Just a thought about the recent surge of traffic from Coding Horror's link. It's true that things like this can threaten to swamp HN with an "Eternal September."
And making the front page boring is a very amusing defense against the random hit-and-run tire kickers. But let's not forget that 33,000 new visitors will contain a few potential hackers.
Sure, most will say "Erlang, WTF!" But a few will say "Erlang, What the... Wow!!!" It would be a shame if HN lost its way and suffered from the tragedy of mediocrity that has poisoned reddit and other sites. But it would also be a shame if folks with lots of good stuff to contribute stumbled upon HN and found it repellant.
I guess I'm just trying to say that while we should be very aggressive about keeping undesirable content and poisonous commentary off HN, we should also be careful to make sure people know that the door is wide open for like-minded folks to join in and participate, no matter where they came from.
I think that argues even more for flooding the front page with ultra-geeky stories. Several people (including me) discovered that we found a page full of Erlang stories more interesting than a lot of the more general common interest stories often found on the front page. We should try to create more "Erlang...Wow!!!" moments by promoting more articles with deeper content.
I tried to start a thread about promoting lots of deeper articles on a specific technical topic as a "theme of the day" kind of thing. The thread was killed, not sure if it was because it was thought to be an attempt at humor or if it just runs counter to the spirit of Hacker News. But I still think more articles with deeper content on the front page makes for a better Hacker News.