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> We can generalise this idea of being forced to handle the failure cases by saying that Haskell makes us write total functions rather than partial functions.

Haskell doesn't prevent endless recursion. (try e.g. `main = main`)

As the typed FP ecosystem is moving towards dependent typing (Agda, Idris, Lean), this becomes an issue, because you don't want the type checker to run indefinitely.

The many ad-hoc extensions to Haskell (TypeFamilies, DataKinds) are tying it down. Even the foundations might be a bit too ad-hoc: I've seen the type class resolution algorithm compared to a bad implementation of Prolog.

That's why, if you like the Haskell philosophy, why would you restrict yourself to Haskell? It's not bleeding edge any more.

Haskell had the possibility of being a standardized language, but look at how few packages MicroHS compiles (Lennart admitted to this at ICFP '24[0]). So the standardization has failed. The ecosystem is built upon C. The Wasm backend can't use the Wasm GC because of how idiosyncratic GHC's RTS is.[1]

So what does unique value proposition does GHC have left? Possibly the GHC runtime system, but it's not as sexy to pitch in a blog post like this.

[0]: Lennart Augustsson, MicroHS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMurx1a6Zck&t=36m

[1]: Cheng Shao, the Wasm backend for GHC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMurx1a6Zck&t=13290s

For a long time already I've wanted to make the leap towards learning dependently typed programming, but I was never sure which language to invest in - they all seemed either very focused on just proofs (Coq, Lean) or just relatively far from Haskell in terms of maturity (Agda, Idris).

I went through Software Foundations [0] (Coq) which was fun and interesting but I can't say I ever really applied what I used there in software (I did get more comfortable with induction proofs).

You're mentioning Lean with Agda and Idris - is Lean usable as a general purpose language? I've been curious about Lean but I got the impression it sort of steps away from Haskell's legacy in terms of syntax and the like (unlike Agda and Idris) so was concerned it would be a large investment and wouldn't add much to what I've learned from Coq.

I'd love any insights on what's a useful way to learn more in the area of dependent types for a working engineer today.

[0] https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/

When I last looked into Lean, I was highly unimpressed, even for doing math proofs. There's no way I'd invest into as a general-purpose language.

Idris at least does state that they what people building real programs with it and don't want it to just be a research language.

For dependent types, I myself am skeptical about languages trying to continuously push more and more stuff into types. I am not certain that such efforts are a net positive on writing good software. By their very definition, the more typed a language gets, the less programs it can represents. That obviously reduces buggy programs, but it also reduces non-buggy programs that you can implement. Highly typed languages force more and more effort into pre-compile time and you will often find yourself trying to fit a problem into the chains of the type system.

Rather, I think reasonably multi-paradigm languages like F# are the sweet spot. Just enough strict typing and functional core to get you going for most of your program, but then it allows classes and imperative programming when those paradigms are appropriate.

I think the way to go to write better software is better tooling and ergonomics. I don't think type systems are going to magically save us.

> By their very definition, the more typed a language gets, the less programs it can represents. That obviously reduces buggy programs, but it also reduces non-buggy programs that you can implement.

While I generally share your skepticism, I think this is quite wrong. A good part of the point of advanced type systems is to make more complex problems possible while still being well typed. For example, in C, if you want a function whose return type is tied to an input argument's type, you either use void* and casts (no type safety), or you don't write that function. In languages with even slightly more advanced type systems, you can write that function and still get full type safety.

Even more advanced type systems achieve the same things: you can take programs that can only be written in a simpler type system and make them safe. In standard Haskell, for example, you can't write a Monad and actually have the compiler check that it respects the Monad laws - the implementation of Monad functions just assumes that any type that implements the right shape of functions will work as a monad. With dependent types, you can actually enforce that functions designed to work with monads only apply to types that actually respect the monad laws.

The trade-off with very complex type systems is different, in my opinion: after some point, you start duplicating your program's logic, once in the implentation code, but again in the type signatures. For example, if you want to specify that a sort function actually sorts the input list, you might find that the type specification ends up not much shorter than the actual code of the function. And apart from raw effort, this means that your type specifications start being large enough that they have their own bugs.

