"Once one has understood a concept such as pointers (arguably the trickiest concept in low-level languages, having no simple real-world analogy) "
So when you write a letter to someone, you actually attach their house onto the outside of the envelope? No of course you don't. You write their ADDRESS on the envelope.
All this lore about how difficult pointers are, is bunk. The syntax of pointers vs addresses vs dereferenced pointer values, can be difficult at first ... and can be very difficult if you read and/or write unecessarily obfuscated code ... but there is no need.
Sometimes I just write the contents of their house on the outside of the envelope.
You have to admit it is one of the trickier concepts people learn when programming. Once you understand it, it's definitely a "Duh, how else would it work?" moment but getting to that point can take some time.
I agree. The concept may be simple, but when you're just starting out as a C++ newbie and you've got pointers-to-pointers-to-pointers flying all over the place in this ugly syntax trying to satisfy some contrived homework assignment on a short deadline, things can get confusing rather quickly.
Agreed, in theory - in practice, I find that explaining
mov r1, r2
mov (r1), r2
mov (r1)+, r2
followed by an hour of writing assembler programs to do basic things with null-terminated strings is usually needed to help people learning C to quickly internalize what that means.
Something about * and + and - around the var name seems to become easier when they can say "oh now I see; *c++ is like (r1)+".
So when you write a letter to someone, you actually attach their house onto the outside of the envelope? No of course you don't. You write their ADDRESS on the envelope.
All this lore about how difficult pointers are, is bunk. The syntax of pointers vs addresses vs dereferenced pointer values, can be difficult at first ... and can be very difficult if you read and/or write unecessarily obfuscated code ... but there is no need.