Seeking work - Reno, NV or Remote

Hi. I'm a full stack developer looking for short or long term projects. I charge $100/hr.

* Frontend - Javascript (Angular.js, jQuery), HTML5, CSS3

* Backend - Node.js (Express, Restify), Go, PHP

* DB - MySQL, MongoDB, Apache Solr

* Deployment - Heroku, Amazon Web Services (EC2, S3, Cloudfront, Route 53)

* Workflow - Git, Grunt.js, Sublime Text, Github

* APIs - Facebook, Google Maps, Stripe, Sendgrid, Twilio

* Other - SVN, WordPress, Drupal, Twitter Bootstrap, Adobe Illustrator

Portfolio: http://www.andrewsamuelsen.com

Github: http://www.github.com/andypandy


Andrew Samuelsen

SEEKING WORK - Remote - Security Consultant

If you don't want to appear in the front page due to you security problems, just hire me. I will help you in your security design, processes, procedures, ERP, DRP, compliance, key management, PCI-DSS...

I will walk with you and I will enable you to achieve your goals in a secure way. I don't overkill just smart security for your business.

I can work with you hourly based (do you want me to review some technical documents or code? ) or project based ( you just need some security documents, design... ).

Do you want to pentest your platform?

Just drop me a line to my e-mail or answer me here.

SEEKING WORK - Portland, OR / Remote

UX Designer, 4+ yrs experience working on web, tablet/mobile, and other interfaces.

I'm looking for p/t or short projects, ideally for product-focused or SaaS startups.

I work on the whole UX journey, from user interviews, requirements building, and personas to user and site mappings, wireframes, interaction prototypes and user testing. My coding skills can take me to prototyping, not production.

Have done work for Intel, VMware, Columbia Sportswear...and worked at a startup in NYC for 3+ years.

Holler if you want to know more or see work examples. Thanks!


SEEKING WORK – Remote (am based in London for meetings if needed)

I’m a web guy and can do both design and development. HTML, CSS, LESS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Python, PHP, etc.

I’ve worked with businesses like Buzzdeck, Shoply, Kobalt and many more.

I also do open source stuff. I’m the creator of jQuery Credit Card Validator (http://jquerycreditcardvalidator.com) and Forrst Like Button (http://forrstbutton.com).

Get in touch at: pawel.decowski@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote, based in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

We’re a two-man team good with pretty much anything JavaScript (node, phonegap, angular, etc.) and all-round front-end work. Also good with design (graphic, ui), dbs (mongo, couch), project management, testing or front-end ops.

Lots of experience with building single-page apps - both the back-end Node APIs and client-side apps with Angular or other frameworks.



SEEKING WORK - Sacramento/Remote

Skilled applications/tools programmer with lots of experience in product development. Available for some work this month, much more in April and beyond.

I work very quickly and don't bikeshed.

Languages: Python, JavaScript, Erlang, Ruby, PHP, Bash, Vimscript.

Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Mnesia.

Frameworks: Django, Tornado, Express, Rails. Angular.js, Google Closure Tools, ExtJS.

I know how to configure Linux systems and use provisioning tools like Ansible.


Email: thomas@oinksoft.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote(On site if necessary) based in Argentina Full stack software engineer with 3+ years experience. Worked mostly in Java but I'm open to learn new stuff.

Languages/Framewroks: Java, Spring, Spring data, Hibernate, Thymeleaf, Scala, Javascript, Jquery, AngularJS, Postgres, MySQL, Redis, Mongo, AWS.

Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/flenzi

Github: https://github.com/flenzi

SEEKING WORK - Remote: Atlanta

It's mostly developers posting here, but I thought I'd reach out from the post production world.

I'm a colorist with lots of experience in music videos, commercial, short and long form narrative. Experience with major brands/networks/artists (MTV, ESPN, BET, Coke, Sony, Chevy, Janelle Monae, Diplo, Travis Porter, etc). Knowledge of Alexa, Epic, F65, etc. Fully calibrated DaVinci suite with RAIDs, LTO, etc.



