One little tip I learned the hard way: an applicant tracking system (ATS) can claim to have imported your fine-looking Word or PDF resume, but that does not mean that it has correctly parsed it and populated the key fields (eg skills) that it shows to the hiring manager.
The problem seems to be that ATSes struggle with the "modern" style of resume, much beloved of Word template authors, where you might have a left column with your contact details, github, and maybe some skills and then a borderless table on the right side with your positioning statement and job history.
I went from zero callbacks to 80% after I junked Word and rewrote my resume in a much more old fashioned, linear format. I used Overleaf (LaTeX) like it was 1999 and exported to PDF.
I have seen one behavior with ATS that was actually tracked down and might hit fellow HN readers. A recruiter I worked with at a company asked me why I didn’t have any experience with artificial intelligence. I said it was all over my resume - I’ve been in the field for more than a decade. He said that it didn’t show up until that ATS.
It turned out the ATS didn’t properly parse ligatures like “ffi”, “fi”, etc. It rendered them as a blank space, so “artificial” became “arti cial”. I turned over ligature rendering in my resume and started to get more callbacks.
Upon further inspection, I discovered that a lot of LLMs also have problems with ligatures and just ignore them when fed a pdf.
So, maybe those annoying job apps where you upload a resume and still have to fill everything in an HTML form aren’t the worst thing.
Latex and git has been advantageous to authoring a resume for me. It separates the layout design ant content.
“Oh no it’s 2 pages with only education on p2.”
Quickly comment out a bullet and print off a fresh 1 page pdf. I don’t use dumb words or phrases now to fit layout, at least far fewer. And git makes me less worried about deleting when it isn’t working.
One pattern i use, that i think makes things simpler, is to have a layout/contact template with definitions, then different context specific main latex files inputting from a sub directory of section blocks: experience, skills, education, etc.
I’d thought I was slick with word table layouts for sections, until a counselor told me the table structures persist in the supposedly flat pdf.
I wish there were an standard optional JSON attachment with a ridiculous small kb size limit to upload along with a human readable resume to help out the user data AST parser.
I’ve heard of typst before. A light language for better markup sounds great.
LaTex is a dark art and I just repeat basic incantations learned from the elder boards.
But, I cannot bring myself to write docs in a web browser and use web app storage. I have a personality disorder that requires me to use a local text editor for personal use cases.
Also I will buy a perpetual license for software. Like sublime text i just renewed a 3 year license to text+merge.
I get that subscription licensing is better for the dev business but I can’t do it.
I've recently started a part-time MSc (with no prior degree or university experience) and I've found Typst brilliant. I've been using this template -
The UX has been simply amazing, there is a VSCode extension that allows you to have the raw text content open in one tab on the left and the pdf on the right, with it updating everytime you save.
I also think it has translated to better grades, given some of the marks come from structure and presentation! For example, in my last essay I was using Binary Search Trees, wouldn't you know, there's a package that allows you to draw them easily!
Seriously, I can't sing it's praises enough. I'm sure if I was doing some more complex writing Latex may be the more appropriate choice but Typst's plug-n-play approach has been so smooth
> I wish there were an standard optional JSON attachment with a ridiculous small kb size limit to upload along with a human readable resume to help out the user data AST parser.
There may be edge cases where some obscure software can't parse a weird resume format, but in general if you put anything remotely resembling a common resume format (Company name, dates worked there, optional description and/or bullet points) it will be parsed properly.
I'm in a big Slack where people ask and give career help. Several hiring managers have offered to test people's resumes on their company's ATS over the years. Nobody has ever found a combination that actually failed the ATS except when it was an obvious problem (like someone who made their resume in Illustrator) or an obvious user error (exporting a resume as an image).
I wouldn't say it's a "myth". My experience is a lot more like the OP's than what you describe.
A few job sites, like WorkDay, have mangled my PDF resume every time I upload it. Like the OP, I've had to massage the layout and formatting to make it more compatible.
It's not a myth (I wrote ATS systems, and you usually just pay some third party to do the core parsing job as a library or a service and take your failures on the nose) but at the same time most recruiters are NOT going into past resumes and filtering through them, and most of the wide shot resume hits you get on linkedin are for the lowest tier of jobs.
Almost all recruiters are "most recent resume in" type of folks or "curated long term list" type of folks - they'll either circle you for years trying to get you hired for something or they'll forget your name in 25 minutes.
Same experience from me. Most website will show you the result of the CV parsing and in the end I find it takes me less time to populate the different parts manually on the recruiter's website than to try to correct the mess those systems made with the risk of errors it introduces. I wish there was some kind of json/xml standard for CVs.
Same. Instantly got two hits back after reformatting. I also simplified my experience section by reducing technicals and focusing more on role responsibilities.
My sense is _most_ resumes are actually reviewed by a human. Most job postings aren't getting 1000s of applicants. If they are, 3 people can review 1000 applications in 2 hours (30s look).
Most companies are not Google. I did some hiring (3 or 4 positions) at a 10 year old stagnant growth “startup” and we got at most 10 applications per day to these engineering positions. This was 2022-2024 so not just the good years.
I've been applying to jobs for the last three months and many companies use systems that automatically parse your resume and then let you manually correct the parsed data. It's nearly always a mess, and I use a very straightforward linear resume template.
It's possible that there is some selection bias here, where mediocre parsing systems give you the option to manually correct everything because they know they are mediocre. I remain skeptical.
Would you yourself be able to write a Figma-generated PDF parser that reliably extracts necessary semantic content from rasterized text with random layout? If no, likely an average programmer that wrote the application tracking system wouldn't be able to do that either. If yes, then you are very good, and top companies are hunting for you already, you don't need a Figma resume.
When applying for jobs via LinkedIn it’s very important to use a PDF. A huge number of people submit Word documents, however, LinkedIn doesn’t render them in the browser. Given that most roles get hundreds of applications, unless someone’s previous roles really catch my eye, I am probably not going to download anything.
That I don’t have a general answer for. Except for the year before last, it’s been responding to recruiters that reached out to me.
The year before last when I did do targeted outreach, it was because I both had relevant experience in a niche AWS service and I was a major contributor to an open source official “AWS Solution” while I was at AWS that was popular in that niche.
But that trick had a very small window.
So I guess the answer is do something that allows you to stand out from the crowd and then you can do prior outreach and tell them why they should hire you over someone else.
My biggest piece of advice is don’t be a “ticket taker”. Volunteer to lead larger initiatives.
And please do not pay anyone for "ATS compatible resume templates" or other ATS related services.
I don't think people realize how many of the ATS myths have been promulgated by people trying to sell services to job seekers. The ATS myth resonates with people for some reason, so desperate job seekers will often pay (unnecessarily) for various "ATS friendly" templates or ATS reviews.
Can you elaborate on the exact layout syntax these ML idiot savant agents want to read? Lack of an industry wide standard data interface makes this terrible.
Even that can fail. I’ve had multiple cases now where my name (!) was auto-parsed wrong in a way human would never do, not even after copy-pasting into Notepad.
The reason? My resume lists my name as follows, where I means the initial for my middle name:
Firstname I. (Nickname) Lastname
And yes, even professionally I do use my nickname and my last name, except for things which must match my government ID, such as offer letters and payroll/tax records, where of course I omit Nickname and use the legal Firstname as well as sometimes the middle initial or full middle name.
With this format, how does Personio parse my name? It thinks I’m called Firstname Nickname. No human would make this mistake, nor would a copy-paste into Notepad cause a human to do that.
And if it has any LLM intelligence at all, it should know that this is unlikely, because Nickname is actually a very common nickname for Firstname, so it should suspect a disperse and have a human double-check its conclusion. Alas.
I’ve also had other issues with these systems misparsing my employment history, since they don’t always properly parse jobs that span corporate acquisitions (changing title and employer at that point but being the same job) and are accurately reflected as such on the resume.
>Even that can fail. I’ve had multiple cases now where my name (!) was auto-parsed wrong in a way human would never do, not even after copy-pasting into Notepad. [...]
sounds like they did something like:
first_name, last_name = name.split(" ")
which is an issue, but unrelated to what everyone else is talking about, which seems to be how text data is being parsed/encoded inside pdfs. Pasting into notepad would check for that issue, but obviously wouldn't do anything for bad first name/last name extraction logic.
I felt that the general topic was "software failing to do the right thing parsing the text in PDF resumes in ways a human would get right", which includes all of these types of problems, not specific to encoding issues. But, sure.
I think mashing up of names happens a lot, since they are not common words. Personally I don't see what the problem is of your name being mangled in a parsed resume, other than when it would look offensive. The name mangling can get easily cleared up after first contact with a real person.
I’ve indeed cleared it up quickly every time it’s happened, but in my opinion, it makes the company look unprofessional in an easily avoidable way. (And yes, I’ve been in the hiring manager role myself - I’d feel the same way if this happened to one of my candidates.)
I call this easily avoidable because name is usually a separate field in the application or referral forms, so this is the bad auto-parsing overriding accurate manual input.
Parsing names is like writing a time library. Sounds easy until you learn the hard way that it definitely isnt.
Some examples that come to mind from my experience are applicants with Chinese names that also use a western name professionally ("Yu-Chen Liew, but I go by Janet"), Spanish names that include patronymics ("Penelope Cruz Sanchez") and cultures that place the family name first ("Park Lee"). Maybe (f,l) = split(name, " ") works in some very homogeneous country like Iceland, but it sure doesnt work in the US.
Yes, agreed - except that the Spanish name convention you describe isn't about patronymics exactly. Patronymics are something like a given language's version of "son [or daughter] of X" where X is a given name of the parent (usually the father).
By contrast, Spanish last names simply use two last names, with a child taking one last name from each parent. Traditionally this is the father's first last name followed by the mother's first last name, though efforts toward gender equality have made the law more flexible nowadays in both Spain and many other countries.
It doesn't violate Spanish naming conventions for given names to be reused in the next generation, and some families do that, but that isn't patronymic since it's not a "son/daughter of X" name, just a reused given name.
I can only speak for what worked for me. A shorthand heuristic might be that if the resume can be read in linear fashion by a screenreader without any weirdness or non sequiturs, it's probably pretty good (another argument in favor of paying attention to accessibility!)
In my case, I had a simple layout with sections clearly delineated and very simple formatting (bulleted lists). Dates were spelled out eg September 2024 rather than 9/24. UTF-8 throughout. No difficult latex packages, just classic ones like enumitem and fancyhdr.
Word/Google Docs -> PDF conversion is perfectly fine, and every system will understand it. Just don't try to get fancy with layouts and stick to headings, subheadings and bullets. People reading the resume will appreciate this as well.
This is how I formatted my resume using Pandoc to generate a word document from a Markdown file. Having everything in Markdown also made it easy to quickly create customized resumes by reordering specific sections or lists in a section as well as tracking changes in Git.
There is an industry standard - HR-XML[0] (disclaimer: I was on the committee for a little while). But I would be surprised if any of the job boards let you import it directly.
Frankly, plain text rendered to PDF is probably going to be the most easily parsed by their systems. If they let you add attachments separate from your resume, then stick your "beautified" resume there.
I've spoken with two technical recruiters who say they prefer reading templates instead of hand-crafted Resumes on top of them also parsing better in the ATS system ):
Can confirm a similar attitude from an HR person - they prefer a single-column, easy to scan resume that follows a tried and trusted standard structure and layout.
+1 here. I have two resumes. One looks nice/modern and its what I send recruiters/managers once I have an interview scheduled. One is an ugly, to me, plain looking word doc that application tracking systems can gronk.
I've used LaTeX, online resume generators and Google Docs templates, but they were unfruitful. I've applied to 350 jobs and only got one screening recruiter call (then was ghosted). Despite having 2+ YoE and published research as well as having worked as a contractor for FAANG (I even made one loads of money in stock after they applied my recommendations)!
If you've applied 350 times with that kind of success, then it might time to revise your approach, your CV or both.
I've never found good leads with cold approaches. Even when getting contacted and receiving an offer, it was always low salaries on that method. What worked best was going to related events, talking to people hosting the booths, talk to presenters of topics where I'm an expert and this way get warm introductions.
Yeah, it's probably because I took a non-tech job (stock broker) for the health insurance. Also I went back to college after I quit my last FT cybersecurity job. I also used ApplyAll which may of messed up parsing my resume in Workday.
If you're into tech development nowadays, it goes a long to list a portfolio of things you've built. That goes a long way to tell an employer if you have the skills to build what they need.
Yeah, I just have a text file and convert it to HTML for people that want to view it on the web. Has never been a problem. I'm not a graphic designer and if that's a skill you want, you got the wrong girl.
I have done two different types of resumes; long and sort. When I was learning about resumes in high school and college, they said to just list your jobs and maybe some key skills. I have been told this is useless to recruiters. So I rewrote things to have a couple paragraphs about major projects at this jobs. I have been told this is too long and nobody has time to read it. So now I have both and you can pick the one you want.
I got laid off recently so this is fresh in my mind, but I got a job through my network instead which did not involve a resume or interviews. That's really how it should be. (I'm kind of just waiting for the founders from my last startup to start something new... they didn't survive the reorg either, which was a "sort by salary descending and only keep the last 3". The joys of having your software startup bought by an indecisive large company that doesn't do software ;)
> I got laid off recently so this is fresh in my mind, but I got a job through my network instead which did not involve a resume or interviews. That's really how it should be.
Not sure about the 'should', but I think it is. Over the years I had the pleasure to work with quite a few good people, but there were also some buffoons (not counting those in marketing). I can only imagine, that the resume of the latter will look more appealing.
> much beloved of Word template authors, where you might have a left column with your contact details, github, and maybe some skills and then a borderless table on the right side with your positioning statement and job history
The design always struck me as a clumsy attempt to take up space.
For me, a similar approach is actually the exact opposite. It's always a struggle to fit a good summary of your professional life on a single page and being able to put some short stuff in multiple columns can help you save space. For example I usually have certifications, trainings, etc in two columns since they're often fairly short entries.
Coming back here to really thank you for this. I converted my resume into LaTex today then to pdf. Began uploading it to a few listings and where I would previously have to go back in and correct things this is no longer happening. Much thanks.
I wonder what the origin of that template is, because it looks almost identical to mine, and I yoinked my template from somewhere back in 2012-2013. It says it's based on sb2nov/resume [0], but that only goes back to 2017. They must've based it on something as well.
It would be useless to test against a system that companies weren't using. I wouldn't count on anything open source in the HR space, to be honest.
I remember seeing a list of companies you could "apply" to with your resume that would then show the ATS-parsed version back to you. Every single person who used it got a reasonable result back, which is usually enough to put an end to all of the ATS myths out there.
The biggest pain / fear related to layoffs for me isn't the immediate actual loss of income...
It was that I have to go job hunting and how demoralizing and toil heavy that process is. Heck I'd likely go job hunting just out of curiosity, the idea of exploring other options should be interesting at the least, but naw it's too much of a pain.
>Recruiters. Don’t discount or blow them off.
That's all they do for me ... I suspect there's a subset of people who are very attractive to recruiters and they actually do things for those people and I am not in that group. The advice surrounding recruiters is always so disconnected from my experience that it seems strange.
The leetcode grind is my biggest dread. I can do it and I do well, but I'll be damned if it isn't a lot of mindless rote memorization that immediately leaves my brain the second I land the job, never to be used again (even in my job) until the next time I apply around.
Honestly I just stopped interviewing at leetcode places and those that expect you to "prepare" for their interview, especially those that are dumb no-name SaaS companies.
It's less about me being stubborn as it is those places are hiring based on the wrong skills, and those end up not being good places to work.
Remember when fizzbuzz was the gold standard in trick interview questions? And Joel was a revolutionary for advocating it? Things have certainly changed.
In some sense, leetcode is fizzbuzz on steriods. As I recall, the "trick" to fizzbuzz is knowing about the modulo operator. Most leetcode problems have a similar trick that you need to know/learn to complete them correctly.
Fizzbuzz wasn't about seeing if a candidate knew the 'tricks', it was to test if you knew how to code at all. If you know about loops and if statements you can do fizzbuzz even you've never heard about modulo operators. Fizzbuzz was designed to catch the complete bullshitters who literally could not code. Apparently that was a real problem people were having at the time.
> Fizzbuzz was designed to catch the complete bullshitters who literally could not code.
I'm unsure if we are in agreement or not. To me, the expansion of leetcode and friends is driven by the desire to filter for higher quality candidates. For example, in year 2000, fizzbuzz was good to filter out people who could barely write a for loop. Then, big tech needed higher and higher gates to keep out people who did not meet their standards. So fizzbuzz was given a healthy dose of anabolic steriods and told to "hit the gym". In a sense, fizzbuzz was transformed into leetcode, but the spirit was unchanged.
It’s not about testing ability to solve those problems, it’s about testing conformity, determination, and IQ (while being job-specific and thus legal).
Every place that tested leetcode in my interview (easy/mediums) never impressed me with their work culture. Usually it's a proxy test for obedience and/or accepting bureaucracy.
Also forget about career advancement. (Why would we promote you when we can replace you with another code puzzle solver?)
These are just completely bog-standard cognitive aptitude tests; in fact, they are if anything less rigorous than a modern IQ test. They're generally not specialized to specific jobs. You can read Reddit threads about people taking (and studying for) them.
Don't get me wrong: I think this is an incredibly dumb practice. But there's a mythology that IQ testing is a super-effective tool for recruiting that has been suppressed by anti-discrimination law. That is not the case. Most companies don't use IQ tests, because they're not fit for purpose.
Except at smaller companies, your network just gets you a referral and interview. You still have to go through the same interview process.
The two exceptions I have had were when a former coworker who is now the director of an f500 non tech company was going to create a strategic position for me. He needed someone he could trust.
The other time was when a CTO and the director of application development were both former coworkers from another company and it was just a matter of me saying yes.
The first job would have been more stress than I was willing to deal with and I don’t do large companies (I was suffering from PTSD from my time at AWS). The second didn’t have the budget to meet my compensation target.
Oh totally! My aim is to avoid leetcode as a 10y+ developer with real track record delivering $XM projects. To me it is a game breaker to have to study up on leetcode problems, as it keeps me from juggling multiple interview in the pipeline.
Every network job I've gotten (two) has been a walk on interview, I'm fine with this as long as I don't have to do circus problems.
Sure you can avoid leetCode if you’re okay with not maximizing your compensation by working at one of the FAANG or adjacent companies that pay at top of market.
But you aren’t going to have a walk on non leetcode interview at one of the companies that pay a quarter million+ for a mid level developer based on a referral. I’m not saying you are a mid level developer just giving an example of comp.
The amount a returning intern I mentored when I was at BigTech had a return offer that was the same as I made two years prior at 60 person startup.
Now that I’m out of BigTech, I had to get a job as a “staff software architect” at a 3rd party consulting company to come close to what I was making in 2020 as mid level consultant at AWS and I’m making over $80K less than I would make as a senior doing the same thing at AWS or GCP.
I’m 50, an empty nester and I’m good with making that trade off. I would rather get an anal probe with a cactus than ever work at any large company again.
But if I were 30 in 2024 instead of in 2004, yeah I would grind leetCode to make a 300K+ a year.
And yeah I got into BigTech without a coding interview and could probably weasel my way into Google/GCP in the consulting department without one. But that needle would be hard to thread for the vast majority of prople
That’s why I always advise anyone in CS to practice for coding interviews
good advice - I do hard disagree with Sure you can avoid leetCode if you’re okay with not maximizing your compensation by working at one of the FAANG or adjacent companies that pay at top of market.
I think the BIGGEST misconception in our industry is that it is only FAANG that pays TOP dollar. No one teaches CS grads coming out of college the hardest truth of it all - you will get paid what you are worth to the company and your career should be geared towards figuring out how to make yourself more valuable to a company that company is to you - this is where REAL money is and this can be had in A LOT of places. there are maybe 10 people at FAANG that have this - 99.76% of people at FAANG are expendable. too many bodies - most of the people are no ones. on the flip side there are 1,000’s of companies that have been in business for decades - there, with proper planning (much better time spent than fucking leetcode), you can become more valuable to the company than company is to you and your salary will reflect that - even higher than highest of salaries at FAANG…
I don’t care how much I’m “worth” that 60 person startup I worked for pre-AWS wasn’t going to pay me $225K and I went in as a mid level consultant. That was fair, I only had 2 years of AWS experience at the time.
