Huh? That map highlights 2/3 of the country's population because of dense population centers near the coast. Just because it happens to overlap with the everglades is kind of irrelevant.
It isn't just the everglades. Most of the area covered is rural, swampland, farmland, etc. and would not be under suspicion, ever. It is a ridiculous map. It would be one thing if waterways and major cities were highlighted, but it is just over the top, completely. Highlighting all of it makes people in those areas worry unnecessarily when they need not. Finally, Homeland Security does not have the resources to implement searches in all of these places, nor will they knock on the door of every random apartment in Washington, D.C.
This is a sideshow to real privacy problems and a waste of my time and yours. The ACLU should be focused on the fact that our communications are being monitored, because that is something that is much more worrisome.