Hardly my point. I use spotify because I have a subscription anyway. I just wanted to add some music to my phone so I could test siri and select songs by voice. The stock player is privileged (spotlight integration, Siri integration) in iOS so using a different app isn't an optimal solution.
When I use Android phones I have literally dozens of options to get music to play with the stock player. (copy it from a cloud storage, adb push it to my phone, copy with a simple file explorer, download it from a website or use btsync to sync it automatically)
Apple made a big step when the iPhone/iPad no longer needed a PC to just activate it. And then again a big step to allow OTA updates. I think the next step would be to allow some way to add music without using a dedicated PC.
When I use Android phones I have literally dozens of options to get music to play with the stock player. (copy it from a cloud storage, adb push it to my phone, copy with a simple file explorer, download it from a website or use btsync to sync it automatically)
Apple made a big step when the iPhone/iPad no longer needed a PC to just activate it. And then again a big step to allow OTA updates. I think the next step would be to allow some way to add music without using a dedicated PC.