The 600 person company I work for now isn’t going to match what I could make at Google. On the other hand, Google would require me to be in an office and I would not have unlimited PTO.
Everyone is expendable. No matter where you work.
I don’t think you know the salary ranges at BigTech and how they compare to the rest of the market. Those thousands of companies aren’t going to pay FAANG salaries.
That grad I mentioned coming out of college is making $160K their first year and that was working in Professional Services not development. An SDE was starting out at $175K - $190K
I can tell you from personal and numerous other examples that this is false
I don’t think you know salary ranges at BigTech…
I may not (even though of course I do as this is public information at this point) but I was getting paid $900k at 15th year. And know people in similar-ish range - just coding…
true story, I was on a honeymoon when I got an emergency call at work - no one knew what was going on, jumped on and fixed it in 10 minutes - got a bonus enough to buy a new car…
every junior I encounter in my career nowadays I teach that they should NEVER consider themselves as an “employee” but as a “corporation” and working somewhere not as “employment” but as “partnership” - makes a huge difference through and through when you cement this in your brain
You think if you got hit by a bus tomorrow your employer would go out of business?
my current employer - no, I am winding down my career. my former employer obviously not since I am no longer there but they paid me 6 months extra to do nothing but train people when I was leaving and have also done “emergency” work for several years after.
companies should strive of course to not have 10(000)x irreplacable employees but in 1,000’s of places they are always there. and path to become one of such people is easier than slumming it at FAANG I guarantee you
Again, you think 1000s of companies would go out of business if one key person quit? Unless you are talking about something like a private practice one or two man shops
I am giving actionable, repeatable advice, not once in a lifetime lottery tickets.
Do you have actionable repeatable advice that would allow that junior developer to make $175K straight out of school and over $300K 3-5 years in the workforce?
Those FAANG and adjacent companies are paying collectively 10s of thousands of developers that every year.
Again, you think 1000s of companies would go out of business if one key person quit? Unless you are talking about something like a private practice one or two man shops
NOT at all what I am saying… what I am saying is that there is a path in this industry where you are not a slave to “FAANG” where no one knows your name. there are (tens of) thousands of companies where you can set your career such that you are more valuable to them than they are to you. and once you get that money is no object no more… and you get to stay decade (or two) in the same place vs doing the leetcode-change-jobs-like-socks dance.
actionable/repeatable advice:
- find a company which is at least two decades in the business they are in - preferrably some niche thing but not required
- make sure books look good (the barometer here is whether you would invest part of your 401k in the company)
- less than 100 dev/qa combined preferrably
when you start look for patterns, specifically things that no one wants to do. there will always be that. if you hear “don’t touch this code” spend months studying it and understanding it (on your own time). make sure to understand FULLY every aspect of the business your company is doing, suck up all the domain knowledge… every production issue, no matter how big or small you will volunteer to help and go through all post-mortems… on this path things will become clearer and clearer what you need to get done as time passes.
soon enough it will be YOU that is a go-to person for everything, most important customers will know you by name and will call you on your cell instead of creating ServiceDesk ticket…
above all - never look at your career as an employee - you are a corporation and your relationship with your “employer” is partnership between two business entities. no one bats an eye if company X pays 7-figure yearly to company Y for its services… and yet compensation for an “employee” in those figures would be like “huh? no way.” and yet just how Jira might bring enough value to company X to justify 7-figure compensation, so can your services as well if you position yourself appropriately. no one will teach this in America as America needs obedient employees…
> you can set your career such that you are more valuable to them than they are to you. and once you get that money is no object no more… and you get to stay decade (or two) in the same place vs doing the leetcode-change-jobs-like-socks dance.
How many of those companies that know your name will pay you straight out of college $160K-$200K and up to $400K-$500k+ within 5-7 years?
If you want to be at a company where everyone knows your name, it’s going to be a small company.
How many of those companies that know your name will pay you straight out of college $160K-$200K and up to $400K-$500k+ within 5-7 years?
the days of $160-200k out of college are slowly but surely coming to end (try to find some right now and see how many there are compared to say few years ago). Hard to compare but I started in 1999 at $117k which is “there” inflation-adjusted but overall I would say it is not easy starting in that range. $400k-$500k in 5-7 in definitely achievable, little bit of brain and little bit of luck.
All of the BigTech companies are still hiring - just in lower numbers. But so are the non BigTech companies. So if you are looking at a smaller pool either way, you might as well shoot for the moon.
Even if they do have to “settle” for enterprise dev, they still need to practice for DS&A to increase their “luck surface area” to get into those companies that pay top of range.
I feel you dude, I definitely am not comp maxxxing, and it's because I simply don't want to run with the horses at this point in my life. I've had enough banality of the corpo world for now.
Glad to hear there are still some old dogs like us making good money. :)
> Heck I'd likely go job hunting just out of curiosity, the idea of exploring other options should be interesting at the least
When I grew up, my father worked in commercial banking in the 1980s and 1990s. There were so many bankruptcies / mergers / financial crises, that he got (painfully) used to being laid off. Watching him go through this had a large impact on my view of my relationship with most employers (hostile, wary, defensive). He once said to me, "At my level (middle manager), as soon as I start my new job, I start looking for my next job." He was exaggerating, but the point stayed with me.
I definitely agree with you: Looking for a job (or "keeping your doors & windows open to new opportunities") while having a job is much, much easier -- mentally. In my industry, most connections with head hunters are made through LinkedIn. You can set a special flag in your profile that says "I'm looking for work", but this is only visible to professional head hunters (they pay a lot of money for an account with these special privileges). It works very well. Normally, the calls start with: "Them: Are you looking at the moment? Me: No, but I am open to new and exciting opportunities. Them: Oh, great. I have something for you." Do that enough, and eventually something very good lands on your doorstep.
> At my level (middle manager), as soon as I start my new job, I start looking for my next job." He was exaggerating, but the point stayed with me.
That’s no exaggeration at all. I’m not always looking for a job. But everything I do I do with one eye toward how will this look when I get ready to interview? Am I working on tech that is demand? Am I working at the correct “scope, impact, and ambiguity” or am I just being a “ticket taker”?
You're saying that the "vast majority" of recruiters receive your CV (from wherever) and instead of contacting you on the email address on your CV they will Google around for your personal email address? I don't believe you. Why would anyone do that extra step when they already have your email address?
I’ve had recruiters find my work email after a phone call. They proceeded to send a bunch of emails while I was screen sharing. I was able to hide it but it was almost a disaster.
Might depend on the niche you're in, or your location. My experience with recruiters (on the hiring side) mirrored what I heard from friends who got hired through recruiters: they're basically match-makers.
If you're not a well-known name, you can have your job-postings but you won't get any applications. Either you spend time on advertising and try to convince people that you're really real and actually really want to hire, or you just get yourself someone who introduces you to people who might be a good fit. That's a recruiter.
Out of the 10 jobs I have had since 1996, 6 came from external recruiters. I met five of them in person over lunch or in their office when I was looking for local jobs in Atlanta until 2022.
The one I didn’t meet in person was a specialized recruiter for my niche.
Two came from me reaching out to them and two were from internal recruiters
Yeah -- the best recruiters have been "let's meet in person and chat about what you're looking for" people who would send me jobs when I was looking. The worst ones open the conversation by asking for my social over the phone.
> I really wish companies would start giving honest feedback even if it’s hard for the candidates to heard at first. It would be a much better way for candidates to improve themselves and we’re all adults here and can take the feedback.
I’ve said it before, and I say it again. This isn’t true. When companies try to be helpful and give you well meaning feedback, you find out that their reasons for rejecting you are absolutely banal, and you’d have been better off not hearing anything.
When I first become a hiring manager I thought I'd be the exception and provide everyone with detailed and honest feedback.
I didn't last very long. Candidates would see the feedback as an invitation to prove me wrong or argue with my assessment. I got a few very angry e-mails from people who took their rejection very personally and made it clear that I was their enemy. One person (who was actually very unqualified) even went on a mini rampage across the internet, trying to "name and shame" my company and even my personally for the rejection. There were even threats of a discrimination lawsuit.
So I stopped. It's back to something like "We've decided to proceed with other candidates"
I once interviewed for a job where they admitted I was the only person in the pipeline. I was then rejected with a canned "This was a highly competitive process and we've decided to proceed with other candidates" email. Did not feel great.
That surely depends on things the company knows and sadly also on things the company doesn't know. Are the reasons things that the applicant can change (e.g. lack of relevant experience or poor presentation skill?) or things they can't change (too old, wrong gender), but also how sensitized is the applicant to rejection (due to recent experiences)?
It is better to ask your internal recruiter / HR department to inform the candidate of your feedback (if you work for a big enough company). It is also good practice to always have a panel, not just the hiring manager, doing interviews.
So the candidate gets feedback along the lines of: "Thank you for participating in our interview process. Unfortunately, our panel decided you weren't the best fit for position X at this time, because ...reasons.... Under company policy, we won't accept further applications from you for one year from today, but we would encourage you to apply for a role with us in the future".
There is a chance they will reply back to HR arguing, but it is their job to be polite but firm that the decision is already made, and that they can apply again in one year (and not pass anything back to the hiring manager).
The key is to think long term and about the company as a whole - the candidate who gets helpful feedback and is treated fairly is more likely to apply again in the future (after the mandatory cooling off period), when they might have more skills and experience working somewhere else. There is a finite qualified labour pool no matter where you are based, and having the good will even of rejected candidates is a competitive advantage. The message should be "not now", rather than "not ever" (although of course, if they do go on some kind of rampage, they could turn the not now into not ever - that's a bridge burning move). If a tiny percentage go on a rampage, but the company protects the individuals from it, and has lots of counteracting positive sentiment from prospective and actual staff, then it's still a net positive.
