Not to mention that many languages written in C use unions to describe their primitive -type- [ed: object]. The result is that the minimum number of bytes for storing an integer for instance, is the minimum number of bytes that can store a value of the largest type.
For example, if you have an string type, which keeps track of it's length, then you might need 8 bytes. 4 for the pointer to the string of chars, 4 for the integer to keep count.
Here's a better example from tinyscheme:
struct cell {
unsigned int _flag;
union {
struct {
char *_svalue;
int _length;
} _string;
num _number;
port *_port;
foreign_func _ff;
struct {
struct cell *_car;
struct cell *_cdr;
} _cons;
} _object;
As a minimum, each object takes up max(sizeof(_string), sizeof(num), sizeof(port), sizeof(_cons), sizeof(foreign_func)); And num is defined as follows:
typedef struct num {
char is_fixnum;
union {
long ivalue;
double rvalue;
} value;
} num;
For example, if you have an string type, which keeps track of it's length, then you might need 8 bytes. 4 for the pointer to the string of chars, 4 for the integer to keep count.
Here's a better example from tinyscheme:
As a minimum, each object takes up max(sizeof(_string), sizeof(num), sizeof(port), sizeof(_cons), sizeof(foreign_func)); And num is defined as follows: