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An old timer I worked with during my first internship called these kinds of issues "the law of coincidental failures" and I took it to heart.

I try a lot of obvious things when debugging to ascertain the truth. Like, does undoing my entire change fix the bug?

I wonder if there is a law of coincidental succeeses too. (if you're an old timer, you might call this some sort of Mr. Magoo law, or maybe "it seems to work for me")

Yeah, good times. I just recently had one that was a really strong misdirection, ended up being 2 simultaneous other, non related things that conspired to make it look convincingly like my code was not doing what it was supposed to. I even wrote tests to see if I had found a corner-case compiler bug or some broken library code. I was half way through opening an issue on the library when the real culprit became apparent. It was actually a subtle bug in the testing setup combined with me errantly defining a hardware interface on an ancient protocol as an HREG instead of an IREG, which just so happened to work fine until it created a callback loop inside the library through some kind of stack smashing or wayward pointer. I was really starting to doubt my sanity on this one.

> corner-case compiler bug

They say never to blame the compiler, and indeed it's pretty much never the compiler. But DNS on the other hand... :-)

Unless you wrote the compiler

The joys of modbus PLCs, I take it?

Ah, yes. But a roll- your own device with C++ on bare metal, so lots more fun.

(we’ll need a few thousand of these, and the off the shelf solution is around 1k vs $1.50 for RYO )

By the way, the RISC V espressif esp32-C3 is a really amazing device for < $1. It’s actually cheaper to go modbus-tcp over WiFi then to actually put RS485 on the board like with a MAX485 and the associated components. Also does ZIGBEE and BT, and the espressif libraries for the radio stack are pretty good.

Color me favorably impressed with this platform.

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