Location: Preferably SF based, remote possibilities for exceptional candidates.

Looking for hands on video dev skills. If you can work around mobile and video with excellent knowledge of codecs and streaming as well as making video experiences fast, seamless and graceful on mobile, then we are looking for you.

Job Link: http://hire.jobvite.com/CompanyJobs/Careers.aspx?c=&page=Job...

Seeking Work - New York City

5 years iOS development, with a lot of product experience. I also enjoy working with Go and will do Rails to get a simple API server up and running.

Last worked at Betaworks before becoming a contractor, and have worked with a lot of startups from Techstars and the like.

Site: fabisevi.ch Twitter: @mergesort (I'm hilarious, not really) Resume: http://fabisevi.ch/_content/Joseph%20Fabisevich_Resume.pdf


Need a solid, secure app on multiple platforms, on a tight deadline? I'm your man. Experience (in order of importance):

- Python + Django/Flask/Web2py (http://eden.sahanafoundation.org)

- Android (contributed to OI File Manager, other OI apps, http://datumdroid.com)

- Frontend Dev

- C++ + Qt

- Pentesting webapps

Contact: me[at]aviraldg.com (prefix subject with 'work', please)

Note: I will only be available next month onwards, but you can negotiate now.

SEEKING WORK - Haskell/C/Python - Remote - Portugal (UTC+0)

Long time embedded software programmer in C, with a new found love for Haskell.

I can help you translate your code to Haskell, for increased safety and performance.

10 years experience with embedded C, gdb, real time operating systems. Tooling with python. Github: https://github.com/jcristovao Email: jcristovao@gmail.com

The buzzword list: Haskell, Yesod, PostgreSQL, C, Assembly, Embedded, Hardware Devices, Python.

SEEKING WORK - Remote / South America / Travel Ok

I'm just putting together a team of two developers and a designer/UI guy. We'll be running a Python/node.js web development shop (Django, Flask, Tornado, express, etc). Our team is focused on MVPs, prototypes and the first cycle of your product (blog, landing page, website, call to action/sign-up/request invite, crowdfunding site, etc).

If you want to chat just drop me a line: ccarpenterg@gmail.com (Cristian / UTC -3)

SEEKING WORK - Pittsburgh, PA (Remote or On-site)

Downright Simple is small mobile development studio specializing in highly effective iPhone and iPad applications. In addition to iOS, we also handle back-end services, web apps, and the occasional Android or Windows Phone apps. And if we can't handle it, someone in our referral network most likely can.

Email me at chris@downrightsimple.com Website: http://www.downrightsimple.com

SEEKING WORK - Norwich, UK and remote

I have 12 years professional experience building sites and applications with open source technologies. I am an ex-Yahoo engineer, I am reliable, and I get stuff done.

I can build you a MVP quickly, or give you advice on scaling your application to thousand+ users.

More backend focused (PHP, Perl, Python or Ruby) than front-end, but have good experience of working with standards-compliant HTML, CSS, JS as well as JQuery and D3.

I am particularly skilled at working with large legacy code bases.


SEEKING WORK - Remote (based in US)

Analytics expert who speaks to both business and technical teams.

BUSINESS SIDE: Former director of international analytics for Rakuten. $100M business, 9 countries. Directed analytics design, implementation / development, business reporting & analysis, drove adoption of A/B testing. TECHNICAL SIDE: Wrote www.musivu.co (Rails, Heroku, Bootstrap, payments, video, responsive) in free time.

Certified in Adobe Digital Marketing Suite; also speaks Google Analytics.


SEEKING WORK - SF Bay && Remote. I will travel to meet you in person and work on-site.

Front-End Engineer

My specialties are:

• Responsive web apps

• Progressive Enhancement

• Animations with CSS and JavaScript

My focuses are:

• Fast turnaround times

• Being in communication (I will always answer my phone)

• Integrity

Lately, my interests are:

• Working on web apps using Backbone.js with Python/Django or Node.js

• Scientific visualization (charts, graphs, and dashboards)

• Making team remote work more fulfilling on a human-connection level (I'll fly to meet you and lets have some Google Hangouts!)