I think GP's point was that most[1] programs that can be represented will fail to please the programmer or his principals. The act of programming is navigating the state space of all possible programs and somehow finding one that has the desired properties and also doesn't otherwise suck. When viewed through that lens, a type system preventing most programs from being represented is a good thing, since odds are every single program it prevents is one that is unpleasant or otherwise sucks.

[1] of the countably infinite possible programs, virtually all

That would make sense if writing a program would be similar to randomly drawing a program from a pot of programs.

If instead I have a good idea what I want to write, the type system may either guide me towards the solution, or hinder me. It usually hinders me, I don't need a type system to guide me, but I like a type system that can check for trivial errors (oh, I meant to pass a list of numbers, not just a single number).

> For example, if you want to specify that a sort function actually sorts the input list, you might find that the type specification ends up not much shorter than the actual code of the function. And apart from raw effort, this means that your type specifications start being large enough that they have their own bugs.

Not to mention the tools to debug complex type errors are generally much less mature than the tools to debug runtime errors.

But even so, I think we could still benefit from going a little further towards the "proof" end of the type system spectrum in most cases. I don't think anyone really wants to deal with Coq and similar, but having used a language with dependent types for integers and vector lengths it's really nice to be able to say stuff like "this integer is in the range [0, 8)" and then have it catch errors when you pass it to a function that expects [0, 3) or whatever.

> When I last looked into Lean, I was highly unimpressed, even for doing math proofs.

I remember exploring different proof assistants for the first time in the 2000s. Back then, only people with a background in logic were involved, and most of the proofs that were formalized as showcases were of textbook results from the 19th century at most, or some combinatorial stuff like the four-color theorem.

I believe Voevodsky was one of the first prominent non-logicians to become interested in proof assistants, using Coq around 2010. Nowadays, several mathematicians coming from algebraic geometry, number theory, etc. are promoting formal proofs, and it seems like most of them have chosen Lean. I don't know whether this is because Lean is somehow better suited for working mathematicians, or if it was simply a random personal preference among people who got enthusiastic about this stuff and started advertising it to their colleagues?

I am not familiar with every proof assistant out there, but many of them are a very hard sell for mathematicians and lack a comprehensive math library. Lean seems to be one of the few exceptions.

Isabelle also has a fairly large set of mathematical proofs and supporting libraries, see https://www.isa-afp.org.

People routinely publish new proofs there, it is actually a regular referred journal.

>When I last looked into Lean, I was highly unimpressed, even for doing math proofs. There's no way I'd invest into as a general-purpose language.

Can you elaborate? I am using Lean as a general-purpose language writing simple little programs, so I have not encountered the deeper parts of the runtime etc. I'd like to see some criticism/different perspectives from more experienced people.

Lean aims to be a general purpose language, but I haven't seen people actually write HTTP servers in it. If Leo de Moura really wanted it to be general purpose, what does the concurrent runtime look like then? To my knowledge, there isn't one?

That's why I've been writing an HTTP server in Idris2 instead. Here's a todo list demo app[1] and a hello world demo[2]. The advantage of Idris is that it compiles to e.g. Racket, a high level language with a concurrent runtime you can bind to from Idris.

It's also interesting how languages don't need their own hosting (e.g. Hackage) any more. Idris packages are just listed in a TOML file[3] (like Stackage) but still hosted on GitHub. No need for versions, just use git commit hashes. It's all experimental anyway.

[1]: https://janus.srht.site/docs/todolist.html [2]: https://git.sr.ht/~janus/web-server-racket-hello-world/tree/... [3]: https://github.com/stefan-hoeck/idris2-pack-db/blob/main/STA...

There are tasks, which are implemented as part of the runtime and they appear to plan to integrate libuv in the future. Some of the runtime seems to be fairly easy to hack and have somewhat nice ways of interoperating with both C, C++ and Rust.

> (like Stackage) but still hosted on GitHub

I don't have much experience with Haskell, but one of the worst experiences has been Stack's compile time dependency on GitHub. GitHub rate limits you and builds take forever.