This happened to me when I had to reject a doctor from my research study due to his site manager being unprofessional and his site being an audit risk. I sent a brief professional two-sentence vague rejection note thanking him for his time and wishing the best in his future research and he responded with an absolutely unhinged 17-paragraph rant, threatening lawsuits, calling my vendor CRO a crazy cat lady, saying she was too old to find happiness in life, ranting about San Francisco liberals (his clinic was in NYC), threatening to sue me, threatening to sue my vendor, threatening to turn us all into the FDA for fraud and wasting his time, and on, and on. It was completely shocking to read and really opened my eyes to how viciously and crazily people can lash out when they feel rejected. I was really glad I kept my rejection brief I can't imagine what he would have latched onto and ranted about if I'd given any specifics about why we didn't select his site. The weirdest part is he came to us very highly recommended from another doc!
If I gave the last candidate I interviewed candid feedback it would be “You need to bump up your technical skills (obvious during interview) and the photos on your photography site which you added to your resume for me to click on makes me question if you are a serial killer.”
Instead I sent something akin to “we decided on another candidate”
Here's another issue, the interviewer is sometimes wrong. Or, there was a miscommunication. At least twice in my career I missed an offer because the interviewer didn't think I had experience in something, but turns out I had decades of it. But, I don't brag. Heard thru the grapevine, "oh they said you didn't have database experience," hears me using databases since the late 80s. WTF?
So I could imagine debating a point while being in the right.
> So I could imagine debating a point while being in the right.
I absolutely can. Every single time I've gotten detailed rejection note it turns out to to be over pedantry (or rather, the fact that you didn't follow the letter of the instructions perfectly, god forbid you show some creativity).
It's really hard to not send a point-by-point rebuttal of their nonsense, but it never leads to anything.
It's not about online world, I think. When I was younger, I used to call each candidate with interview results — I've heard some of the rudest words directed at me ever. Stopped forever after a few rude calls.
And even in the case where the candidate is right to push back on the feedback, the process has usually moved on with another candidate already, so it's just awkward for everyone.
Another issue is that positions which are advertised are often already filled by some acquaintance, but we need to go thru the motions of posting the job, sifting thru resumes, interview questions, leetcodes, etc. and interview theatre before we go and hire the acquaintance.
Sometimes, HR doesnt know and the interview panel may not know.
But especially after a take home assignment, feedback should be given 100% and face to face. It's almost embarrassing to spend X hours/days of your (spare) time only to be rejected with an email and usually some random reasons, without having the chance to explain why you built this toy project that way, how much time you spent and what would you do with more time or in production or even showcase some live coding on top of what you did.
But everything has become really inhumane, no-one cares. That's why AI is dominating and ruining the field.
True that. I just got some "honest feedback" that I didn't agree with at all. I'm all for criticizing myself, but this feedback totally missed the mark. I didn't have deep enough experience with "object oriented programming". What does that even mean? I've been creating and using objects every day since 2007. I literally... don't know what to do with that feedback. It's like the carpenter interview, "Have you ever built brown houses? Our client is very interested in brown houses."
> didn't have deep enough experience with "object oriented programming". What does that even mean?
This could mean two things. "You aren't knowledgeable about OOP" or "you couldn't show us that you are knowledgeable in OOP". If it isn't the former, maybe it's the latter? Maybe the real+underlying feedback is that you couldn't convey your breadth of knowledge in your interview?
With regards to what they're saying, the first thing to do is reverse the perspective. The applicant is hearing a yes or no, so if it's a no they want to know what they did wrong to improve themselves.
From the interviewer's perspective - we get someone who is average, then another person who is average, then someone who has trouble with basic questions, then we get this person who may be as average as the first two, then we get someone who answers every question correctly, and has a deep knowledge of the domain if you drill down, then you get an average person again.
There's nothing really wrong with the person, they did as well as four other people. It's just that someone else came in who was a standard deviation above the majority of the people in the bell in the normally distributed Gaussian curve.
Got rejected after a take home, and the feedback from the recruiter was 1. a reviewer thought I used a library incorrectly (they actually misunderstood how the library worked) and 2. I didn’t implement something that the instructions had explicitly said not to implement.
I didn’t argue with 1 because I figured it was pointless and it sounded like the recruiter was having a rough day. I politely pointed out 2 as a courtesy and he said “huh, the other guy yelled at me about that”.
Although honestly, I left the process thinking “lol” instead of “I’m a dumbass” like I might have absent the feedback.
I have a spreadsheet of my job hunts since 2008 across 8 times I was looking for a job. I was working at my first two jobs between 1996-2008
I’ve been rejected three times once I started the interview process. I have also always gotten interviews from companies where external or internal recruiters reached out to me and I submitted my resume.
All three times I’ve gotten rejected was post mid 2023.
It was clear from one within 10 minutes that I wasn’t what they were looking for. I’m not sure why I didn’t get hired for the second one after going through the rounds even though I have my suspicions.
The third I got ghosted after the HR screen where the representative from the target company’s investor interviewed me.
So by 2008, I was 34, starting over and applying for enterprise CRUD jobs where I was competing against people with a lot less experience and maturity. I was cheap labor. That held true in 2008 and 2012 and I was digging my way out of the “expert beginner” years.
It wasn’t until 2014 when I was actually starting to be recruited for strategic positions. In 2014, 2016 and 2018 I was an early strategic hire by a then new director/manager/CTO to lead major initiatives.
My interviews were two adults talking about strategy. By 2014, I was 40 years old.
2020, a remote position at AWS Professional Services fell into my lap. I was 46 then.
Now looking for a job in 2023 and 2024 targeting full time roles at cloud consulting companies, can you imagine how easy it is for a 50 year old who knows how to communicate decently, with 25+ years of development experience, 6 years of AWS experience including 3 at AWS to get a job at those companies?
Now when you take AWS away from me, I am just another enterprise Dev with above average communication and project management skills.
Two of my three rejections were at product companies even then the interviews were behavioral. It does concern me a little that I got rejected from product companies that were looking for “architects”.
My title right now is “staff software architect” at a consulting company.
> More than 150,000 layoffs were reported in 2024 and a whopping 264,000 in 2023.
I switched careers in my 30s to get into tech. It was big, difficult pivot. At the moment, I do not regret it and really like what I do.
But the job market is shockingly bad. I do not have an optimistic outlook, so I am looking to pivot again, likely a small business. All the extra cash I have after expenses, I put towards various side hustles. One big upside to being a SWE is that I can make whatever app I want and put it on the internet publicly.
The job market is bad because a lot of people joined tech when there was a lot of open roles (and a lot of SV money). The money has returned to its pre-bubble level, so there's fewer jobs. But the same number of people looking for work as during the bubble when they switched careers. Most of those new workers lack deep skills, so the existing jobs are going unfilled. Most of the listings I see now are for senior and above.
Another problem is management attitudes towards hiring. They are switching their capricious attention and investment towards AI [1] and off shore to save costs [2, 3].
The combination of all this is making for an ugly combo of negativity. Tech used to be a lot more fun, even before the SV ZIRP hysteria.
Been programming since I was 14, pursued a career in another field so that I could program for fun. I have considered pivoting my career to software development many times. Seeing people far more qualified than me have nightmarish job hunting experiences always makes me think twice. When people with 10+ years of experience can't find a job, there's no reason to believe self-taught programmers without degrees ever will.
Starting a business seems like the only real answer. Struggling only makes sense when it's for your own company.
You and the other million of devs think the same, that's why the indie dev market is exploding and twitter is full of influencers posting their app revenue..
This is so true, and I'm in fact going through this right now. One of my semi-technical friends followed an online tutorial and created a stock tracker web app, almost entirely using ChatGPT. It is a pretty good achievement (in the context of someone who isn't a programmer and started from scratch), and I'm encouraging him to keep going down this path and developing his skills. He is however convinced that he can launch this app and make millions, and is even considering quitting his job to do it full time. There is zero chance it is going to get any kind of traction, and I keep telling him that, but he is too enamored by all the "influencers" on LinkedIn/X telling him that he is basically a 10x engineer now.
I think we will see a small business "renaissance" of sorts:
- many local small business owners are aging baby boomers, they will be exiting + retiring; that's opportunity to back-fill
- the culture among younger people (millennial and younger) seems to be more focused on employment over entrepreneurship; they seem to prefer the safety of stable employment over taking risk on their own (I have no data backing this, just anecdotal experience...but I think its bc of student loans)
- stable employment with a big company is not so stable anymore, most of human history leans entrepreneurial, big corps are recent phenomenon
Yup, I've been calling this out as the other side of the coin of LLMs for a while now. If dev skill is no longer a barrier to entry and you can spin up an application using chatGPT over the weekend, then so can literally EVERYBODY else on the face of the planet.
You think it was hard competing against 10 other similar apps? Try 1000 or 10,000 competitors.
Yes because it’s harder to land a stable job, it’s much more realistic to start a business that is going to convince enough people to pay you enough to support yourself.
Also you have to convince companies to do business with you instead of a well known company.
Oh and to be competitive you need to have some type of funding.
And you need to make enough to pay for health care.
> it’s much more realistic to start a business that is going to convince enough people to pay you enough to support yourself.
I only have to convince one place - Google Ads. Plus bring in the "eyeballs" with my free app, but I have accomplished that more than once.
> Also you have to convince companies to do business with you instead of a well known company.
Just one company in my case (actually several, but 90+% of the money comes from Google)
> Oh and to be competitive you need to have some type of funding.
I have to be competitive enough to make a few thousand a month, and with my programming (and database design, and UX, and SRE etc.) skills, I have achieved that.
> And you need to make enough to pay for health care.
In the US you do.
> the top 5% of apps generate 200 times the revenue of the bottom quartile after their first year, while the median monthly revenue an app generates after 12 months is less than $50 USD.
>Success rate: According to Zippia, only 0.5% of mobile apps are successful, with 9,999 out of 10,000 apps failing. Fyresite estimates that 99.5% of consumer apps and 87% of business apps fail.
Now imagine what would happen if more people took that advice?
For context, a new grad working in a major city in the US not on the west coast - even an ordinary CRUD enterprise framework developer - can make $70k- $80K a year.
What exactly is a “few thousand a month”? That’s a good side hustle. But even that’s not enough to support yourself
i just launched a website a month ago to sell sweet potatoes online and i ran a bunch of google ads. now i have a b2b revenue stream selling sweet potatoes to medical diagnostic test manufacturers.
please, with the original snark style from your comment, tell me more about how it is a waste of my time to find businesses to do business with my brand new business and instead just find a stable job?
hard to debate these things with people who are born and bred into “slave for someone else” mentality and think like $350k is great salary one should be happy with slaving away at some cubicle in the Bay or at home 12 hours per day… :)
America is great at making sure most people think this way…
I wake up in the morning, role out of bed, walk over to my home office, shut down my computer after 8 hours and get on with my life.