Check out http://mibake.co and send me an email.


SEEKING WORK - Remote (Toronto area) Embedded systems developer with experience in hardware design and firmware. I can help with ground up hardware design, prototyping, and bringing a product to market (DFM, DFT). I've worked with a wide range of microcontroller architectures and tools, and have additional experience in automotive systems and bootloaders.

More info: http://evenchick.com

Email: eric@evenchick.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote / Amsterdam, NL

Rails developer with a focus on interaction.

I mostly do Ruby (with or without Rails). Experience with MySQL/Postgres, Javascript, HTML5/CSS/Javascript (and frameworks like Backbone, Ember, etc), Redis, Heroku/VPS, iOS development (Objective-C/Cocoa).

If you have a project in either Node of Clojure, I'm willing to work for a reduced rate, as I'm looking to gain experience points in those platforms.

Contact: tijmen at gmail com

SEEKING WORK - Remote/Michigan.

Looking for part-time fullstack RUBY, RAILS, or Devops based projects.

Midwest billing rates.

Senior Developer 7+ years exp.

* Fullstack Ruby/Rails development: frontend/backend/devops

* Javascript heavy apps and Backbone.js

* 3rd party API integrations. Custom gems and plugins

* Manage the server, with or without chef

* Mysql, Postgres or MongoDB

* MVP/prototypes

* Rescue/refactor stale/failing projects

More: http://featlabs.com/

For project inquiries send an email to: projects `at` featlabs `dot` com


SEEKING WORK - Little Rock or Remote

Available for web design, web development (Rails and ASP.NET/C#), and general graphic design and UI/UX design. Years of experience with Rails and ASP.NET, Mobile-first responsive design, branding, etc. I've worked and helped lead small to large enterprise projects.

Resume and website: http://mcmillion.io Email: matthew@mcmillion.io


I'm a full-stack web developer. I'm interested only in short-term Web/Rails projects (e.g building MVP in a week or two).

Recent Project : http://railyo.com - a private job board for Rails Freelancers/Developers

Skills : Ruby/Sinatra, Rails, jQuery/CoffeeScript, HTML5/CSS3/Sass, Bootstrap/Foundation.

You can contact me here: ramesh at rameshjha dot com.

SEEKING WORK - remote, Europe, Germany

Hi, I'm a freelance software developer in Duisburg, Germany. I'm specialized in building bespoke web and desktop-based applications, with an extra focus on business, ecommerce, and operations research.

Main technologies: C++, Python + Django, JavaScript + web front-end

Portfolio and contact details: http://www.dopfer-software.de/

SEEKING WORK - Sydney, remote is fine

We are a team of two (UX + Dev) focused on functional design and MVPs. We specialise in building low-fi Rails mockups and prototypes. Looking for a project now, we have very competitive rates.

Get just the view layer if you like, or get it built up to a full MVP. We don't do graphic design.

Get in touch: connect@uifirst.com and I'll reply ASAP.


SEEKING WORK, Charlotte, NC or remote

I'm an iOS developer willing to work at a competitive rate.

Hakka News is a recent app that I just shipped.



Contact me at auto234875@gmail.com

SEEKING Freelancer - UK - Web designer.

I've got a photography portfolio that needs a refresh, static HTML preferred, but jquery can be used if you have nice effects.

I've only got about five pages but I'm not so good at the design. I freely admit the budget is low £50-£125. Drop me a mail if you think you might be interested despite that. (UK only because payment by bank transfer is simpler that way.)

Some brief notes, to give a clue about details and scope:


If that post still exists the job is still up for grabs.


PROJECT: Help build an iOS classifieds app.

MOTIVATION: Making it easier to sell your stuff. (and to a lesser extent, discover new stuff to buy)

SKILLS: iOS development. (objective-c, c++, cocoa etc)

The project is called 'Octopus' and our temporary website is at octopus.org. My e-mail address and more about me is in my profile. Get in touch with any questions, or ask them here and I'll try to get back to you.