That's interesting. Could you say more? This is something that we (speaking as part of the Haskell community) should fix. As far as I know Stack/Stackage should pick up packages from Hackage. What does it use GitHub for?

I'm not entirely sure where it uses GitHub and where Hackage, but there are a few GitHub issues on the Stack repo about it:

- Binary upgrade of Stack fails due to GitHub API request limit #4979 (https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4979)

- GitHub rate limiting can affect Stack CI #6034 (https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/6034)

And a few more. The "fix" is having Stack impersonate the user (https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/pull/6036) and authenticate to the API. This unblocks progress, but this is really a design bug and not something I think people should emulate.

Every other language I've used allows you to build code without authenticating to a remote service.

Thanks! So it seems to be not packages, but templates, and this comment suggests it wasn't GitHub doing the rate limiting after all: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4979#issue...

> Every other language I've used allows you to build code without authenticating to a remote service.

Sure, the problem here wasn't "building". It was downloading a package template (which one doesn't tend to do 60 times per hour). I agree packages shouldn't be fetched from GitHub.

> and this comment suggests it wasn't GitHub doing the rate limiting after all

That comment is from someone other than the ticket filer who was seeing another issue even after sending the GitHub token. It was this second issue that wasn't caused by GitHub rate limiting -- the original one was.

> It was downloading a package template (which one doesn't tend to do 60 times per hour).

I've personally had Stack-related GitHub API rate limiting delay builds by at least an hour due to extreme slowness. So whatever the rate limits are, Stack occasionally hits them.

This is not related to Lean or Haskell. I'm just wondering why when people are curious about a new general-purpose language, the first thing they test is an HTTP server.

Lean can be used to write software in [0]. I dare say that it may even be the intended use for Lean 4. Work on porting mathlib to Lean 4 is far along and the mathematicians using it will certainly continue to do so. However there is more space for software written in Lean 4 as well.


it's no where near ready for production use. They don't care about maintaining backwards compatibility. They are more focused on getting the language itself right than they are about helping people build and maintain software written in it. At least for the foreseeable future. If you do build things in it you're working on shifting ground.

But it has a lot of potential. The C code generated by Lean 4 is good. Although, that's another trade-off: compiling to C is another source of "quirks."

[0] https://agentultra.github.io/lean-4-hackers/

> Work on porting mathlib to Lean 4 is far along

As far as I understand, that work is in fact done.

One reason I took interest in Idris (and lately Roc, although it's even less mature) is the promise of a functional but usable to solve problems today language with all the latest thinking on writing good code baked-in already, compiling to a single binary (something I always envied about Go, although unfortunately it's Go). There simply isn't a lot there yet in the space of "pure functional language with only immutable values and compile time type checking that builds a single fast binary (and has some neat developer-friendly features/ideas such as dependent types, Roc's "tags" or pattern-matching with destructuring)" (this rules out OCaml, for example, despite it being mature). You get a lot of that, but not all of it, with other options (OCaml, Elixir/Erlang, Haskell... but those 3 offer a far larger library of ready-to-import software at this point). Haskell did manage to teach everyone who cares about these things that managing side-effects and keeping track of "purity" is important.

But it's frankly still early-days and we're still far from nirvana; Rust is starting to show some warts (despite still being a massive improvement over C from a safety perspective), and people are looking around for what's next.

One barely-touched thing is that there are compiler optimizations made possible by pure functional/pure immutable languages (such as caching a guaranteed result of an operation where those guarantees simply can't be given elsewhere) that have simply been impossible until now. (Roc is trying to go there, from what I can tell, and I'm here for it! Presumably, Rust has already, as long as you stick with its functional constructs, which I hear is hard sometimes)

> Rust is starting to show some warts (despite still being a massive improvement over C from a safety perspective)

The way it seems to me is that actually Rust aims to be an improvement over C++ rather than C. (And Zig aims to be an improvement over C rather than C++.)

The major downsides of both will be the same as their reference point: Rust will eventually be too complicated for anyone to understand while still not being really safe (and the complexity then comes back to bite you one more time). Zig will be easy to understand and use but too unsafe to use for important applications (at least once people start really caring about software in important applications).

