Agree 1000%. Aside from the extra time playing a video takes (far slower than reading), I wouldn't be suprised if more than half of web users, at any time, are unable to listen to audio.
At work, or on cell phone, it's not like a majority of people have headphones plugged in.
Do the numbers show that videos are so much more effective for engagement and conversion, that it trumps all the people who are unable to watch them?
I didnt get that far. I was just starting to read the home page when I got the horrible modal asking if I want to learn how to make $30k in a month and cancel link "No I dont want to grow my business". This page is somewhere between tasteless and sleazy.
Agreed. I abhor popups of any kind as it is, but to present the false choice that a user either [will subscribe to what you're offering] or [doesn't care about improving] makes me put on my "really?" face.
edit: Same with the free trial offer. The no option says "No, I like to pay for trials". I'm not choosing whether to pay for a free trial or not, I'm choosing whether to participate in a free trial or not. Ugh.
At work, or on cell phone, it's not like a majority of people have headphones plugged in.
Do the numbers show that videos are so much more effective for engagement and conversion, that it trumps all the people who are unable to watch them?