Came across this on Reddit today and thought it was incredibly interesting.
The link they've linked off to doesn't appear to be working (presumably down to traffic volume).
The Reddit discussion is here -
The Original link is here -
'Purchasers granted to Gamestation a non-transferable, perpetual option "to claim, for now and forever more, your immortal soul". Such purchasers agreed to surrender said soul within 5 business days of written notification by Gamestation "or one of its authorised minions"; and while such notice could be delivered by way of notice through "6 (six) foot high letters of fire", purchasers agreed that Gamestation had no liability for damages caused by that act. At the end of the paragraph, purchasers were told that they could click on a link to nullify the provision (and, upon doing so, were rewarded for their vigilance with a voucher code that had a value of ₤5.00).'