>Perhaps they've got some cool stuff going on underneath somewhere
They definitely do.
>they just seem sort of lackluster to me for much the reasoning that you've mocked above.
Not everyone is capable of being Elon Musk and creating SpaceX and Tesla. These types of products are low-hanging fruit for people with 0 initial capital.
>Assuming that a startup's early state is little indication of what it eventually turns into, why would somebody invest in any one over another?
They definitely do.
>they just seem sort of lackluster to me for much the reasoning that you've mocked above.
Not everyone is capable of being Elon Musk and creating SpaceX and Tesla. These types of products are low-hanging fruit for people with 0 initial capital.
>Assuming that a startup's early state is little indication of what it eventually turns into, why would somebody invest in any one over another?
Engagement and growth.