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Twitter Ain't Search (marksonland.com)
24 points by trs90 on March 5, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 27 comments

Next time there's breaking news in your neighborhood (like an earthquake) try your search on Google and on Search.Twitter.com and see which has the news faster.

Twitter is instant. Google has to wait for someone to publish an article on the news and then Google needs to index that article.

Plus with Google, the article's headline doesn't give you the whole story. It's a tease. You have to click over to read the story. On search.Twitter.com, you get the whole thing at once.

Did you actually try your example? If I search on google for "earthquake san francisco":


the most recent earthquake it tells me about is 3 hours ago (as of this writing).

The time, place and links to maps are all right there at the top of the serp where I expect.

If I do the same query on twitter:


The most recent result is 19 hours old and then I have to start clicking tinyurls in people's tweets to find more info.

Obviously, this is a poor example. It was a magnitude 3.1, so no one felt it, and it was 100 miles north of San Francisco.

The last one anybody felt was on Feb 21st at 11:01 AM, and the first (non-automated) tweet was at 11:21 AM (http://twitter.com/indiaknight/statuses/1234962301). This example is similarly bad, since it didn't really affect anyone in a big way. However, for instant reactions to notable events, Twitter can't be beat. If today's earthquake had been "the big one," you can bet twitter would have been flooded with information, missing people reports, locations for aid, firsthand accounts and so on.

Or you can bet twitter would go down ;)

Yes. I was at my desk a few weeks ago and felt something. Couldn't tell if it was my neighbor or a quake, so I searched twitter. Got the answer instantly.

I also got stuck in crazy traffic on the 405 recently. I searched twitter and learned which side streets to take. Google's map program doesn't seem to cover side streets.

It doesn't replace Google for me, but it does replace it for certain searches.

I don't know about an earthquake, never felt one, but in all honesty I would rather read an article the 140 characters would be a tease as much specifics couldn't be given.

If you think about it twitter would be good for traffic or something like that, but only if a radio station or some larger element was relaying the message.

The same goes for a natural disaster, I'm not going to go look and see about a tornado or something along those lines on twitter, but a news company could relay it to me and this is about the biggest use I see of twitter search.

In all honesty if I was searching for a subject it would be because I am aware of it and want to learn more, be it a disaster, story, or subject; twitter to me is exactly what it claims to be a way to update your status quickly and as much as you want.

Thing is though, you aren't viewing 140 characters at a time. You're viewing a page of 20 of the most recent 140-character posts from a variety of people (all with differing perspectives) at the same time. It's not better or worse than a news outlet, it's just different.

For my recent experience (a comment on this page): http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=504849

The timeliness of Twitter is definitely amazing. I think a lot of things will break via Twitter, and IIRC the emergency landing in the Hudson was one of these stories. It's the undisputed champ of quickly getting information "out there" ... provided you matter to enough people for it to begin to spread virally.

It's definitely cool to see people's take on ultra-current events, and Twitter search can provide the Who, What, Where, When, and Why, but does not dig very deep into any of them. And because of the vast amounts of noise, it also requires you to know beforehand what you're looking for.

What Twitter search is amazing at is eyewitness accounts in realtime for things you're actively seeking... but to me eyewitness accounts are only one aspect of the story, and usually I'm not seeking anything in particular. News has its place, and Twitter has its place, I don't see them intersecting over any other aspect than eyewitness accounts.

Next time you have a problem with your machine or with some code you're writing try your search on Google and on Twitter Search. Next time you want to buy something try Google and Twitter. Next time you want to look up the population of Tanzania try Google and Twitter.

Twitter provides "real-time search," but that is just a small, almost miniscule subset of Google's capabilities. You can in some cases get real-time data from social aggregators and Facebook; I think those are the real competitors to Twitter.

Twitter is not even in the same league as Google. They don't cover the same areas, they don't have the same business models, they don't have comparable numbers of users, they don't offer the same services. There is absolutely no competition here.

