Spyder isn't built-in; IDLE comes with Python (unless you get it via Debian, at least), but is not separately upgradable (as the underlying `idlelib` is part of the standard library).
If upgrading Spyder broke your environment, that's presumably because you were using the same environment that Spyder itself was in. (Spyder is also implemented in Python, as the name suggests.) However, IDEs for Python also like to try to do environment management for you (which may conflict with other tools you want to use specifically for the purpose). That's one of the reasons I just edit my code in Vim.
If updating dependencies breaks your code, it's ultimately the fault of the dependency (and their maintainers will in turn blame you for not paying attention to their deprecation warnings).
Thanks. I understand this a lot more now that I've learned about venvs, and I'm between VScode and emacs for editing. No longer would I install a editor which depends on the same environment as the code I want to run.
As for Spyder, it is included in the default Windows install of Anaconda (and linked to by the default Anaconda Navigator). As a new user doing package management via the GUI, it was not clear at all that Spyder was sharing dependencies with my project until things started breaking.
Anaconda was also half-baked in other ways: it broke if the Windows username contains UTF-8 characters, so I ended up creating a new Windows user just for that ML work. PITA.
You're all over the thread defending the standard python tools, which is fine, it works for you. But the amount of times you've had to write that something is natively supported already or people is just using it wrong speaks volumes about why people prefer uv: it just works without having to learn loads of stuff.
If upgrading Spyder broke your environment, that's presumably because you were using the same environment that Spyder itself was in. (Spyder is also implemented in Python, as the name suggests.) However, IDEs for Python also like to try to do environment management for you (which may conflict with other tools you want to use specifically for the purpose). That's one of the reasons I just edit my code in Vim.
If updating dependencies breaks your code, it's ultimately the fault of the dependency (and their maintainers will in turn blame you for not paying attention to their deprecation warnings).