I am a full-stack developer from Belgrade. I work on Python projects and I'm available for about 20 hours per week.

Email: sasa.s.trifunovic@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - NYC (Remote preferred)

Software developer looking to work on pretty much anything other than Drupal or .NET (though I'm sure I'm forgetting something, kinda like in that Meat Loaf song "I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)").

Here's my resume: http://galactosaur.us/

Feel free to contact me at: gallo.j@gmail.com

Best, Joe

SEEKING WORK - full stack Ruby on Rails development shop from Europe. We work mainly remote.

Since 2010, we have been helping startups transform their ideas into beautiful, expertly engineered web applications.


  * 3 weeks MVP -> $7000 
  * Hourly rate -> $100
Our site including portfolio: http://diacode.com/

Contact: hello@diacode.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote (WA state US) Javascript - browser and node.js, database

Recent project - WebGL 2d library at http://gschorno.github.io/glif/ (for WebGL enabled browser).

I'm flexible and can handle a lot of uncertainty on your end, as well as help you with direction if needed.

contact - greg.schorno at gee mail competitive rate


I'm a full stack JavaScript web developer.

Skills: Vanilla JS, Node.js, Express, Sock.js, JQuery, Backbone, Share.js, Socket.io, SQL/NoSQL

StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/users/437907/krasu

Github: https://github.com/krasu

Email: krasniyrus@gmail.com

Seeking freelancer

BeeLine Reader uses eye-guiding color gradients to make reading faster and easier.

We are looking for an Android dev to build a toolkit so that other Android developers can easily include our functionality into their apps.

Remote OK, SF Bay Area preferred. If you have a portfolio of apps, please include in your email. You can contact us through our website: www.BeeLineReader.com


I do electronics/robotics/firmware development, idea to prototype. Recent projects included small-scale laboratory automation/robot construction, RF reverse engineering, microcontroller audio analysis. Open source hardware projects get priority and lower rates. Email at kliment@0xfb.com or IRC Kliment on the freenode network.


I'm looking for someone who's pretty proficient in Objective-C and native iOS applications (as well as Parse SDK). I'm an intermediate developer but would really appreciate someone's help to help me push a project to the finish line.

My email address is in my profile. Please get in touch if you have any questions. Thanks so much.


Are you an expert PhoneGap developer? Do you love to use CSS3 transforms to make user animations buttery smooth? Are you passionate for UX?

I'm the founder of a small consulting company which is developing a cutting edge PhoneGap app. Seeking PhoneGap experts for remote work. Let me know your experience, rates and availability.

Cheers, jake@minnow.io


~5.5 years of work experience

  * Java (Android ~3.5 years)
  * HTML5, CSS3, Javascript
  * Node.js
  * Embedded C
  * Requirements and Architecture Design
  * Project Management
  * Open to learn new tech as and when required
Based in India.

--- Feel free to contact me for any help on open source projects as well ---

(hypr DOT geek AT gmail DOT com)

SEEKING WORK - Remote, or on location in Canada.

EMAIL: aaron.d.daub+hn@gmail.com

Hi! I'm an iOS consultant based out of beautiful British Columbia. I've been working with iOS since 3.0. I have niche experience with AVFoundation, and am ideally looking for a long term (several month) project.

If you'd like links to some of my apps in the store, shoot me an email!


Full stack developer. I like working with Rails and Node on the back end, Angular and Backbone on the front. D3.js for animations. Iv been building web apps for 5 years and before that got a degree in Computer Science.

Portfolio: http://www.gregkerzhner.com


Expert in Java, web scraping, web crawling, big data, webapps.




$100/hr or flat-pricing

SEEKING WORK - Remote or London, UK

Fullstack Python/Javascript developer based in London looking for contract work.

