The school where books are ground up and electrified into pupils' heads?
A serious attempt to predict the future is a rare thing indeed, even on the part of science fiction writers, who are often more concerned with allegory and the exploration of ideas than with literally trying to figure out what the future will look like.
For my money one of the best "future visions" is Spielberg's Minority Report. Not for "pre-crime", but for the suburbs that still look like suburbs, the personalized advertising (perhaps a little extreme), and the general normality of the cities (aside from the silly vertical freeways). The future looks a lot like now - because buildings last a long time, and the landscape changes even less than that.
That's one of the things I love most about Children of Men. It's clearly meant to be a realistic portrayal of 2027 (given the circumstances of the setting). The movie was made in 2006, but the main character wears a London 2012 hoodie. The futuristic elements are extrapolated from real things - the advanced, high res computer screens, the stylization of the cars, etc.
To be fair, the illustrator(s) did get several trends right: industrialized farming and animal breeding, machine textile manufacture, RVs, classrooms full of kids with headphones in their ears, using computers on the toilet, battle cars (so disappointed we don't call them that), and airplanes that launch missiles.
They got aerial firemen right, too - it's routine to use helicopters and planes to fight large fires now. And the idea of automated electric mopping is so close to the Roomba I'll give it a pass.
In general the artist seemed to be obsessed with flying machines and underwater breathing apparatus. I was going to remark how prophetic the SCUBA images were, but it turns out that practical SCUBA dates back at least to 1825.
Reminds me of a Wired magazine article from 1999 speculating on what the greatest invention of the 20th century was, and what the greatest invention of the 21st might be. One of the people interviewed suggested that in terms of inventions having an impact on everyday life, the greatest invention of the 20th century (which was a 19th century invention) was the bicycle and the greatest invention of the 21st would be (another 19th century invention) the telephone (because it was going to reach the other 75% of people who didn't yet have it thanks to cellphones).
Whoever that person was, 'e seems to have been spot on.
There would be a trend where people drawing the future tend to draw things they would want in the future. Which in turn society tends to build things they want. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts.
All content is from , including the text. Only difference is that the images are shown in big size, not just as thumbnails (even then, they are just embedded images hosted at Wikimedia). There are more images at Wikimedia. Choose your path. :)
Commons is a bit messy, since it started with a focus on archiving and sorting images more than displaying them (except insofar as they're displayed in Wikipedia articles), so it's not surprising that third-party sites are re-presenting its content. And since its point is to collect freely licensed content and promote reuse, there's nothing wrong with that. But there's a bit more focus recently on making it directly browsable.
Many people here don't get the ironic nature of these drawings.
So, sorry to unveil this fact to you: It was just for the fun. Teacher pushing books in the crusher to feed student earphones? Underwater flying? Flying cops? All this is funny speculation that has a single purpose: entertainment. It is just like drawings of Dubout, with a scifi theme instead of cats (and a lower artistic value).
So, in makes it even more surprising that it has some relevance to today's achievement. I would like to compare with serious "scientific" forecasts of the future at the same time. I would bet they weren't as accurate as these drawings.
The presentation and style are pretty tongue-in-cheek, but I don't think that diminishes the nature of these drawings a predictions of a potential future, especially since a lot of them represent developments that actually did occur over the course of the 20th century.
What strikes me as significant about the predictions, is, what has dictated our development is the kinds of materials we can produce, not necessarily the ideas behind what you can build from those materials. I realise the illustrations are flights of fantasy from the imagination.
However I wonder if you focus on the materials of the future you could make more accurate predictions.
For example carbon nanotubes is a material of the future (I've heard it said we could build a lift to the moon with carbon nanotubes).
Superconductivity, when we can make room temperature superconductive material, well blows the mind to think what you can make with that. Hover cars?
Wireless electricity, not strictly a material, but a game changer none the less.
You can't build a bridge to the moon because it orbits the earth once every 2 weeks or so, and the earth goes around in 24 hours. Either it would only sync up every 2 weeks, or the moon would be tethered to the earth's rotation :)
No one could have predicted the horrors about to befall France in the 20th century...the bloom of her youth destroyed on the battlefields of the First World War, followed economic depression and then defeat and occupation by the Nazis. In many ways, the French nation died and never made it to 2000.
I think OP was trying to remark that France now is nothing like the France the artist drew from in 1900. Which is true, but it's also true of every place on the planet. This speaks more to the resiliency of nations than anything else.
My first impression was: why so many underwater pictures? Did they figure we were running out of landmass? Or is it because the ocean was one of the frontiers associated with exploration?
Space travel wasn't really considered possible. Air travel was seen as a maybe but the first successful powered flight has not yet happened (or if someone had managed it by then, their achievement had not been widely reported).
The first practical small submarines were around on the early 1800s (man powered at that point) and there had been many advancements in underwater tech (including significant steps in individual breathing apparatus and practical powered sub-marine vehicles) in the late 1800s - so around 1900 the oceans were the next great frontier in the eyes of many of the people who were in a position to care about such things, particularly after the popular success of Jules Verne's "20,000 Leagues" and to a lesser extent other similar works.
This aspiration of the oceans as the next great frontier may also have been driven partly by the massive increase in demand for fuel over that century or two due to the industrial revolution: if you could find a massive source of useful fuel material in that great unexplored wilderness you could name your fortune.
lt;dr: around then, under-water was cool to the public (brought up in the industrial revolution & looking for the next exciting technological developments), potentially very important militarily, and seen as one of mankinds next big steps.
