The important difference is that sigstore enables a "single click" signing procedure with no faffing around with key material. How it works is much less important than the user experience, which is vastly better.
> How it works is much less important than the user experience, which is vastly better.
I disagree. If it requires a Magic Trust Box which can be Trusted because it is made by Google and Google is Trustworthy, it has exactly zero value to the wider community. It doesn't matter how convenient the user experience is when it isn't clear why it provides trust.
Let's say I created an artifact upload platform, where the uploader can mark a "This file is trustworthy" checkbox, which results in the file being given a nice green happy face icon in the index. It is incredibly convenient and provides a trivial user experience! And it's of course completely legit and trustworthy because *vague hand waving gestures*. Would you trust my platform?