Frontend: AngularJS, jQuery, SASS, coffeescript

Backend: django, golang

Github: https://github.com/Keats

Website: http://vincent.is/

Email: prouillet.vincent AT gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - On-site (Montreal, Canada) / Remote

iOS Developer Freelance (Objective-C, iPhone/iPad)

Email: info@skyriser.com

Web: http://skyriser.com/

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/christiancomeau

SEEKING WORK - san francisco SF or remote

I'm a developer with 6 years of programming experience in C, JAVA, Ruby, Javascript. Experience with Rails, AngularJS, ember.js, postgresql, heroku, aws, sass. Interested in freelance gigs or co-founder position in a startup I believe in.

more info at my blog morenoh149.github.io


We are a team of 3 startup founders, looking for work to self fund.

Our skillset -

- Backend Programming: Frameworks: Node/{Express,Sails}, Python/{Django,Flask}, PHP/Laravel Databases: MongoDB, Postgres, redis, memcached

- Frontend: HTML/CSS/BootStrap:

- Javascript frameworks: Angular/Backbone


Email: nxd_in at yahoo dot com

SEEKING WORK - UK, remote yes.

Hi, I am a freelancer based in UK and a few years experience doing web scraping. I use Perl and Python and databases MongoDB and MySQL, and cloud services for web crawling such as Amazon EC2.

I am currently quite busy, you can contact me by email here: dmn001 [at] gmail [dot] com

SEEKING WORK - [California][Remote]

Full stack development with an emphasis on APIs and mobile clients.

- Python, Django, Flask. - PHP - Objective-C - Javascript / HTML / CSS - Nosql(MongoDB) | SQL (PostgreSql, MySQL, SQLite)

Will only work with USA based clients. Refer to my profile for contact information.

SEEKING WORK — Remote or Luxembourg

I am a freelance web developer & generalist. Happy to work with Ruby/Rails/JavaScript/Python. I would also enjoy pairing on projects if you are a freelancer yourself.

Get in touch for a quick chat: matthieutc.com

SEEKING WORK - South Africa, Remote

Ruby on Rails, Node.js

Just breaking away from the corporate world, Wanting to build a portfolio of projects.

I am coming from a strong C#, Python background (5 Years) but if possible want to work with Rails or Node.js as these are skills I want to develop.


SEEKING WORK - Remote or near Brighton, UK.

I'm looking for back-end web work in PHP or Python with Django. I'm 18 and am looking to build my portfolio at the moment so I'm reasonably cheap for what I do too. Shanee@ifnotequal.com


We are a small team of Ruby and JavaScript developers available for hire. We can help you with Ember.js and Ruby on Rails / Sinatra apps.

Find out more at http://sensible.io


My primary tools are Ruby(on Rails/Sinatra/Padrino),

JavaScript(jQuery, Backbone, Raphael).

I would love to talk to you so please get in touch.

Visit http://coderelax.com or email: filipe@coderelax.com

SEEKING WORK ― iOS Developer ― Poland (Remote)

Currently working on: https://outreadapp.com

More about me: http://holko.pl

Contact: arkadiusz@holko.pl

Seeking work india (Remote/On-site).


PHP, Mysql, codeigniter, JS, Angualrjs, jquery , knockoutjs 6 years experience. arshdeep79@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote/Missouri

iOS/Android dev shop. Give us your JSON backend and we'll take it from there.

Portfolio & Information: http://quarkworks.net

Contact: koonce TA gmail.com

Seeking - Remote welcome Sococo - Windows Client Engineer - San Francisco Bay Area



I'm a Sencha specialist looking for ExtJS or Sencha Touch projects, either client only or full-stack (Rails or Node.js). Please contact me at barry[at]barrypeerless[dot]com. Thanks!

SEEKING WORK - http://redfinch.co/

We are based in Portland, Oregon. We do Rails, Node, iPhone apps, Android apps. Remote work is good.


Full-stack web development specializing in node.js, cloud, devops, early-phase startup MVPs.


SEEKING WORK - iOS Developer , Los Angeles & SF

Portfolio: http://www.solankiapps.com Hourly Rate: $200

SEEKING FREELANCER Front end developer

Seeking an expert level front-end developer in NYC or REMOTE to collaborate on interesting and challenging projects. Inquire within.

Contact info?

I've worked on frontend development for a number of projects, most recently for Business Insider.

