8 billion people in this world, yet Jane Psmith and John Psmith have oddly familiar voices: the μορφή of their writing brings to mind some ὕλη of yesteryear...
> ...which is most unusual because it isn’t a book about hill people, but a book by a hill person. These are rare. Formal education isn’t highly valued in hill people cultures, and giving away information about your tribe is practically taboo.
Rory Miller is unusual because most people who do applied violence ("corrections") don't also have the temperament to theorise about it, or if they do, little inclination to thereupon write it down.
> She gains the courage of the fatalist
Compare Epictetus, or even "Pluggers"?
EDIT: for that matter, Cassandra in particular, and the trojan women in general
> no comparative analysis of the Mongols and the Comanches
I did run across one of these a while back: a blog post, not a book, but still an analytic comparison nonetheless.
EDIT2: thinking of my locals: our origin stories are as a hill people (armor doesn't work well when it can't manoeuvre, in the XIII as in chechnya) but somehow we've picked up a hefty memeplex of conflict resolution skills on the way to the present?
I guessed when psmiths mentioned Arcadia, they were thinking of the Illyrians.. for the Greeks before PII were a thalassocracy/machy
[can we compare sarissa to Swiss pike]
And then there were the Habsburgs..
In your locality, are there no (nonplains-derived, eg not Monts+Caps of Ephesus) fairy tales of dynastic feuds? Valleys have always been fertile, livestock abundant ( so that driving term high enough to avert fratricide/eternal war with the eastern barbarians)? Northern thais didnt discover grazing/lactose until 1970s, and then ofc appalachia/scottish notterriblelands
(local on local domestic* feuds are well attested, both in legend and in architecture, but very little gets built these days with defensibility as a prime consideration)
As a prediction before checking the etymology, I'll bet Муха/Mücke goes back all the way to PIE: one of the benefits of sitting around the campfire (attested!) for getting high (attested!) and gossiping about body counts (attested!) is that it tends to discourage insects (is this attested?)
RCH as a measurement unit seems to have been derived from a more humanistic tradition, however.
* international mixups ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eePHXDl0Pjc ) mostly ended when the poverty did, although I note that just this summer I saw a job posting for international development work that required either small arms certification or the equivalent army service. A colleague in KFOR tried to convince me, around the turn of the century, that vacationing where he'd served was great; I was almost ready to believe him until he started listing the "simple" rules for avoiding likely minefields.
true, the good old HRE, which was none of the three...
incidentally, while looking for NdBdM's foxes and lions, I ran into something else:
when I'd bounced off of Moldbug, there was one thing that seemed to be an actual claim, and not just vibe: that neo-nazis don't ever go around saying that the historical Nazis had just implemented it wrong; they weren't doing true Nazism. At the time, I couldn't think of any counterexamples, but I've recently learned Leo Strauss is one:
It was only 1933, and I only have it in translation, but still: he seems to me to be claiming to intend to argue that the historical Nazis were not behaving according to true "fascist, authoritarian, and imperial principles"?
Moldbug.. i was going to point you at Marinetti, to see if he might provoke the same reactions.. (inconsistent viber, fraternized with Fascists, but really into educating the masses?)
Flies vs mosquitoes: flies are sometimes presented as a source of harmless comedy (maggots as medicine), but genocide (latinate vibes?) is acceptable for mosquitoes.
Come to think of it, Marinetti may not have reached the heights himself, but we should give him credit for the assist[0]: not only Mayakovsky, but also Gibson[1,2].
For that matter, does Marinetti's habit of prefixing with aero- and claiming everything goes better with aluminium presage recent years' habit of suffixing with -coin and claiming everything goes better with AI?
[0] funny that games like LoL give explicit credit for the assist but the popular view of mathematics ignores that factor? the link of a node, in graphspeak?
[1] even echoing down to Shnur & Glukoza: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuHbs3306RI&t=121s (russians love their chemistry references? is the city in the later flashback supposed to be marina bay Singapore?)
[2] and while Gibson concerns himself with "high tech low life" (a cyberpunk chengyu?), he explicitly leaves a place in his world which is the equivalent of Huxley's BNW islands; the rich kids are up in the orbital colonies: https://nss.org/wp-content/uploads/Bernal_Interior_AC76-0628...