I don’t have to worry about finding customers, I have unlimited paid PTO and I plan to take 30 days this year not including 10 paid holidays.
My wife and I travel a lot and we did the digital nomad thing for a year.
If the company decides they don’t want to employ me anymore, I find another job like I have done 10 times in my career including last year and the year before. Both times it took three weeks.
I don’t live in the Bay Area , I live in a nice condo with access to 5 pools, a private to the condo association fishing lake and two gyms, bars and restaurants all within walking distance in state tax free Florida.
i have all this (though i only work 4-6 hours a day when selling my time to other people), and i also have side income selling sweet potatoes and it didn't take much of my precious free time away. currently, it's earning me a similar hourly rate as my development rate (senior developer/lead developer/architecting infrastructure, etc). you are correct that it doesn't replace my income, but that was never the point. that income will help me weather any job loss etc, but more importantly, against your advice, i can potentially grow the business to a point that it replaces my income. and if you really want to be like, "that will never pay your bills," then that is 100% false if i put all of that income into stocks and the money grows to a point twenty years from now that i can use that money to pay my bills. and i'm also able to find a job quickly if i need to, just like you. which i guess, based on your experience, one can be extremely shortsighted person and still find a job quickly.
I have a years worth of expenses in in an HYSA outside of my retirement accounts that will help me “weather a job loss” and a set of skills that I’m 100% sure that someone will give me a job or contract before my money runs out. I work full time for a consulting company now - and I’ve worked in cloud consulting for almost five years including three and half working at AWS.
I have been working professionally for 28 years across 10 jobs. I assure you I’m not “short sighted”.
i'm happy for you and glad you figured out a way to navigate this rough finanical world. but we live in a different world now. i'm 33 and that strategy just will not be as reliable in the future. it's a losing strategy imo, at least for what i want out of life. what works for me might not work for you. telling other people that their approach is wrong is very shortsighted.
I mentored an intern when I was at AWS and worked with a few other new grads and continued to mentor the returning intern after they graduated.
After three or four years in the industry, if they suck up everything they can and take advantage of every opportunity, they will be set.
The same is true to a much lesser extent on the enterprise dev. I tell people on that side just not to be a “ticket taker” and volunteer to have larger more impactful products - “don’t be the bullet. Be the gun”
i've been mentored by dudes in their 50s who think they are providing a good to the world by mentoring young people (aka dad energy), then later received real mentorship from folks my age and a decade older than me. most likely they took what you said with a grain of salt and realized that you are out of touch.
It’s “dad energy” that you are doing. I’m telling people to “grind leetcode and work for a FAANG” (tm r/cscareerquestions) and to learn how to pass system design and behavioral interviews and pointing them to resources.
Whose advice is going to lead to better outcomes? Doing drop shipping from Ali baba and selling sweet potatoes on line or mine?
While I haven’t had to pass a coding interview at BigTech, I have had to pass system design and behavioral interviews at one and I have conducted a couple at BigTech.
I’m telling them to work to demonstrate skills with working at increasing “scope”, “impact” and “dealing with ambiguity”.
i wasn't suggesting that you were out of touch with technology, i was talking about career/life strategies. i believe that what worked for your generation isn't as sure a thing for my generation, and building various small revenue streams is a better approach. this is how i see it from my point of view as a younger person observing the world around me and where i fit in. a lot of people tell me that your way is right for me, but i disagree. a corporate 9-5 makes me want to kms, not exaggerating. i think we have fundamentally different worldviews and that's ok.
> My latest project I’m leading is a Kubernetes + Generative AI project.
we are no different. i'm leading a project to deploy an etl pipeline on azure kubernetes right now.
> was talking about career/life strategies. i believe that what worked for your generation isn't as sure a thing for my generation
My generation for the most part never will work for a FAANG or get equivalent compensation because we aren’t going to grind leetcode and do what it takes.
I would never have gotten into one if it weren’t for the very thin needle I threaded and I definitely wasn’t going to sell my big house in the burbs to move to Seattle to be an SDE (what the recruiter originally suggested).
There are plenty of people who post here who are under 30 and will make more than I will ever make. I’m not bitter. Like I said at 50, I can afford to purposefully prioritize lifestyle over chasing money and eschew opportunities to make more.
My Generation didn’t have the chance of graduating from college and getting a job making an (inflation adjusted) almost quarter million working for BigTech or the equivalent company back then. Many in my generation came in during the dot com boom and it took years for us to recover and some never did (I didn’t suffer any ill effects from the crash).
From looking at LinkedIn, none of them are or have ever worked for a company paying as much as my former coworkers at BigTech are making 3-4 years out of college.
The generation graduating post 2010-2012 has way more opportunities to make a lot of money.
gen x in tech are some of the wealthiest people in the world. y'all are the new kings.
i graduated high school during the great financial crisis. i remember being near done with college at the university of mississippi when i visited birmingham, alabama and walked through the occupy encampments. i didn't make enough money to contribute to retirement savings til 2019 when i was in my late 20s. your generation has experienced unprecedented stock market gains over your peak earning years. i'm not hopeful that these gains will continue through my peak earning years therefore i prioritize finding creative ways to generate income before it's too late after being complacent with my fat ass tech paycheck sitting at my standup desk and drinking my kombucha with the wool over my eyes while the ai writes my code.
And you were on the opposite side of the bimodal distribution of comp within the industry from 2012-2019.
The top end of enterprise dev salaries for seniors is around that of entry level salaries at BigTech and adjacent companies.
That’s not meant to be an insult. I was on that side until I was 46 and now at 50 I’m back on the very top end of enterprise dev. But it’s still somewhere between entry level and mid level at BigTech and closer to entry level.
The advice I’m giving is to stop wasting time on a side hustle and do whatever it takes to get on the BigTech side of compensation if you want to maximize your income.
If you graduated in 2008, yes it was a shit show. But that means by 2012, BigTech comp and enterprise dev comp started really diverging. The stock market has been gangbusters since 2012. But it stagnated most of the 200x’s.
If you had jumped on the BigTech wave in 2012 you would have been set.
By that time, relocating wasn’t an option for me because I was 38, just gotten married and had two (step)kids.
i didn't start working in the industry until 2019.
> The advice I’m giving is to stop wasting time on a side hustle and do whatever it takes to get on the BigTech side of compensation if you want to maximize your income.
this was good advice 5 years ago, even 2-3 years ago, if your goal is to maximize income. but it's out of date now. nonetheless, we are not talking about maximizing income here, we're talking about surviving in a changing world with a tougher job market for devs. let me remind you of the grandparent orginal comment that started this all: that person is right.
> i didn't start working in the industry until 2019.
Yeah for an entry level developer getting in the industry right before Covid hit had to suck.
> this was good advice 5 years ago, even 2-3 years ago, if your goal is to maximize income. but it's out of date now.
The entire market sucks now. But BigTech is still hiring as well as the enterprise dev side. You might as well shoot for the moon and settle if you must.
i believe that what worked for your generation isn't as sure a thing for my generation, and building various small revenue streams is a better approach.
100% this.
this is how i see it from my point of view as a younger person observing the world around me and where i fit in
that sounds fucking amazing!!!!! I think the main “disagreement” we have is that I truly believe there are too many people thinking that FAANG-driven career is fullfilling and something that should be taught to new kids that are coming into our industry. I am now and will spend the rest of my career pleading with them to choose a more fullfilling and rewarding career
If I were 22 in 2025 instead of being 22 in 1996, I would definitely do what I needed to do to exchange as much money as possible for my labor instead of toiling away at an enterprise dev job making $70K a year when instead I could be graduating college making $170K to $200k+.
I did do my bid in a FAANG working remotely between the ages of 46-49 and I saw first hand the doors it opens and the experience that college grads had that they couldn’t get anywhere else,
Hell, it open doors for me. There is no way I could have found jobs as quickly as I did both last year and the year before without it.
Also even at 46-49 I learned a lot that has helped me since I left.
On another note: after my youngest graduated, my wife and I sold everything we owned and after traveling for a year, we settled down in our vacation home (a unit in a condotel we own).
We rent it out when we decide to travel for an extended period of time. The “hotel” part of the condotel takes care of everything.
Are you making at least $80K a year? Again that’s what an entry level CRUD developer can make. They would be much better off preparing for interviews than selling sweet potatoes on line
Actually I am. When I get off of work, I don’t think about work. I am either exercising, hanging out with my family or friends, traveling (I work remotely and I could very well be working during the day and doing something at night in a different city).
This discussion was about creating a business instead of working for someone else.
I bet you that you could make more money by spending your time doing interview prep and changing jobs than you could selling potatoes on the side.
btw spending time marketing yourself is much more effective than interview prep in my experience. i got every single one of my jobs because i know how to sell myself. all the jobs i've gotten did not include an algorithmic interview. i can only think of one algorithmic interview i've done in my career, and it was early in my career and helpful to learn my knowledge gaps as a mostly self-taught developer. i did not spend any time doing "interview prep" after that, but simply learned the CS fundamentals that i was bad at. that has helped me so far. not 1337 code or whatever the fuck.
but that doesn't matter. i work 4-6 hours a day selling my time at a high hourly rate. this gives me more free time to do all the things i want to do. i chill hard as fuck. walk 90 minutes a day, sell sweet potatoes on the internet, grow my food, write books, and work on my saas app.
i recommend doing this if you are like me. don't work a 9-5, unless you use it to help get you to this point.
Check my other comments on this submission - I got into BigTech without doing any coding too - AWS ProServe.
But I am self aware enough to know that isn’t a repeatable process that most people can do anymore than “selling potatoes online”.
I don’t have to “market myself”. My job at AWS fell into my lap more or less then after leaving, with that on my resume and LinkedIn profile along with my other experience, people reach out to me. I don’t spend time trying to be a “thought leader” online.
actually selling sweet potatoes. if you would listen!
> I don’t spend time trying to be a “thought leader” online.
i have 139 followers on twitter. i don't tweet about tech. "marketing" is simply one html document on the public internet that clearly communicates to technical and non-technical people what you can do for them. not what skills you have.