You can see more on my personal website (http://morgante.net) or GitHub (http://github.com/morgante).

Looking for a project I can start very soon, probably at a discount to my normal rates. - me@morgante.net


Python/JavaScript web developer


zach.huff.386 (at) gmail.com

SEEKING WORK : Remote only

I design algorithms for serving gnarly graphics/geometry needs.


SEEKING FREELANCERS - http://yoloapps.us

- Mobile UI & UX - iOS devs - Android devs

Only experienced.

Thanks, Nicolas :)

SEEKING WORKING - Remote (from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

C++, Qt, Python, image processing, biometrics, UNIX and Linux.

Just reach out to vbraga at acm dot org

SEEKING WORK - Delphi developer (remote/onsite), Serbia

~10 years experience in Delphi. paunovic [at] gmail for more information.

SEEKING CONTRACTS in London or close.

I've done two ERP systems, a 3PL system and lot of frontend projects.

CV and Portfolio upon request.


Skills set

-Ruby on Rails




Email ericthegoodking[at] google mail system


I'm the creator of xtopdf, a PDF creation toolkit for Python. xtopdf is used by Packt Publishing, the Software Freedom Law Center, ESRI.nl and others.

xtopdf can create both business reports and ebooks, and currently has support for the following input formats (more are always in the pipeline): text, DBF, CSV, TSV/TDV, XLS, XLSX, DOCX, ODBC, SQLAlchemy, MongoDB, Berkeley DB, SQLite, standard input, XML.


http://jugad2.blogspot.in/2014/02/create-pdf-calendars-with-... :-)

An online presentation that gives a good overview of xtopdf:

http://slid.es/vasudevram/xtopdf (the words in light blue in the presentation are links to more information; there are many of them)

xtopdf source code on Bitbucket:


An article about xtopdf for Packt Publishing:



Have been an independent developer for the last several years, with many years of experience in many technical areas. Have contracted/consulted to multiple startups based in USA and India. Earlier worked for large well-known US software product and Indian software services companies.

Skills: Python, C, Linux, UNIX, many open source technologies, many databases, XML-RPC, PDF programming (both PDF generation and PDF text extraction), file and data format conversion, data munging, command-line utility development, Flask, MongoDB, Bottle, various others.

Worked on Ruby, Rails and Java earlier. Was server lead / senior engineer for two commercial Rails-based dot-com products earlier, by US companies. One of them was TaskBin - http://taskbin.com .

Databases worked on: Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, SQLite, MS SQL Server. Used databases in most of the projects I've worked on in my career.

Worked on a best-selling retail banking product (earlier, in C with proprietary DB and UI libs). Was team leader for a database middleware product (in C) that was widely used in client projects by a top software services company.

Did a lot of UNIX support and successful troubleshooting for years (some years earlier), still have some of those skills, which are often useful in development too. Had many times recovered clients' data from corrupted file systems or crashed machines (with no backups :), using various tricks of the trade learnt on the job, and solved various other software problems, often involving various interacting software components (from OS level through language compilers to application programs and databases). Wrote lots of utilities in C and UNIX shell tools (sed, awk, grep and friends) to automate various tasks (for both users and developers), convert data between various formats from one platform to another, etc.

Relevant links:

My Bitbucket account with my open source projects:


Biz site: http://www.dancingbison.com (see Home, Products, Services, About pages there)


Posts about Python:


Posts about xtopdf:


Blog: http://jugad2.blogspot.com

Article by me about "Developing a Linux command-line utility" (in C) was published on IBM developerWorks and translated by IBM into Chinese and Japanese for those versions of their site. Some organizations have developed production command line tools using that article as a guide.

Contact info: http://dancingbison.com/contact.html (email, Skype). Twitter: @vasudevram

Update 1: Apart from freelance consulting / contracting work, I also conduct Python training courses, both online and offline, for both corporate and individual clients. Recently completed one such online Python training for a corporate client. Update 2: I'm also looking to build up a contact base of a small number of Python/Linux/database freelancers, for possible joint work in cases where the projects are too big for me to handle on my own; I get inquiries for such projects now and then. Anyone interested, please feel free to contact me via my contact page mentioned above - thanks!

