I've been arguing with Copilot back and forth where it gave me a half-working solution that seemed overly complicated but since I was new to the tech used, I couldn't say what exactly was wrong. After a couple of hours, I googled the background and trust my instinct and was able to simplify the code.
At that situation, where I iteratively improved the solution by telling Copilot things seem to complicated and this or that isn't working. That led the LLM to actually come back with better ideas. I kept asking myself why something like you propose isn't baked into the system.
I've been arguing with Copilot back and forth where it gave me a half-working solution that seemed overly complicated but since I was new to the tech used, I couldn't say what exactly was wrong. After a couple of hours, I googled the background and trust my instinct and was able to simplify the code.
At that situation, where I iteratively improved the solution by telling Copilot things seem to complicated and this or that isn't working. That led the LLM to actually come back with better ideas. I kept asking myself why something like you propose isn't baked into the system.