Both of these will be fairly niche because compiling to a single binary just isn't as important, as elegant as it might be.

> Zig will be easy to understand and use but too unsafe to use for important applications

This is an outside perspective on Zig, and I have to say, not an informed one.

If you'd like to understand Zig (and what I mean) better, this video is a good start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3WYdYyjek4

Zig is, right now, being used for high-assurance systems where correctness is a terminal value, and it provides many tools and affordances to assist in doing so. It isn't a good choice for projects which give lip-service to correctness, but for ones which actually mean it, and are willing and able to put in the effort and expense to achieve it, it's an excellent choice. I'm willing to gloss that domain as "important applications", but perhaps you meant something different by that term.

> Zig is, right now, being used for high-assurance systems

I'm not convinced this is telling us very much. I was talking about software that, e.g., causes deaths when it fails. But regardless of what level of assurance one looks at, most "high assurance" systems continue to be built using C. The very few that use Zig surely chose it primarily due to compatibility with C, with the hope that it's safer than C (a low bar). Maybe in some cases also a wish to play around with new toys played a role in the decision, though in "important applicatios" I'd like to hope that's rare.

In the end, we'd have to look at harm done due to bugs. For C, I'd say the record is abysmal. For Zig, it's way to early to look at this.

My judgement above is mostly based on Zig not making it at all hard to violate memory safety and the analogy with C. Needless to say, Zig is better than C in this respect and that's a good thing. If your argument is something like "memory safety doesn't really matter, even for critical applications", we'll just not agree on this.

I think you are wrong in a funny way. Memory safety and memory leaks and stuff dont always matter.

This sparked and interesting memory for me. I was once working with a customer who was producing on-board software for a missile. In my analysis of the code, I pointed out that they had a number of problems with storage leaks. Imagine my surprise when the customers chief software engineer said "Of course it leaks". He went on to point out that they had calculated the amount of memory the application would leak in the total possible flight time for the missile and then doubled that number. They added this much additional memory to the hardware to "support" the leaks. Since the missile will explode when it hits it's target or at the end of it's flight, the ultimate in garbage collection is performed without programmer intervention.


while a funny example, you are very wrong. High assurance systems have a specification and a bazillion tests because memory safety is an insanely tiny problem in the sea of problems they face. [that is why, frama-C and friends are preferred over Rust,Ada, ATS, and whatever else that exists.] Correctness of the spec and perfectly following the spec is far more important. Zig allows correct code to feel easier to write when compared to C. Thats why it was chosen in tigerbeetle and thats why, if the community wants, it will have an insanely bright future in high assurance systems.

As a Frama-C developer, and more precisely the deductive verification tool, I'd say that formal proof of programs (especially proof that the program conforms to its specification) would be significantly easier on Rust. The main reason is related to the handling of memory aliases which is a nightmare in C, and that generates formulas that kill SMT solvers. The consequence is that the ongoing development tend to target something that has a lot in common with Rust: we try to assume memory separation most of the time, and check that it is true on function call, but it as harder to do it than with a type system.

> the handling of memory aliases which is a nightmare in C

Zig has some aliasing issues which are to-date unsolved. The core and community are keenly aware of them, and they'll be solved or greatly ameliorated before a 1.0 release. It's why TigerBeetle has a coding standard which requires all container types to be passed by constant pointer, not reference.

It isn't ideal, but I think it's reasonable to withhold judgement on a pre-1.0 language for some sorts of known issues which are as yet unaddressed. It's worth taking the time to find an excellent solution to the problem, rather than brute-force it or regress one of the several features which combine into the danger zone here.

If you're curious or interested in the details, look up "Attack of the Killer Features" on YouTube. Given your background, I'm sure the community would value your feedback on the various issues tracking this.

> If your argument is something like "memory safety doesn't really matter, even for critical applications"

Not at all, not even close. What I will say is "memory safety can be achieved by policy as well as by construction, and indeed, can only be achieved by construction through policy".

Let's break that down. Rust and Go are two examples of languages generally referred to as memory-safe. Rust achieves this by construction, through the borrow checker, Go achieves it by construction through the garbage collector.