1. Sales = learn to knock on a 100 doors to get one sale.
2. Marketing = learn to communicate your value prop to specific companeis and hiring managers.
3. Delviery = learn to deliver products/projects end to end with all the management that goes in between.
If you know all 3 you'll never be in a position where you don't have income.
It takes about 4 years to really get a grasp of all 3 so start now ... don't just do a 8 hour job and go home and watch tv.
Keep trying to sell your services to others ... at least 2-3 hours after work to other companies/startups/other industries. Its a big world - smeone needs your services - your survival depends on finding those people nad packaging your skilsl so that they buy.
time-management and sleep deprivation, should write a book with that title
0600 - 0900 Your project
0900 - 1600 Corporate job
1700 - 2100 Family & free time (you need to learn how to make the most of it so that you can recharge as well)
2100 - 2300 The low-CPU low demanding part of managing a business paired with some interesting background content goes here
Yeah it’s pretty simple. Just teach your kids to walk and the importance of no sleep interruptions, then they can get themselves to kindergarten and make their own food. /s
Considering the schedule has you stopping one task and one time and starting another exactly seven hours later, that’s not seven hours of sleep. Most people don’t stop a task and immediately fall asleep, or wake up and can start working. That gap means less than seven hours of sleep. And for many people seven hours isn’t enough. Sleep deprivation means not having enough quality sleep, it’s not a single number which can be applied to everyone all the time equally.
It's a rough schedule. It's not work to the minute of 11:00pm then start unwinding. You might be pretty unwound by 10:30 and then answer a couple of emails before making a hot drink at 10:45 and calling it a night. It seems a bit silly to overly argue how that can't possibly describe a full night's sleep, when it clearly can.
It's not like saying that. 7 hours is very similar to 8 hours, and lots of people don't even sleep 8 hours (I don't).
What's the point of wasting time with a very poor analogy? It's actually like saying if 2200 calories is a normal day of food, 1925 calories is not like starvation.
Some people will criticize but I follow a similar time management schedule.
It was only when I've built my first startup that many of those skills had to be learned and to be quite frank, I only wish to have started earlier rather than being throw into for making enough money.
Nowadays that schedule is accurate and I'm a family person with two young kids in the house. I just don't wake so early but that is mostly because I keep working on my personal projects until midnight~1 AM.
The good thing is that I'm no longer so attached with my employer company. Mismanagement, demotion or those issues don't affect me so personally because my professional value is no longer just defined by the company where I work. My work outside company hours is valued by many others, albeit not profit-driven it serves as a good backup whenever falling into unemployment situations.
My “backup” is not working 40 hours a week, then working on a side project and sacrificing time with my family and friends, not having time to exercise and travel and just relax.
My backup is an always up to date resume with an up to date skill set, and a longer career document, a years worth of expenses in a HYSA in addition to retirement savings, low fixed expenses, and a decent network.
I figure in a year someone , somewhere will give me a job or contract. While my wife hasn’t had to work since 2020 at 44 when I was 46, she has kept her CDL so if push comes to shove, she can get a job with the school system as a bus driver for the benefits while I build up an independent consulting clientele.
You probably don't have kids. Or if you do, that's really low amount of time and overall pretty horrible long term life quality setup, I guess then wife picks up most of family chores. Maybe your career is stellar, added value as a parent and (not only) emotional anchor for your kids... not so much.
Where is commute? Corporate jobs in IT are not 8 hours sharp and ciao, there is also lunch break to count in. Also 23-6 means 7 hours of sleep, too little for many. And so on.
Having a wife who is working takes some of the financial pressure off.
My children were four and eight when I started my business and it wasn't a problem at all. In fact I would say it made many things easier because I had a more flexible schedule.
Yes is just that easy. You don’t actually have to have anything to sell. If that’s all it takes, why do only 1 in 10 startups succeed and that isn’t even counting all of the people who are struggling in obscurity.
> It takes about 4 years to really get a grasp of all 3 so start now
That 4 years number sounds like an ass pull. What’s your source? Everyone is different and some of those skills come naturally to some people, so I sincerely doubt that number is even close to universal.
Honestly, your whole suggestion seems straight out of one of those generic self-help scams that ignore the realities of life and always blame the user: “You gotta do the thing. If you’re not successful it’s because you didn’t want it enough, not because we’re dispelling the same dated advice to everyone”.
Note I don’t think that’s what you’re doing, you’re not selling anything. I’m just saying I question the helpfulness and quality of the advice.
Anyway, the real advice is not to always preemptively work a second job. It's use your high engineering salary for as long as you have it to save, save, save and invest, invest, invest. This is how you shield yourself.
Because statistically it’s going to fail and even if you do make some side income, it’s not going to substitute even for an entry level enterprise dev job.
Also, the time one poster was spending “selling potatoes online” (literally not trying to be funny), he would be better off, spending that time doing interview prep and job hopping making more money.
You can take these numbers for YC investments and draw your own conclusion.
> Also, the time one poster was spending “selling potatoes online” (literally not trying to be funny), he would be better off, spending that time doing interview prep and job hopping making more money.
this made me lol. you are being a dickhead so i will ignore that and defend myself in good faith.
i actually job hopped this year so i can make more money while spending less time selling my work to other people. it's going well for me, so good that i had enough free time to launch an ecommerce website selling sweet potatoes. this project was an experiment to see if there was a market for direct to consumer food and also a project to learn about shopify and google ads (for other business ideas which you frown upon so you might not see the value in this). it was also an attempt to work closer with farmers because farming and food is an interest of mine, and i'm from where they grow a lot of sweet potatoes.
so that time was spent learning and doing something interesting to me intellectually, which is never a waste of time. 20 hours of my free time (which, to remind you, i have extra free time to do this because of my overall career strategy where i earn a high hourly rate so i can work less hours each week) resulted in learning new skills. with 10 more hours of my time i've learned about food safety, organic regulations, shipping, managing physical inventory and cash, as well as learning about our food distribution system (which is totally fucked since there is a market for direct to consumer sweet potatoes). not to mention, the time spent has earned me over $100/hour.
can you please remind me, snarkily, again, why this was a waste of my time?
All that other time watching TV and commenting on YC can be used to learn to run a business.
Also the skills you'll learn by starting a very tiny biz - marketing, sales, resilience, communication, people-skills and delivery - will help you sell yourself at present and future job opportunities.
Also not everyone is in tech or wants to be in tech. /smh
This will not work if the status quo actually changes to a degree that a significant portion of developers have to do this. It'd very quickly saturate the people willing to give you a chance.
This was a good advice 10-2 yrs ago, but going forward? We'll have to see, but my gut says this will become just as likely to succeed as becoming a successful influencer... By which I mean that a few will occasionally make it/succeed, but it'll only be such a low fraction of the people trying for it that it rounds to 0.0%. and the ones succeeding will generally have been able to leverage an opportunity that most trying the same never had.
(Not to discourage people from trying - without an attempt you won't even have the chance to grasp such an opportunity. I'm just looking at it from the perspective of an observer)
> If you code, you should be building a business on the side.
This is incredibly far from being the universal claim you say it is. 99% of software developers work for someone else, not at their own business, and most are perfectly happy.
By all means, building a business is great for many reasons, sometimes including financial reasons, and you should do it if you want to. But not wanting to is not an "excuse" and you shouldn't feel pressured to do so.
I think OP is saying that it's more of an insurance policy than something to make you happy. If you asked any software dev 5 years ago what their career security looked like, I'm sure most would tell you that they feel extremely confident. A lot has changed in 5 years. Being good at one thing and expecting that to support you for the rest of your life is a risky strategy in the fast-changing world we live in. Tech people felt immune from that, but the facade is starting to crack.
100%. people wanna blame companies for laying people off, doing leetcode, having ATS systems that don't parse resumes correctly.
if people realized - aimed at software engineers - that the same company you're applying for - someone went through the pain of creating the initial product, marketing it, selling it. I'm sure you can do the same - maybe not at the same level but at 80%.
unlike in zero-sum games - real life you can have multiple winners - 80% will get you there.
I do wonder about that. If you had it in you to start a business then I doubt you would have been sitting around waiting for the next downturn to do it.
15 years of experience. Laid off twice last year. 10+ years at 2nd last role, 3 months at last.
Like the article mentions, it's an employers market.
The thing I struggle is the question to why you want to work at a place. Either I'm short and to the point, or it ends up written like I used to when working for one of the Big Three.
And coincidentally, that is exactly the kind of stuff that ChatGPT generates.
It will end poorly. Even if it's objectively true, employers will not want to see such a reason, so you'll have to make something up, even if it's not true. It's just the name of the game.
Exactly. It’s mating dance. Nobody cares about one’s family. One must talk about good products, nice working culture, positive vibes, professional development on topic X, suitable experience in topic Y, similar finished project Z, interesting personalities of the interviewers. Motherload of well crafted lies. I learned a lot to lie during interviews. As a graduate I was absolute truth teller and every interview changed me a bit. After hundreds of them during a decade I am comfortable with any lie. So sad when I think about it.
Related. But people should also keep in mind that layoffs throughout the industry are extensive. So don't make the mistake of only keeping good connections with your team and managers. Try, to the extent that it's possible, to keep good connections across whatever enterprise you work in. We could easily enter an era, especially in tech, where all of your team and managers are unemployed at the same time you are. Or they otherwise may not have the ability to help you. You should always have a plan for using connections in the event you find yourself in that situation. A prudent pillar of that contingency would be to expand your network as far as you can. Even the facilities guy or the guy in marketing may prove useful one day. No connection is too low or too high.
Tough times. I feel like this is caused by massive capital misallocation over decades. The vast majority of tech companies should not exist, if not for the financial environment propping them up. Now with interest rates going up, there is less cheap money and companies are forced to lay people off and/or shut down themselves.
Reality is that there are too many software developers chasing a small number of value-creating opportunities in a sea of useless or highly inefficient tech companies.
In the meantime, there aren't enough people to produce food, build houses, collect garbage, etc... So costs of essentials keeps going up. It's hard for software devs to transition to physical jobs so it's going to be a tough one.
