> it would NOT be acceptable to create a website that isn't readable with a screen-reader
Let's imagine a website with... infographics like http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/ If it was a commercial website, should the government intervene? Maybe make them buy or make a special font to create their chartslike https://www.fontfont.com/how-to-use-ff-chartwell instead of using images? No? How is it different from a special lift to the pool?
There's clearly no necessity to make a site about pretty images accessible to the blind. But that's a straw man akin to asking about how running shoes should be optimized for the legless.
>How is it different from a special lift to the pool?
Because lots of people in wheelchairs swim, and some people just go to the pool to float?
Over a certain threshold, the government can and does intervene. Accessibility lawsuits against large internet retailers are not uncommon, and whining that it's all about the images doesn't cut it. Of course, if no-one uses the website, no-one cares.
Let's imagine a website with... infographics like http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/ If it was a commercial website, should the government intervene? Maybe make them buy or make a special font to create their chartslike https://www.fontfont.com/how-to-use-ff-chartwell instead of using images? No? How is it different from a special lift to the pool?