If there are bugs in the borrow checker, or the garbage collector, then the result is no longer memory-safe. That assurance can only be achieved by policy: the garbage collector and the borrow checker must be correct.

TigerBeetle, the program I linked to, achieves memory safety with a different policy. All allocation is performed once, at startup. After this, the replica's memory use is static. This, if correct, is memory-safe.

Zig makes this practical, because all allocation in the standard library is performed using the allocation interface: any function which allocates receives an Allocator as an argument. Libraries can violate that policy, but they generally don't, and TigerBeetle is a zero-dependency program, so that's not a concern for them. Other languages where it maybe isn't immediately obvious if something goes on a heap? Not so easy to achieve a memory policy like that one.

So this:

> Zig not making it at all hard to violate memory safety

Is irrelevant. What's needed in high-assurance systems is the practical ability to create memory safety by policy, and Zig provides a difference-in-class in this matter compared to C.

> most "high assurance" systems continue to be built using C

Yes, other than your scare quotes, this is correct. Programs like SQLite are memory safe by construction and exhaustive testing, you're welcome to try and land a CVE if you disagree. Every few years someone gets a little one, maybe you'll be the lucky next player. Or you could try your luck at QEMU.

My premise is that Zig makes it massively easier to achieve this, through numerous choices which add up: the allocator interface, built-in idiomatic leak detection, a null-safe type system, slices and arrays carrying bounds, and much else. It has `std.testing.checkAllAllocationFailures`, which can be used to verify that a function doesn't leak or otherwise misuse memory even if any one allocation anywhere downstack of a function call fails. You might want to compare this with what happens if a Rust function fails to allocate.

Basically you're taking the lessons of C, with all of its history and warts, and trying to apply them, without due consideration, to Zig. That's a mistake.

Lean definitely intends to be usable as a general purpose language someday. but I think the bulk of the people involved are more focused on automated theorem proving. The Lean FRO [0] has funds to guide development of the language and they are planning to carve out a niche for stuff that requires formal verification. I'd say in terms of general purpose programming it fits into the category of being "relatively far from haskell in terms of maturity".

[0] https://lean-fro.org/about/roadmap-y2/

I took that course as well, and for me, the big takeaway wasn't that I specifically want to use Coq for anything practical, but the idea that you can actually do quite a lot with a non-Turing complete language. Realizing that constraints in a language can be an asset rather than a limitation is something that I think isn't as widely understood as it should be.

> why would you restrict yourself to Haskell? It's not bleeding edge any more.

I'm not using Haskell because it's bleeding edge.

I use it because it is advanced enough and practical enough. It's at a good balanced spot now to do practical things while tapping into some of the advances in programming language theory.

The compiler and the build system have gotten a lot more stable over the past several years. The libraries for most production-type activities have gotten a lot more mature.

And I get all of the above plus strong type safety and composability, which helps me maintain applications in a way that I find satisfactory. For someone who aims to be pragmatic with a hint of scholarliness, Haskell is great.

> The compiler and the build system have gotten a lot more stable over the past several years.

GHC2021 promises backwards compatibility, but it includes ill-specified extensions like ScopedTypeVariables. TypeAbstractions were just added, and they do the same thing, but differently.[0] It hasn't even been decided yet which extensions are stable[1], yet GHC2021 still promises compatibility in future compiler versions. So either, you'll have GHC retain inferior semantics because of backwards compatibility, or multiple ways of doing the same thing.

GHC2024 goes even further and includes extensions that are even more unstable, like DataKinds.

Another sign of instability is the fact that GHC 9.4 is still the recommended[2] release even though there are three newer 'stable' GHCs. I don't know of other languages where the recommendation is so far behind! GHC 9.4.1 is from Aug 2022.

It was the same situation with Cabal, it took forever to move beyond Cabal 3.6 because the subsequent releases had bugs.[3]

[0]: https://serokell.io/blog/ghc-dependent-types-in-haskell-3 [1]: https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/pull/669 [2]: https://github.com/haskell/ghcup-metadata/issues/220 [3]: https://github.com/haskell/ghcup-metadata/issues/40

> GHC2024 goes even further and includes extensions that are even more unstable, like DataKinds.

