China is of course doing this with zero need for environmental impact studies, which would be impossible in the west, even with the ostensible goal of reducing carbon emissions.
They do. Here is a summary of the environmental impaction evaluation of stage 2. Whether it is scientific enough, I cannot say because I haven't read the report (judging from the summary, readers need to contact them to get the report, which is pretty annoying).
You have to give clear evidence that china’s environment impact process is weaker than those followed in global north. Even if what you presume without data is 100% true ..
That is hardly the only or a key reason for slow adoption of green technologies in Europe or US.
There has to political will to do large changes that is weak everywhere else outside China.
Even if any project has heavy ecological impact locally, that doesn’t compare with far bigger problem of climate change.
Rich countries lack of action is basically a slap in the face of the global south, saying that they care more about few fish and birds, over the all poor people in the world who will suffer from the greenhouse gases bulk of which they emitted .
I would characterize that as just modern colonial wealth extraction with class and racial overtones.
Remember climate change impacts poor communities far more than the rich, that is true even in rich countries. It shouldn’t be so easy a moral decision to say environmental impact mitigation is more important than people .
Bureaucracy and red tape in the name of safeguards are weak excuses, when tens of if not hundreds of millions will die as direct or indirect consequence of climate change this century .
I agree with this. We need some nuance. We cannot just look at chinas human rights record and decide that justifies slow western bureaucracy when it comes to infrastructure. We can't hold them up as a bogeyman to justify our own inefficiencies.
Of course the Chinese are not uninterested in protecting their environmental values. You seem to be under the impression that environmental impact studies exist to obstruct progress. They exist to prevent external costs carried by the local population and future generations