This isn't true. int[] decays into an int* but is a different type.
An array member of a struct will have its data allocated contiguously with other struct members (subject to compiler padding). An int* would point outside the struct. This is possible even with variable length arrays. Specifically, you can declare the final member of a struct as an int[] which makes it a "flexible array member". Then you have to malloc the struct to be the sizeof the struct + whatever size you want the array to be.
This is rather pedantic but the memory model for arrays is important here. If you're iterating over multiple struct members that are arrays, the fact the arrays are stored contiguously in memory is going to matter to SIMD.
>Then you have to malloc the struct to be the sizeof the struct + whatever size you want the array to be.
Ultra pedantic, but you actually do not need to alloc struct+size; you want something like:
// A flexible array member may have lower alignment requirements than the struct
// overall - in that case, it can overlap with the trailing padding of the rest
// of the struct, and a naive sizeof(base) + sizeof(flex) * count calculation
// will not take into account that overlap, and allocate more than is required.
#define SIZEOF_FLEX(type, member, count) MAX(sizeof(type), offsetof(type, member[count]))
I'm sure there's a more elegant way to calculate this, but I am no macro master.
if using an int* over an int[] changes the memory layout of a struct, that necessarily implies a difference in the ABI.
As an example, C++'s std::array can be implemented as a struct containing a fixed-size C-style array. This can be passed-by-value. This means that returning a std::array can be more performant than returning a std::vector (which might be implemented as an int* that is reallocated when you add too many elements), because a std::array is returned on the stack while a std::vector is returned on the heap.
I was bit by this once when returning a std::unordered_map because I was doing a heap-allocation in a performance-critical section.
An array member of a struct will have its data allocated contiguously with other struct members (subject to compiler padding). An int* would point outside the struct. This is possible even with variable length arrays. Specifically, you can declare the final member of a struct as an int[] which makes it a "flexible array member". Then you have to malloc the struct to be the sizeof the struct + whatever size you want the array to be.
This is used in struct sockaddr for generic APIs where the actual struct can be of different sizes.
This is rather pedantic but the memory model for arrays is important here. If you're iterating over multiple struct members that are arrays, the fact the arrays are stored contiguously in memory is going to matter to SIMD.