SEEKING WORK - Brighton, UK. London, UK. Remote.

Freelance developer based in Brighton in the UK (50 minutes from London). I am flexible, resourceful and reliable and I can help you turn your ideas into reality. I can build mobile and web apps as well as fun things involving custom hardware. I can build prototypes or full apps on my own but also happy to work as part of a team (and I have a bunch of great

people I work with if you need help putting together one).

I work a lot with Python (often with Django) and JavaScript (Node.JS and browser) to build rich client browser based and mobile apps. I also do hardware based projects, I have experience with coding in Assembly and C on various micro controllers and Arduino development.

A very non-exhaustive list of technologies I have built real things with (and enjoyed): Python, JavaScript, Django, Node.JS, Backbone.JS, AngularJS, OpenCV.

Some recent projects:

- The software and technical design for a "magic mirror" that was used at London Fashion Week. Behind the scenes it was built with 15 network Raspberry Pis with camera modules. http://www.raspberrypi.org/archives/tag/london-fashion-week

- An iPad app for a medical company for quick lookup of drug interactions. This was built with HTML5 and made use of Angular.JS.

- A web app for a training company to provide complete courses online combing video, slides and quiz's.

- Lead developer on a team building a collaboration application featuring a RESTful API and browser and mobile clients. See

http://thisisdrum.com and see also a talk I gave on some of the tech[1]

- Head pose estimation from a video feed for a interactive store-window display (it superimposed masks over the faces of customers as they looked through the window)

I can show you more of any of these if you're interested.

Some fun stuff I've made recently:

- I solver written in Haskell for the regular expression crossword puzzle that was going round recently https://github.com/almost/regex-crossword-solver

- A location based app (works on desktop but mainly mobile): http://head2.me

- An open source JavaScript library I wrote: https://github.com/dharmafly/jsonpatch.js

- The Amazon Glacier support I contributed to Boto (popular Python library): https://github.com/almost/boto/tree/glacier/boto/glacier

I'd love to talk about your project. Please do get in touch!

Web: http://almostobsolete.net/

Github: https://github.com/almost

Email: tom@almostobsolete.net

Phone: +44 (0) 7951261227

[1] http://asyncjs.com/hypermedia/


Get a Expert Web developer at a discount price!

Hello all, I am trying to pickup a freelance job or part time job to supplement my meager app sales.

I have 14+ Years of Website programming experience and can do it all.

Expert at:

- PHP - HTML - Javascript - jQuery - SQL - Zend / Laravel / FatFree / CodeIgnitor, etc

My current stack looks like:

- PHP + Laravel - Lua + NginX - Jade / Handlebars templates + Stylus - NodeJS + Express + Socket.io + Postgres (a little mongo) - Bower JS, YeoMan, jQuery, Bootstrap, FontAwesome - Go + QML

I also was a c++, perl, c# developer, and a few others for some time.

10 years of SQL Debugging, and 10 years of c++, I can fix any bug!

I can build any feature you want or build a MVP for very cheap (2000 for a MVP)

I have a great resume to back this up, and am an American Developer

Email me for resume or to chat! jg [undrscore] work [at] kify [dot] com


PROJECT: Need to restore an ASP.NET application to a new server. We have the source code and the database and need an experienced devops who can get the application up and running and who can quickly identify and fix any problems that may arise due to permissions, folder structure, external dependencies, etc.

Application uses the following: * MSSQL 2000 Database * Most files look like .NET Framework 1.1 * Mostly VB.net, a few C# files

Please email a brief summary of your experience and any additional questions you may have and we can get started: devopsproject@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote; Belgium; UK, Manchester area

Native English speaker who also speaks and Dutch near fluently.

I am experienced with:

* C

* x86 assembly

* Make-based builds

* FFmpeg

* x264

Contact info and examples on my profile page: https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=J_Darnley

Join us for AI Startup School this June 16-17 in San Francisco!

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