While you're waiting, will you guys please remind yourselves that it's not the end of the world if you don't get invited to interviews? Drew Houston didn't get invited the first time he applied. And a good thing too, because the idea he applied with was not Dropbox, and if he'd used YC to launch it, he would probably never have started working on Dropbox.
Also remember there are lots of fantastic YC companies hiring at https://news.ycombinator.com/jobs if you want to see firsthand how a startup works and you feel like you need a little more experience.
I can't speak for the other YC companies, but ours is bootstrapped (unless you count the $20k we raised from YC) and we are now a profitable 14 person SaaS company. I really think we're a great place for a person wanting to learn how a SaaS company works. Details at http://www.polleverywhere.com/jobs or talk to me via email.
New York is pretty chilling tonight. I just asked my cofounder "would you find the project hard to stick to if YC turned us down, which is highly possible?" She said, "No." I asked "would you be upset then?"She said,"No. I'm more anxious about when are you going to call the guy who said he had a great contact."
agreed. Fun Fact: Just received email from my mum (she is 69 & not up w/ all things tech): - "Was today the big day to hear from dominator…" ;) obvious next steps = YC rebranding as "Y Dominator" + getting theme song in the tune of John Oliver's "Danger" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmWDm2Yw9dk
I'm just wondering how much biased their decisions are based on the age of the applicants. Because I found it odd that they asked for this piece of information.
On that note, I have completely changed my project! Too late for this cycle I suppose but I am super excited to use it for my next application. Many cosmic forces have come together to point me in this new direction. Hoping for the best on this round but if not, I'll try again.
hey pg, I know my app wasn't pretty, my co-founder and I got wrapped up job hunting and interviews and ended up unable to see each other for the two weeks up to the yc app submission date, so we couldn't put the time in we had planned to. Either way we are extremely confident in business plan and we had been looking forward to hearing back from you all, but we haven't received a reply yet. If you get a chance, we'd love to hear from you. Thanks for reading and good luck with the interviews!