(and there's kind of a horseshoe thing going on: the few high tend to be foxes, because keeping the many middle lions in check can't be done by force, but the even more numerous low have their own trickster gods [El-ahrairah, wily Odysseus, etc.] because the low of course never have force, but might've been naturally endowed with guile — the signifying monkey, lion, and elephant are simpler, with 3 actors, than the 4 actors of slave, master, blue tail fly, and horse)
I wish I knew more; between the opening song and the presumably idiomatic[0] exchange between vixen and cub[1], it's probably obvious to anyone who knows if the Zhu-Zhu victors (compare 1:25!) are speaking 南蛮鴃舌[2] or not.
As for Elysium (2013), having watched the trailer and skimmed the synopsis and a review, it sounds exactly like the sort of movie a fox (or at least a maneless lion[3] who hires wolves assisted by vultures to do what his snake tells him to?) would want to show to all the rabbits (or hedgehogs or whatever creatures Machiavelli and Pareto think are below the foxes and lions): a hero's journey in which the One guy of Destiny getting in a physical fight saves everyone; if anyone in that world had been spending as much time knotting up nets as the characters in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_Margin#Plot seem to, it hadn't been obvious to the reviewer.
[0] are they chengyu? if not, they should be, like 高新低人(?).
[1] stepping back and preparing his nets speaks to a fox with lions on the payroll?
Opening song is a nanban fave.. Jasmine Flower reminds one of soviet themes, everything in the vid is in fact quite soviet vorland culture? (including the nonrussian idioms, lionizing the (dubbie headed?) aquiline), just need to redraw the eyes/skin/apparel, insert appropriate song
(Nanbans perhaps otoh prefer dogs think poodles, faux sansouci)
Its standard mandarin, but spoken not by a mandarin (nonrhotic, but also not taiwanese/shanghainese elite, ie most likely nanban, exiled from the mainland south coast, macao is a good port of call)
id=41670593 <— alephnerd, you can imagine soviet folkways imported via the KR
Anime studio is in HK, but signage in the anime is inconsistent. ( there was one Taichung ad?))
Given that one of the musical groups involved has famously sung about St. Pete[rsburg] but calls themselves by a prior name, the cultural resonance shouldn't surprise. (and I think I might recall an aquiline metaphor for those who got to Artek via swotting?)
Venece in macao, piazza san marco is the best known one, right
I see. Fox and lion signify opposing virtues for me, and vices for thee, therefore designori should be vicinal/virtuous (wrt Pareto optimality)
Scrap that, everything is soviet save the attire, the lone vixen+cub mere pirates serving the soviet navy (note that HQ may well be refurbished Hotel Class underwater, ideal for refining cocaine, antagonists referencing to the americanized black widows, K-19 “Hiroshima”
1537 for me is "the jewel at the heart" and only has 186? (ultimate by PSR)
If we observe two different Aaronsons, there must be some phase interference; had you meant to refer to anything of the sort with intertidal angling? (as smugglers well know, high tide erases footprints left at low, so finding the source of any such would presumably be difficult...) On the other hand, there's also the post-Dead jam band, EDIT: ...as well as other (specific!) sources of irrationality.
Yes, fox and lion as vices fit for Cicero: he is a clueless[0] middle poster boy (and remained so for thousands of years); if M Antonius (whose mother's remarriage allowed him to see psychopaths at work among not only the low but also the high) had been the open-letter-writing type, his advice probably would have agreed with the Florentine that they were the cardinal (for flatlanders anyway; bear with me here on the dimensionality[2]) virtues.
Personally, I enjoy fraud and force when they're bookended by handshakes; if we think of society as an MMO, could there be any way to structure it so that Killers can enjoy pitting themselves against each other, but without impacting[1] involuntary third parties?
[1] when Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar places his wife and daughters with the oratores, is he explicitly removing them from the bellatores Killer world and placing them in an Achiever enclave?
OK, this is how you know I'm not just pretending to have grown up in the Old Country. Between a steady diet of Itchy & Scratchy during my formative years and a national sport which consists of violence punctuated by committee meetings, I had fixated so much on the floral song conceits that I'd completely spaced on all the ultra violence.
Let's see if there are any US Top 100's (1955-1992) in which lyrics are ambiguous between human and botanic...
OK, that's more than I'd thought, but considering those 4 are out of ~3'300 titles, I'm pretty confident there'd be (relatively speaking? or even absolutely?) far more eastern entries, and maybe far more even if we limited them to the format of "${COLOR} ${FLOWER}".
If.. they are commenting on Marxism* but occasionally review philosophical books (e.g., by the inventor of the Lanczos) … quite reasonable to assume its a job title, imho