For me, that sense of being on high alert is less to do with airport security and more to do with feeling that nearly everyone and everything you interact with is some sort of low level scam. Overpriced food and drink, duty free, poor value upsells, the sea of manipulative advertising, plain old pickpockets, someone trying to sell you tickets for a chance to win a car, someone approaching you in a queue to do a “survey”…
It’s like browsing a Fandom site but in real life.
Which airports are these? Honest question. I've been flying frequently for 20+ years but the only complaint I can relate to is "overpriced food and drink". Definitely never had anyone sell me tickets or approach me to do a survey. So I'd really like to know which airports are these where these things are common?
I’m always wondering why there are American Express people in gardmoen in Oslo. Like where in Europe can you spend Amex I guess someplace but definitely not Oslo. My Amex was mostly useless there which is why I eventually got rid of it when I lived there.
It’s like browsing a Fandom site but in real life.