Playing with them locally? Yes, of course it's a niche hobby. The people doing stuff with them that's not either playing with them or developing not just an "AI" product, but a specific sort of AI product, are just using ChatGPT or some other prepackaged thing that either doesn't run locally, or does, but is sized to fit on ordinary hardware.
< 1% of all engagement with a category thing is niche/hobby, yes.
I get that you're probably joking, but - if I use Claude / ChatGPT o1 in my editor and browser, on an M1 Pro - what exactly am I missing by not running e.g. HF models locally? Am I still the greybeard without realising?
Using the term "bro" assumes that all AI supporters are men. This erases the fact that many women and nonbinary people are also passionate about AI technology and are contributing to its development. By using "AI bro" as an insult, you are essentially saying that women and nonbinary people are not welcome in the AI community and that our contributions don't matter.
Is there an alternative term you would prefer people to use when referring to a pattern of behavior perceived as a combination of being too excited about AI and being unaware (perhaps willfully) that other people can be reasonably be much less interested in the hype? Because that argument could definitely benefit from being immune to deflections based on accusations of sexism.
When I see that someone is excited about something, I believe in encouraging them. If you're looking for a more polite word to disparage people who love and are optimistic about something new, then you're overlooking what that says about your character. Also AI isn't just another fad like NFTs and web3. This is it. This is the big one.
> Also AI isn't just another fad like NFTs and web3. This is it. This is the big one.
That's thoroughly unconvincing. That kind of talk is exactly what so many people are tired of hearing. Especially if it's coming from technically-minded people who don't have any reason to be talking like PR drones.
What makes you think I care about convincing you? These days every shot caller on earth is scrambling to get piece of AI. Either by investing in it or fighting it. You come across as someone who wants to hate on AI. Haters aren't even players. They're NPCs.
So people who aren't obsessed with AI to your liking are:
- boomer luddites
- primitive single-celled organisms
- NPCs
And even people who are enthusiastic about AI but aren't fanatical about running it locally get scorn from you.
I can understand and forgive some amount of confirmation bias leading you to overestimate the importance and popularity of what you work on, but the steady stream of broad insults at anyone who even slightly disagrees with you is dismaying. That kind of behavior is wildly inappropriate for this forum. Please stop.