The billing practices of medical providers in the US are appalling. I have seen statements where the "billed" amount was $15K and the "contract" amount actually paid (and accepted as full payment) was $1300 for one aspect of a one hour outpatient procedure.
The $1300 seems reasonable considering the people and resources involved but the game of financially destroying people without insurance in a nation where people are denied independent coverage for something as trivial as allergies needs to end.
Access to group health insurance alone can be reason enough to choose a corporate job over an entrepreneurial lifestyle once you have dependents.
The $1300 seems reasonable considering the people and resources involved but the game of financially destroying people without insurance in a nation where people are denied independent coverage for something as trivial as allergies needs to end.
Access to group health insurance alone can be reason enough to choose a corporate job over an entrepreneurial lifestyle once you have dependents.