I assume you mean the existing option pool. Try changing the pool update to "post" (the radio button at the bottom) and you will see the outcomes change.
Hypothetically, you could own 100% of your company and have an option pool of x% and never allocate it to anyone, leaving you with full ownership of the company.
It does have an impact. If the update is included pre-investment, it won't have a noticeable impact on the economic outcome, but if it is not done pre-funding, it will. You can simulate this by toggling between "pre" and "post" at the bottom.
Note that we are changing it so that the pre-investment equity stake and option pool can't add up to > 100%. Thanks for the feedback!
Yeah, that makes sense or have it back in to founder's original ownership percentage. But that can also be confusing.
For those people out there who don't build financial models, making this "model" in a user friendly way is really, really challenging and you did a really nice job on it. My UX would have been terrible in comparison.
One Note: I didn't notice the pre and post buttons at the bottom because the text was hard to read on internet explorer on my office computer. It looks like the text was selected on a super high res monitor (like a nice mac) because on a "normal" office PC it is pretty rough.
Hypothetically, you could own 100% of your company and have an option pool of x% and never allocate it to anyone, leaving you with full ownership of the company.