Earthquakes are a poor example. http://quake.wr.usgs.gov/recenteqs/latest.htm is going to give you more timely and accurate data than someone's random tweet.

Earthquakes are a great example. If I feel an earthquake, I might visit a site like that to get the scientific facts about the epicenter and magnitude of the earthquake.

However, there is a totally different kind of value to Twitter posts: instead of data, I'm getting firsthand accounts of who felt it, where, what they were doing at the time, and what effect it had on their life. Yes, this information is (obviously) anecdotal, but its also interesting, informative and immediate.

That doesn't update every second of every minute of every day. Verifying immediately that you did in fact feel an earthquake is a perfect example of twitter's power. As a San Francisco resident I can tell you this definitively.

Uhm, yes it does. It's realtime data.

And since it's backed by actual scientific instruments, you can tell immediately if it was a magnitude 3 in Berkeley, or a magnitude 6 in Parkfield, which is better than some tweet of "I just felt an earthquake".

This is the standard counter-argument, and it is of course valid.

However this has got to be a tiny fraction of total searches and total utility derived from search.

Also, how often is there breaking news in your neighborhood that's worth following at that level? Even if it's pretty close, but not literally in your neighborhood, it seems you'd be just as good with cnn.com or something.

Sure, you might see that something happened -- but you get no details at all, and you have to know what to search for.

what about rumours? how/who validates twitter search results as real news?

"I don't understand a concept, but I'm going to try to debunk it anyways."

Good assessment of this article. Although I do agree that Twitter search is being overhyped right now. Big time. It's basically the only thing left to hype so TechCrunch et al are milking it for all it's worth.

Twitter search is useful as an opinion poll or for updates on breaking news, but only so much depth and value can fit into 140 characters. More than anything, I think Twitter thrives off vanity and narcissism. It's millions of people saying "look at me" and it's even easier to main and establish popularity than a blog.

I was interested in a (very recent) event that Twitter offered the absolute BEST coverage for, all via search.twitter.com: the NHL trade deadline.

Traditional news sources, blogs, TSN.ca, ESPN, Globe & Mail, etc all were slow on updates and commentary about prospective trades and evaluations of minor-league talent. I used search.twitter.com and searched for "#nhltrade" and "nhl" and had a constant stream of news and information. And by subscribing to the very best sources of news I could find there, I was notified of trades via SMS.*

Sure, it isn't "search" the way most people think about it, but its the best search for a specific use case.

* A side note: this allowed me to stay up to date while being slightly more productive at work. I wasn't constantly refreshing pages or listening to talk radio.

> only so much depth and value can fit into 140 characters

If someone can't fit their whole message in 140 characters, they use a link to point you elsewhere (e.g., their blog).

The worst case is that you have to click one link for each search results to see all of the content, which is the same as with google results.

Has this guy heard of search.twitter.com?

Is their search anything more than finding text in a tweet? They seem to be more about finding the most recent tweet containing your keyword. I would rather see the results weighted by retweets or something to help find 'relevant' tweets.

It's essentially text search, but there is also a surprisingly useful near:[location] keyword that is good for local searches.

Sure, it could do more. But it does what it does very well.

Twitter's real-time search can't be a Google killer cause unless I hadn't noticed Google doesn't have a real-time search product.

The other way round is plausible, Google comes out with a Twitter killer. That is a real-time search product. But, why bother... Besides Twitter is more than just real-time search and Google is much more than just search.

Why can't Google index Twitter posts just like it does everything else?

Google does not have access to the XMPP firehouse (all tweets, the public timeline). More importantly, Twitter posts do not neatly fit into the page-rank concept (# of followers does not always equate to authority). Summize got around this problem by not even trying to address it - e.g. most recent tweets are first. Twitter is probably more easily gamed and adding Twitter results to their standard search would probably dilute average AdWords CPC.

Of course, the flip side of this is Twitter tweets won't be monetized as efficiently as Google keyword-based ads.

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