"Sorry, there seems to be a problem. The service you're looking for is temporarily unavailable. We're working hard to restore your access as soon as possible. Please try again in a few hours. Thanks for your patience."
Getting the same message. However, this is happening to some of my logins only. Same with e-mails, some of them are working fine and some of them are timing out or asking for passwords. For a second I thought someone hacked my e-mail. :>
That error message seems to just be Google's default 500 error message page; even when it is an API request that fails, even if the API is specified to return errors as some kind of JSON or XML, you get that HTML page in response. (I know this as Google's OpenID+OAuth pipeline has been failing occassionally for the last month, something I've been trying to get them to fix on the Google Federated Login API mailing list.)
"Sorry, there seems to be a problem. The service you're looking for is temporarily unavailable. We're working hard to restore your access as soon as possible. Please try again in a few hours. Thanks for your patience."
0900 CDT edit: works for me now.