You expect us to believe that you have developed substantive critiques of a 3-year research project in 24 minutes of reading.
I don't expect you to "believe" anything. I expect you to look at the items I pointed out and see what you think of them. If you don't agree with them, feel free to give specific reasons why not.
your un-ironic reliance on the blog of a retired TV weather guy.
I didn't bring Watts into it; the Berkeley project did. I was merely commenting on something that Watts had emphasized but I didn't see mention of in the first set of links (lamontcg gave another link that does deal with that specific issue, I'll take a look at it).
"I expect you to look at the items I pointed out and see what you think of them. If you don't agree with them, feel free to give specific reasons why not."
You need to do some research first. The fact that you had never heard of the BEST study indicates that you don't know the most superficial details about climate science and this debate (and ones that were splattered across the New York Times). I'm not going to do the work to educate you. I expect YOU to do research before you demand me to produce a 250-paper annotated bibliography of climate science and its justification. Come back when you can explain the radiative physics behind CO2 being a greenhouse gas and how it can be shown in a table-top experiment, and when you know what Milankovich cycles are. Explain what caused the last Ice Age to end, be prepared to discuss the PETM. Explain the theories behind the warming that led up to the Eocene optimum 49 million years ago and the subsequent cooling after that. Climate science is more than just arguing about anthropogenic global warming. If you want a place to start, go here:
Climate science is more than just arguing about anthropogenic global warming.
I entirely agree; but to the extent that climate science is being used to justify policy decisions with huge consequences, it is about anthropogenic global warming, since that's what the political debate is about.
I don't expect you to "believe" anything. I expect you to look at the items I pointed out and see what you think of them. If you don't agree with them, feel free to give specific reasons why not.
your un-ironic reliance on the blog of a retired TV weather guy.
I didn't bring Watts into it; the Berkeley project did. I was merely commenting on something that Watts had emphasized but I didn't see mention of in the first set of links (lamontcg gave another link that does deal with that specific issue, I'll take a look at it).