I've been a remote worker for many years prior to covid and it's been interesting to watch. There's a constant drip of negative articles about remote work which increases to a flood around headlines like the Amazon one.
"Think Tanks" "agencies" etc place articles in media outlets by a variety of means (if in fact this is what is taking place).
Media outlets in general are starved for income compared to yester years and are increasingly easy to place material with.
The first link is Euro-centric, the second is Forbes with a contributed piece by an outside writer ( Julian Hayes II ) who has written a number of articles across a number of media outlets that are pro return to the office.
Is this a truly independant free opinion he is spruiking?
Is this an opinion he gets addition income from a third party for supporting?
I personally have no idea, but this is a hint of how to backtrace content sourcing.
It's not unlike working back through subsidiary shell corporations, etc.
I've been a remote worker for many years prior to covid and it's been interesting to watch. There's a constant drip of negative articles about remote work which increases to a flood around headlines like the Amazon one.