If you have records of your own and pointers to other organizations contemporaneous records, you may have an opportunity to appeal if your DB record is lost.
The home office rather notoriously destroyed/never kept its own records of arrivals of commonwealth citizens, which was one of the steps leading to the Windrush scandal.
Many older records only exist in paper form, and often the receipts are good enough. This is especially true when you’re dealing with 3rd party governments. A foreign government is going to put a lot more stock (rightly or wrongly) on a birth certificate that is printed on fancy paper covered in security features than it is to a printout of an email.
I second both points. You absolutely need to keep your own papers and records and it's fully expected as well.
Also yes fancy paper is more valued than junky ones when nothing else remains, but random printouts are also provided everyday, and they're fine with it. At the crux of it, the foreign gov usually doesn't actually care that much about your birth certificate: they want due diligence at most, even if they'll have a more strict public facing facade. It's cross referenced only when it really matters (e.g. you're trying to get citizenship or a background check for security clearance ?)
The home office rather notoriously destroyed/never kept its own records of arrivals of commonwealth citizens, which was one of the steps leading to the Windrush scandal.
Many older records only exist in paper form, and often the receipts are good enough. This is especially true when you’re dealing with 3rd party governments. A foreign government is going to put a lot more stock (rightly or wrongly) on a birth certificate that is printed on fancy paper covered in security features than it is to a printout of an email.