The simple truth probably is the company that made the app designed their Android version first and didn't bother to come up with a complete new app design for iOS, so they just kinda ported it. You can also find a lot of Android apps that seem to be directly ported from its iOS incarnations, instead of using native UI conventions.
I think another thing that is true is that mobile visual vocabulary is stabilizing, much as the desktop visual vocobulary of menu bars, window title bars, etc. did. That makes for a more boring app world, perhaps, but one users can potentially find more predictable and useful.
I find this deliciously delightful after suffering the wrath of these stupid app developers historically on Android. I don't agree with it, certainly, but I feel some warped sense of justice.
That's always been a pet peeve of mine on Android, though now it seems both ecosystems will have a slightly more consistent user experience if one uses devices on both OSs a lot.