> I feel like this is caused by massive capital misallocation over decades
Absolutely a large misallocation. And this is not just about the number of engineers. It is also about number of managers, 2 pizza teams, entire management chains merely doing promotion/PIP management, entire sets of VPs and execs with no market experience or engineering experience. Even a large number of PE investors and angel investors who just landed on money but actually don't have any skills beyond betting far and wide.
Highly paid roles have been paying people who are just doing administrative work. This is misallocation. And all of a sudden, this misallocation has come to bare.
I think this gets to the heart of the current situation. The hard truth is that a lot of office workers are actually unskilled labor hidden behind the right kind of social conditioning and "professionalism".
Yeah, it feels like the system created all these jobs because it could afford to support all that deadweight, but most of those people were not creating value; they were not contributing to the company's success so much as merely mooching off of it.
Also, the centralization of media put this effect into hyperdrive. Successful, high exposure companies were drowning in money and so they could just throw 100 engineers at each tiny problem and it wouldn't materially affect their bottom line. They also didn't care much whether an employee was doing their job efficiently, so long as they met basic objectives... Which wasn't hard to do when you have so many people in the team and each person is responsible for a tiny piece.
Many people could be counter-productive in the long run, they were productive enough to meet their short-term OKRs and so they were left alone but their rushed work set the project up for long term pain... Often it's impossible to trace back issues to specific individuals... In software development, it's trivial to introduce massive technical debt while meeting or even blowing past short-term objectives. Someone who is literally killing the project might appear to be a top performer... They may be promoted before any problems become apparent... Kind of like a bad civil engineer who builds an amazing looking bridge and is celebrated for years until the bridge suddenly collapses because the foundations turned out to be poorly designed. By that point they've already been promoted several times, maybe already retired and they can claim that the collapse was caused by incorrect construction practices or bad maintenance work performed later. However, in software, it's much worse because you can't just point to a single incorrect formula or calculation. Failure is usually the result of many bad decisions.
You say that, but everyone I know is working themselves to death. Companies just don’t want to hire. And why should they, if people will keep up the pace?
Same. I guess those who weren't laid off have to work harder to make up for the reduced work capacity and to give credibility to their managers' narrative that efficiency has improved by x%. This doesn't mean that all the work they do adds any value to the economy. A lot of bullshit jobs are VERY demanding.
A game of whac-a-mole can keep people REALLY busy too. You can measure that they're hitting more moles per minute and call that 'increased productivity', but whether or not hitting moles with a hammer is useful is a separate question.
Also, there are questions of short term gains vs long term gains. It's relatively easy to trade away long term gains to obtain short term gains. The incentive structure of our system is predicated on it.
How are people searching for programming jobs? LinkedIn is garbage because it keeps showing jobs that don't even contain the word I searched for. I go directly to the big company's career pages, but it is hard to discover new jobs or new companies.
Using Google site search is a great way! For example - “Software Engineer, Machine Learning” OR “Machine Learning Engineer”. This is helped me search for a lot of jobs that weren’t advertised.
You can do this similarly for,,,,,,, and other popular ATS websites.
In the last 12 years of employment I've pretty much received all my jobs through the friends, friends of friends, and former colleagues network. There was one job which I actually applied for on their website and had a standard interview process for, but I had former colleagues already working there, so I include that.
I am in Game Development so it is a much smaller community than the overall tech industry and you're more likely to know people in different companies as people slowly disperse after completing a project.
I think as you get older you kind of have to find jobs in this way, relying on your network and reputation, rather than doing a fresh cold application each time.
Find a job you find interesting and have a compelling value add. Find that job’s hiring manager on LinkedIn/Other Social. DM the hiring manager and start a conversation. Has worked for me multiple times. You cut the line (or black box) and start to build rapport instantly.
If someone reaches out to me unless they have a very unique skillset - no “full stack developer” and “I got my last job because I can invert a btree on the white board” are not special skill sets.
This thread has a lot of interesting anecdata so I’ll add mine.
Over 25 years experience in frontend web, searching since July, and the water is as ice cold as I’ve ever felt it. Low response rates, low interview rates, zero offers. Wondering if the backend grass is slightly greener at the moment or that’s just my perception from the other side of the fence.
If someone (I don’t know if it is true in your case or not) has a generic set of skills like - “full stack developer” or “front end developer”, there are hundreds of people applying for the same job and it’s hard to stand out.
Also doing frontend, but my friends from the other side of the stack fence tell me that employers have been piling up responsibilities, so when you apply for a backend position, you're automatically assumed to fit a DevOps role as well.
Anyway, I've found that back in our field it's largely React roles which were affected. Angular jobs are fewer and typically lowballed, but not nearly as much as the rest.
>> If you haven’t searched for a job since then it will surprise you how much more of an employers market it is now.
Could you clarify further? Front what I hear on the news, there are hundreds of thousands of open engineering/ai positions in the US and we cannot find workers to fill them. You mention ZIRP, so I'm assuming you're probably in the US.
Practically every news show in the past two weeks has noted the importance of having a concerted US policy to help fill these open positions. They also mention the existential risk to the US caused by the massive shortage of engineers.
How does this square with you saying " If you haven’t searched for a job since then it will surprise you how much more of an employers market it is now." Where is the disconnect?
Just because a position is advertised does not mean the position is going to be filled - a lot of companies advertise a job that doesn't really exist. They do this for several reasons - to look like they are more successful than they are (if they are hiring they are expanding), and some just collect resumes. They might even do a few interviews, which helps their team practice doing interviews even if the company isn't going to hire. I'm sure there are other reasons.
I've been in the tech job market about 30 years, and this might be the second worst time for people in tech, the dot-com bubble of the early 2000s being the worst. My boss knows it too, he knows I can't leave and find another job that pays as well right now. A couple of years ago I was still getting about 20 recruiter contacts per week, and now I'm lucky if I get 1 per month.
If you haven't noticed how bad it is, I have to wonder why?
I started working in 1996. The dot com bust wasn’t bad if you were in a market with profitable enterprise companies like banks, insurance companies, etc.
I could throw my resume up in the air and find plenty of commodity Windows programming jobs.
It’s much worse now. I found a job quickly both last year and the year before. But that was only because I have a combination of skills and experience that puts me at the top of the pile of resumes in my niche.
These stories are bought and paid for, to pressure lawmakers to make it easer to hire H1Bs and/or offshore to lower wages. Much like recent stories about the shortage of engineers or workers in general. Shortage of suckers willing to work below market, that is. None of these companies will consider training existing engineers for a month either.
I agree. H1Bs are akin to indentured servants who do not have the ability to vote. Meanwhile, employers make large payments to politicians to keep the status quo.
What I dislike most is the cheating from H1Bs though. My friend in an AZ university described how foreigners were known to cheat on their exams based the clique of the country they came from. Similarly, I met an H1Bs who sends his work to Indian cheaper workers even though it is supposed to be confidential. They also collude to get their family and friends into the U.S.
Fake job postings to give the appearance of growth for funded companies who are struggling to grow to meet investor expectations.
Posturing to distract from the actual practice of hiring less-expensive talent overseas while pretending to be on Team America.
Political spin to avoid losing face/clout during an election year.
In short: some form of lying (or at best, twisting) to avoid the shame of not being as successful as one might look on their <insert social media here> profile.
And even more cynical take: They are marketing for AI hype cycle. That is there to drive up the stock prices, not actually hire. Spread out effort to make companies and AI overall look more popular.
> Could you clarify further? Front what I hear on the news, there are hundreds of thousands of open engineering/ai positions in the US and we cannot find workers to fill them.
The only thing that matters is the ratio of job seekers to open positions.
There are always a lot of open positions because there are a lot of companies. Even during recessions most companies will be opening to hiring the right candidates.
When there are more candidates than positions combined with a lot of layoffs, companies get more selective. Companies are hiring, but they're being more careful about who gets hired.
The other disconnect is that the employers are trying to fill positions at a certain price point which is usually much lower than most people will accept. Asking why we can't just take those positions when desperate is basically asking why you can't work for significantly less than you have been making for the past 10 years. People have houses and families to support. In some places those jobs pay so little that you can barely make rent with roommates. They exist solely to prove there aren't any qualified US workers for H1B purposes.
A lot of really good people can be had in certain US states if you're willing to pay them a lot of money relative to their local market. I've gotten several applications from some pretty overqualified people simply because the pay for the associate position is higher than their local employers are offering for mid-level people. If you then turn that around, it suggests that some of these employers struggle to fill positions because they actually have to compete on the nation-wide market for people.
Most software engineers lack credentials to get hired to build ai, unless you view conventional software engineering as ai.
The time to build out ai tracks in universities was back in the Obama administration. It’s ridiculous that all of a sudden the whip is being so harshly cracked for everyone to re-skill. I applied to CS grad programs for two straight cycles, with strong GRE scores and a solid CS undergrad degree, and not a single non-remote university program offered me admission, seemingly due to enrollment caps as bottlenecks.
I ended up joining a well-known online MS program, and I feel that it is teaching me so little for the effort I put in that I don’t think my ai skill has improved over what I had from outside of the program, but hey, if the system is broken, what can you do? I can learn nothing, remotely, and use that degree to get an ai job where I do genuinely valuable work, but I’m definitely not allowed to make those genuinely valuable work contributions in a remote role.
The opportunities available are extremely limited or they don’t make sense/aren’t very good. Just smile and play the game… or is it the game that’s playing with candidates?
I also got laid off during parental leave. I had a strong feeling that it would happen but due to the stress of a medically dangerous pregnancy, I made the excuse that I didn't have the capacity to simultaneously focus on a preemptive job search. That was a bad decision.
I think its amazing that posts like this exist, and more should definitely be written so that people don't feel powerless after a layoff. Too often we tie our identity to institutions and it isn't doing anyone any good (well maybe it helps the shareholders).
Similar to the article's author, I also once got laid off shortly after being hired; three months in my case. I was promised they were on a growth track to nine-figure revenue. One month of down subscription growth, the CEO panicked, and I was gone.
"How to Tell a Layoff is Coming" another tip from personal experience, a manager and key people always know. Be in the inner circle. Also I was once laid off on my Hawaii vacation, talk about perfect timing.
i knew someone who was QA his boss approved his PTO to go to the dentist. however that day turned out to be the layoff day so HR threated him to come to the office. was hilarious. god i hate HR. anyways if you ever go on PTO turn your phone off completely.
