The site appears to have Google Analytics placed multiple times into its source code. This messes up tracking and artificially dramatically drops bounce rates.
In my experience working with content sites, the real bounce rate reduction you see in moving from shorter articles to longer ones is closer to 5% or so - from, say, 77% to 72%. Still dramatic, but not nearly as dramatic as the drop you'll get by double-inserting GA code.
I bet their automated system is re-inserting GA code every time it updates their stub. It probably copies the entire previous stub, GA code and all, then publishes that plus updates and fresh GA code.
From the article:
Stub stories work like this: You write the first installment like any other story. But when more news breaks, you go back to the article, insert an update at the top, and change the headline and subheadline to reflect the update. Our system updates the story "slug" when the headline changes--check the URL of this story, and you'll see words from the headline in the URL: /this-is-what-happens-when-publishers-invest-in-long-stories. But the number preceding the slug--on this article, it's 3009577--is a unique node ID which never changes. So essentially, every time we update an article, we get a fresh URL with a fresh headline, but pointing back to the same (newly updated) article.
We can check this by checking older stubs.
Edit: on checking the page source, I only see GA in there 2x - once to call a GA API from, and once more to (I think) load ga.js from How many times do you see that page calling GA?
In Chrome's F12 tools I see three _utm.gif requests from the article itself. According to, the three requests appear identical except for the "X10 data" ('utme'); not sure of the significance of that w.r.t. GA reporting. Any GA experts care to enlighten?
!0 evaluates to true in javascript so this event is marked as non-interactive, and thus doesn't count as an extra page view and won't be used in bounce-rate calculations.
Presuming the other calls are identical, then their reported bounce rate should be correct.
Looking at the two additional requests, they do currently have the utmni parameter, marking them as non-interactive.
However, the top comment references Google Analytics events on scroll that don't appear to be there now. One of FastCo.Labs folks also made the following comment:
This made me curious as well. It turns out there was a
technical change made at around the same time that is
going to account for some of it. We're running an
experiment now and will update with results.
I don't see the update from him. Given all of this, I would guess that they were triggering events incorrectly and have since fixed it (the article is 3 months old).
Since I became wedded to my Kindle for consuming journalism thanks to the superb sites such as and * my reading time has exploded, plus I pay for services where possible as I am in need of their curation. Since using these sites I feel better informed about the world and I have a deep, deep respect for longform journalists. I'd love to see this stub idea extend to the Kindle being able to manage updates - it seems to be an exiting idea for readers and journalists alike and I'd willingly pay a subscription.
*fixed url typo
Also - these sites can send articles directly to my Kindle email, or I use the Readability plugin to right-click on any url and have the contents delivered on demand.
Yup, I feel the same way. With Instapaper and my Kindle I'm spending a lot more time reading articles.
If you're interested, I recently started curating my picks here: Some I got from longform/longreads, others I "discovered" on my own.
I love it that these guys are experimenting with content and analytics but the stats look contradictory.
Bounce rate is 1- n_visits_with_more_than_one event/n_visits.
The default GA setup doesn't register any events except page views so "more than one event" means more than one page view.
However the charts in this article showed that while the bounce rate fell, the average pages per visit stayed constant. For bounce rate to drop you'd expect pages per visit to rise... unless there's also a new event being fired.
My guess (as suggested by some commenters here before me) is that they shipped some type of event which fires for a fraction of visitors - scrolling a certain distance down the page perhaps.
If this event fires, the visit won't (by default) count as a bounce. it will also effect time-on-site. Time on site is normally zero unless you visit another page or fire an event. In this case it's determined by the time of the last page view or event that google registers. If they did ship an "on 400px scroll" event (for instance) then for each visitor for whom the event fires for, the "time on site" will be registered as the time of the event.
For my money, I think that bounce rates for content-driven sites should actually be set by a threshold time-on-site. Most visitors don't read more than one page so it's a very weak indicator of a "bounce". Someone could read for 10 minutes and still count as a bounce which isn't a fair appraisal of a very successful article. The raw "bounce metric" makes sense for a transactional site where onepage view == no Revenue but makes little sense for a site where one ten minute read of an article is exactly what the author hopes for.
There's obviously something wrong with the numbers. It's too dramatic of a change, both in terms of magnitude and in immediacy, for it to be due to a simple content tweak.
Pages/Visit is stable yet Bounce Rate suddenly dropped significantly.
It is critical to understand what you are measuring. I see misunderstanding constantly, particularly with GA. Were events being fired prior, because they are now. That alone could account for this behavior.
There are many nuances in regard to how metrics are measured in GA. It is often the case that people think it is measuring one thing, when it is measuring something completely different. I've posted this before, but this GitHub project explains/addresses some of it:
Having a different URL for each update would allow them to track readers' entry points into the article at a finer-grained level than if there was just one URL.
Not sure about plugins for Wordpress but I wouldn't be surprised if someone's already started working on one.
Regarding the multiple URLs I wonder if it is more just so that they can be posting what look like new stories that ultimately just lead back to these long form story series.
But isn't that the same as the automatic redirect you have in Wordpress when you change the URL of the post anyway? I'm trying to understand if there's any advantage to having this number stub over how WP redirects the URL's, but I don't think there is one. You're still going to get redirected links either way.
Even assuming the analytics are correct, what is the value in driving down bounce rate? Lower bounce rate doesn't inherently mean more revenue.
I can, of course, use my imagination. But I am more interested in reading why a lower bounce rate is the future for media revenue. The quote near the end from Vox CEO is the best part of the article, but even it doesn't make the bounce = revenue connection explicit.
I will also add that, if those analytics are correct, that is a crazy-low bounce rate. A 50-60% bounce rate seems super strong to me. Dipping well below 50% seems unlikely for any site with significant traffic coming from disparate sources.
Google Analytics can track pages and average time spent on page. It can even track visitors flow.
Everyone should get an analytics account and see the insane amount of things that Google can track for YOU, for FREE with just three lines of extra code on your page.
Nobody knows if you're actually reading the words, but based upon whether you scroll through the entire content, and possibly factoring in how quickly you scrolled, they could have an educated guess. If you didn't scroll at all, you probably read the first paragraph, if that. If you scrolled quickly to the bottom, you probably skim-read. If you scrolled to the bottom with a lot of pauses and it took minutes, you probably read the whole thing.
If this becomes a business case to bring back something closer to real journalism, it is a good day. The NSA/prism story is really well-suited to this format. Connect the Guardian interview to administration concessions to POTUS conference. Would have been more valuable to the public than the soap-opera story that developed around Snowden's asylum seeking.
In my experience working with content sites, the real bounce rate reduction you see in moving from shorter articles to longer ones is closer to 5% or so - from, say, 77% to 72%. Still dramatic, but not nearly as dramatic as the drop you'll get by double-inserting GA code.