“The team built a “digital twin” of the Earth, much like would-be metaverse companies want to do.” Was this actually a goal of “would-be metaverse companies”?
My impression is that they were much more focused on highly abstracted spaces designed to facilitate work and social interactions.
Yes, I pictured the metaverse as more of a Minecraft type of thing. I don't think it's a good comparison, unless MSFS wants to become a MMO experience... "Runway permission wait simulator 2024!"
This might be thinly-veiled shade tossed at "Earth 2", ostensibly a metaverse company that sells real estate in a non-existent game for fake money (i mean cryptocurrency).
I read the article more as trying to save face over this outlet or reporter previously being credulous about the metaverse, but perhaps I misread it. I'm not familiar with this reporter or outlet, so I could very well be wrong.
My impression is that they were much more focused on highly abstracted spaces designed to facilitate work and social interactions.