After the dot-com crash, I was laid off when the company I worked for went under. They specialized in creating e-learning courses for large corporations.
That experience taught me a valuable lesson: there are some industries you just don’t want to be involved with when the economy takes a downturn. Companies tighten their budgets, and the first cuts often come from areas like training and marketing. On the consumer side, people quickly drop non-essential luxuries like streaming services or food delivery.
If you work in industries that provide those kinds of services, they’re essentially “fair weather industries”—great during good times but highly vulnerable during tough ones.
Since then, I’ve made a point of only working in what I call “recession-proof” verticals. These include energy (avoiding risky sectors), insurance (because companies rarely skip paying premiums), and certain areas of banking (where money flows abundantly).
Another critical strategy is diversifying your skill set and building a strong internal network within your company. The more indispensable you become, the more secure your position. In more technical terms, this is akin to “obligate mutualistic symbiosis”—a relationship where both parties thrive because they rely on each other.
I used to reject 6mo contract offers but after being a laborer the 2.5X pay increase even for 6mo made sense. So I accepted one and now I'm here typing this on a 16" mac at a new job. I am now thinking about making better choices financially.
I wrote extensions to through LinkedIn's jobs and other boards but ultimately luck (some company person finds you). It's even harder for me no degree but I have 5yoe.
My job though was niche my robotics/hardware projects stuck out to the interviewer.
I worked labor for a year it sucked. But yeah I turned down a few 6mo roles thinking they were not secure but I was like f it I need change and will just pour my higher income into my debts.
I really, really wish the industry would give the fuck up on resumes. It's such a stupid way to hire. Huge waste of time for all involved, inaccurate, lengthy, difficult.
As a hiring manager, I want:
- Your references are already vetted and testimonials left on a public profile,
private on invite for those who haven't left their job yet
- Actual qualifications, like job training and certifications. Even Scrum Training.
I want to know you were actually taught the right way at least once, by a
reputable source
- A written contract that what you say is your experience is true, and that I can
use arbitration to seek damages if you lied
- A standard set of tests administered by experts chosen at random.
- Your requirements to be hired
As a candidate, I want:
- The salary range, hire type (contract/full-time), benefits
- The location
- A description of the project you want worked on and skills required
- Your company's pitch deck or equivalent
- Glassdoor reviews
- My name, age, gender, picture, etc are hidden until the company has clicked a button
that certifies they are interested in me based on my qualifications. I get that we can't
stop hiring bias, but at least make it more obvious when they pass up why they have.
We can't we just agree as an industry that we should all pitch in and make this? There's enough capital here, and it's not like we don't know how to build these things. Certainly there's enough people here motivated to work on it.
Your references are already vetted and testimonials left on a public profile,
No one is going to give you a negative reference on LinkedIn. That doesn’t provide any meaningful signal.
Actual qualifications, like job training and certifications. Even Scrum Training.
Certifications don’t prove competence. Anyone can memorize enough to pass a multiple choice test and there have been brain dumps for them for decades.
I went through the 6 certification .Net “Architect” path back in 2010 basically as a guided learning path with a goal at the end. I knew even back then they were worthless as far as competence and never put them on my resume.
More recently, at one point I had 9 of the then 12 AWS certs as late as 2021. I have 6 of the 9 current ones now and I’m working on the other 3 by the end of the year.
I got my first one without ever opening the console in 2018. They also served as a guided learning path so I would know what I didn’t know and I could talk the talk. But I don’t consider myself knowing a service until I’ve used them.
They are all very shallow marketing certs except I’ve heard good things about the Kubernetes certifications and that they require hands on problem solving.
I want to know you were actually taught the right way at least once, by a reputable source
How would you know that? I have a degree in CS. I graduated in 1996. Is the source I was taught COBOL and FORTRAN from “reputable” or “relevant”?
A written contract that what you say is your experience is true, and that I can use arbitration to seek damages if you lied
Arbitration is biased toward the client and the clients industry. The judges don’t get hired if they consistently make judgments that are against the industry that hires them.
A standard set of tests administered by experts chosen at random.
What I am looking for when hiring is specific to the company. But they have that already - leetCode style interviews that don’t give a signal to whether they are “smart and gets thing done”.
This whole post feels like a elaborate troll. Still, I cannot resist replying.
> testimonials left on a public profile
As a future candidate, what will you do if someone leaves a very negative testimonial about you?
> Actual qualifications
LOL. Then, it is basically impossible to hire most good programmers, because none of them will have "actual qualifications". To make a joke: Linus Torvalds applies for your latest CRUD role. Has no certifications. "Linus Torvalds? Who is this guy thinking he can apply with no certifications? What a silly git.
> A written contract that what you say is your experience is true, and that I can use arbitration to seek damages if you lied.
Likewise: You will be personally liable if the candidate wishes to seek damages via arbitration because you oversold (read: lied about) the role during the interview.
Forget about tech for a moment: You can re-write it for hiring people in oil and gas field operations, and it seems just as absurd. Re-write it again for a hospital trying to hire nurses. Still absurd. I picked both of those industries because they are very much learn on the job. Yes, certs exist, but there are many people who work most of their career in those industries with few-to-no certs.
And for everybody who demands a certificate of some sort, there's somebody else who rejects anybody who _has_ that certificate ("You have an MCSE? Only idiots have MCSEs!")
Hey I got laid off too. It actually has worked out as a positive over-all.
Job searching is a shit process though. I applied for ~40-50 jobs, only got 1 offer. Small country too, so thats basically all the jobs I could find. But landed in a really good company, and have a bit of a break before I start.
So I've been using all my spare time to learn Graphics programming, C, and Audio Engineering.
I've made a little Wolfenstein3D-type raycasting engine [0] that I'm proud of, as I'm just a frontend coder for work.
u guys are getting interviews?
2 years of experience and it's hard.
seems the old markers of dev competence are no longer there, some github projects, a degree were enough nowadays it's a lot harder even here in europe where the salaries are on the low end.
Firing someone during their parental leave is a special kind of messed up. The fact that it's not completely illegal in any reasonable country is horrifying.
It's illegal in my state in the US. Also if you do FMLA in the US it would be illegal if you're the parent who gave birth. Outside of a few states here in the US you're basically expected back at work as soon as you get out of the hospital unless you have a doctor's note.
Misalignment of interests is the core error of reasoning the traditional employee makes in offering up unquestioning faith and loyalty to a random corporation run by strangers; that greedy incompetence will somehow give them enduring security. This is decidedly not the case. Instead, more sensible employees should form worker-owned co-ops to both share in the treasure of livable earnings with potential immense profits and structure themselves for the maximum security of those who "sail on that ship" together rather than optimizing short-term profits of someone else.
I have been let go three times in almost 30 years and I’m on my 10th job.
The first time was at a struggling startup. We all knew they were struggling and the company was very honest with us and kept us abreast of all the companies that our VC backers were pursuing. I was in some of the interviews with potential acquirers.
Our backers promised all of us that “we would get paid for every hour we worked”. Of course they couldn’t promise us we would not get laid off.
All of us stayed until the bitter end. That day we all got laid off after being acquired for scraps, we went to lunch together and hung out in the office just joking around until the end of the day.
We all had something in our back pocket anyway and from looking at LinkedIn, everyone found a job that was either as good or better within a month. This was 2011.
Our largest customer arranged for me to get contract with them to finish out a project, the acquiring company gave the customer access to all of their code and gave me permission to keep my work laptop and waived my non compete.
They gave everyone a month severance. I was treated fairly and have no ill will toward anyone there.
The third time it was a shit show of a company last year. But this is where I have problems with the author
> How do you succinctly summarize and highlight all you’ve done there?
I keep my resume and longer form career document up to date at least once per quarter. I list out the details of major accomplishments in STAR format while it’s still fresh. I have both a technical summary and a business oriented summary for non technical people.
It looks like he learned that lesson too.
> I was being selective and only applying for places I’d realistically want to work
He has a newborn baby. His first priority is to work for any company that will allow him to exchange labor for money to support his family. Even if you do have savings, no need to use it unnecessarily.
I got a 3.5 months severance from Amazon the year before last and my stretch goal was to get an offer before my paid out PTO of 9 days was over let alone dip into my severance.
Of course I reached out to my network first and targeted outreach to companies specializing in my niche (strategic cloud consulting emphasizing app dev). I also spammed my resume to any CRUD enterprise app dev job as a Plan B.
I could always keep interviewing while working. I was working remotely.
I did end up getting a Plan A job offer within 9 days of leaving AWS. But I knew three months in that it wasn’t going to be a long term job.
When the end did come, I was already in the early stages of interviewing for my current job and had an offer three weeks later. But again, I wasn’t going to let the perfect be the enemy of getting any job and I kept applying for Enterprise CRUD jobs until the offer was finalized.
I did work on a side project in 2023. But I got paid for it. A former CTO had some work he needed done.
> I keep my resume and longer form career document up to date at least once per quarter. I list out the details of major accomplishments in STAR format while it’s still fresh. I have both a technical summary and a business oriented summary for non technical people.
I have a bookmarklet that opens a new gmail compose window, with the recipient being "", and the subject being today's date. As I'm working throughout the day, I jot down what I'm working on.
I also used to review these every Friday, and type up a summary, and every few months - or as I'd remember to - update a "hype doc" that's basically like an internal resume that my manager can use to help argue for a raise for me, or whatever.
I also copy this data, without any stuff that might be considered company property, to someplace local I can access if I'm fired.
As a consultant working full time for a consulting company, I usually can’t mention the client. It’s always “a healthcare startup”, “a state government”, etc
These posts are so badass. Thank you to share. Please keep writing. We need more of these.
Literally, your handle "scarface_74" says it all. When PIP comes through the door, you raise your automatic rifle and shout: "Say hello to my little friend!"
The problem seems to be that ATSes struggle with the "modern" style of resume, much beloved of Word template authors, where you might have a left column with your contact details, github, and maybe some skills and then a borderless table on the right side with your positioning statement and job history.
I went from zero callbacks to 80% after I junked Word and rewrote my resume in a much more old fashioned, linear format. I used Overleaf (LaTeX) like it was 1999 and exported to PDF.