Air travel was seen as a maybe but the first successful powered flight has not yet happened
By 1900 there had been several successful experimental airships, and in 1900 the Luftschiff Zeppelin LZ1 launched. It would be another three years before the Wright Flyer flew though.
Ah, for some reason I had my history backwards and thought successful winged flight attempts came before Zeppelins had seen that much success. Thanks for the correction.
One can recite the old adage "Prediction is hard, especially about the future" and laugh at these. But one important lesson that they give is that how hard to break free from the constraints of current thinking to be totally innovative. Look at the floor cleaning robot depicted in "Electric Scrubbing" and compare with the Roomba. The robot is essentially a mechanical French maid (now, there's an interesting thought), i.e. the manner of cleaning is exactly the same.
Another example is "A Tailor of Latest Fashion" where what seems to be a steam engine powers an automatic dress maker.
Just interesting, nobody could ever imagine computers that fit in your hand. Everything there is about the physical tools, nobody imagined that tools would instead become intelligent.
When this stuff was posted three years ago on HN, there was a link to an interesting site that has many examples of future predictions
I think we tend to quickly forget the motivations of creating these, because they are 100 years old. They appear to have commercial links-- so 'interesting' would probably have been a more important quality than honesty or in depth thought on the matter. For example, i don't believe anyone giving proper consideration in 1900 would believe we would be under the sea 'fishing' for seagulls.. it was just an interesting idea that would be possible.
If this were CNN today on a 2100 prediction HN would be all over it calling it populist/sensationalist/lazy etc.
I'm surprised they didn't guess 'wireless' a little more (the classroom) since radio was being invented at the time (even wireless headphones were almost technically possible with a crystal radio).
Google Books also archives many, many old Popular Science magazines. They have some wild predictions like planes towing trailers. [0] Quite an interesting read for the classic illustrations, DIY plans that are still useful today, chemistry experiments that would make the ATF and DEA blush, and of course the endless pages of ads peddling every contraption imaginable.
These were clearly made mostly-in-jest, however I was a little amused at the juxtaposition of archaic flying vessels together with personalized consumer-level air travel.
While we have long since passed the era of the Zeppelin, we're certainly nowhere near cruising along with air-taxis or wing/slash/jet packs.
I don't think the flying car or jetpack is really that crazy of technology. We can easily make quad-copters for personal transport. With enough investment, it could become a commodity good.
But, think about how bad the average driver is. Now realize that they're driving in two dimensions. What happens when you add a third? Terrible, terrible things. That's why we haven't invested in any infrastructure in flying cars, and without that infrastructure, it ain't gonna happen.
The "limited" creativity of its creator is very clear. He/She seems to be obsessed with either going in the air or going under water. I wonder whether this creativity was truly individual, and would a collective creativity been able to fathom the future to a better degree.
You can look at Jules Verne, who did also write about means of travel. And the most important visible innovations from that time are usually related to transportation. So I believe collectively transportation was the technology which captured imagination at that time.
Atop of this, it is really hard to sell postcards in which the bastard offspring of looms rule the world.
I think these illustrations hit closer to reality than the predictions from the sci-fi authors we just read about in the recent HN post "1987 Time Capsule Predictions by Sci-Fi Writers About 2012"
The thing that always gets me about these old timey predictions, is while they are probably way far fetched from their perspective the reality seems to be even more incredible (jets flying faster than the speed of sound, as opposed to blimps). I think it really lends credence to the idea that humans think of technology in terms of a linear progression, but it's actually exponential.
Alberto Santos-Dumont flew his own personal dirigible balloon around Paris circa 1900 (see new post He was the only person to experience unrestricted personal urban airflight and is certainly a major inspiration for those illustrations here that depict air travel.
Reading articles like this makes me wonder, is there any "prediction" made by people today for, say, 100 years from now? I wonder how the future people would think about those "predictions" :)
Or, since I want to be alive to share the laugh, any prediction for year 2020-2050 made this year or last year?
> The Tomorrow Project explores our possible futures through fact-based, science-based fiction and video conversations with scientists and science fiction authors, legends and world renowned experts, passionate advocates and everyday people. Science fiction gives all of us all a language so that we can have a conversation about the future and these conversations make dramatic changes.
I thought it was interesting how it showed so many airplanes. A lot of them look like real planes and they use terms like "plane" and "helicopter." The first manned flight wasn't until 1903, but I guess it wasn't out of nowhere. The idea was "in the air" so to speak.
We are about to accomplish most of the dreams they had about air travel. The only thing remaining is free Internet while on plane :) (I know it exists but very uncommon especially in Europe)
People in diving suits fishing for birds?
The school where books are ground up and electrified into pupils' heads?
A serious attempt to predict the future is a rare thing indeed, even on the part of science fiction writers, who are often more concerned with allegory and the exploration of ideas than with literally trying to figure out what the future will look like.
For my money one of the best "future visions" is Spielberg's Minority Report. Not for "pre-crime", but for the suburbs that still look like suburbs, the personalized advertising (perhaps a little extreme), and the general normality of the cities (aside from the silly vertical freeways). The future looks a lot like now - because buildings last a long time, and the landscape changes even less than that.