But DataKinds is not stable. It's one of the most stable extensions possible! The link you provided even says it's stable:


> It hasn't even been decided yet which extensions are stable

It's essentially known, but it's not formally agreed. The fact that this proposal exists is evidence of that!

> GHC2021 still promises compatibility in future compiler versions. So either, you'll have GHC retain inferior semantics because of backwards compatibility, or multiple ways of doing the same thing.

GHC2021 will always provide ScopedTypeVariables. A future edition will probably provide TypeAbstractions instead. Being able to make progress to the default language like this is the point of having language editions!

> But DataKinds is not stable

I mean "not unstable"

> The libraries for most production-type activities have gotten a lot more mature.

Can you provide an example of a "mature" way to match a regular expression with Unicode character classes or download a file over HTTPS?

For Regex I like lens-regex-pcre

    > import Control.Regex.Lens.Text
    > "Foo, bar" ^.. [regex|\p{L}+|] . match
    ["Foo", "bar"]
    > "Foo, bar" & [regex|\p{L}+|] . ix 1 . match %~ T.intersperse '-' . T.toUpper
    "Foo, B-A-R" 
For web requests wreq has a nice interface. The openssl bindings come from a different library so it does need an extra config line, the wreq docs have this example:

    import OpenSSL.Session (context)
    import Network.HTTP.Client.OpenSSL

    let opts = defaults & manager .~ Left (opensslManagerSettings context)
    withOpenSSL $
      getWith opts "https://httpbin.org/get"
There are native Haskell tls implementations that you could plug into the manager config. But openssl is probably the more mature option.

You are matching ASCII letters? Cute. What about Unicode character classes like \p{Spacing_Combining_Mark} and non-BMP characters?

Can you translate the examples at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Refe... to Haskell? This Control.Regex.Lens.Text library doesn't seem to believe in documenting the supported syntax, options, etc.

"Cute" comes across as very dismissive. I'm not sure if you intended that. lens-regex-pcre is just a wrapper around PCRE, so anything that works in PCRE will work, for example, from your Mozilla reference:

    ghci> "California rolls $6.99\nCrunchy rolls $8.49\nShrimp tempura $10.99" ^.. [regex|\p{Sc}\s*[\d.,]+|] . match
"Spacing combining mark" seems to be "Mc" so this works:


    ghci> "foo bar \x093b baz" ^.. [regex|\p{Mc}|] . match

(U+093b is a spacing combining mark, according to https://graphemica.com/categories/spacing-combining-mark)

I think in general that Haskellers would probably move to parser combinators in preference to regex when things get this complicated. I mean, who wants to read "\p{Sc}\s*[\d.,]+" in any case?

U+093b is still in the BMP. By the way, what text encodings for source files are supported by GHC? Escaping everything isn't fun.

And I am not sold on lens-regex-pcre documentation; "anything that works in PCRE will work" comes across as very dismissive. What string-like types are supported? What version of PCRE or PCRE2 does it use?

> U+093b is still in the BMP

I'm sorry, I don't know what that means. If you have a specific character you'd like me to try then please tell me what it is. My Unicode expertise is quite limited.

> I am not sold on lens-regex-pcre documentation

Nor me. It seems to leave a lot to be desired. In fact, I don't see the point of this lens approach to regex.

> "anything that works in PCRE will work" comes across as very dismissive

Noted, thanks, and apologies. That was not my intention. I was trying to make a statement of fact in response to your question.

> By the way, what text encodings for source files are supported by GHC?

UTF-8 I think. For example, pasting that character into GHC yields:

    ghci> mapM_ T.putStr ("foo bar ः baz" ^.. [regex|\p{Mc}|] . match)
> What string-like types are supported?

ByteString (raw byte arrays) and Text (Unicode, internal representation UTF-8), as you can see from:


> What version of PCRE or PCRE2 does it use?

Whatever your system version is. For me on Debian it's:

    Package: libpcre3-dev
    Source: pcre3
    Version: 2:8.39-15

> version of PCRE

It uses https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pcre-light , which seems to link with the system version. So it depends on what you install. With Nix, it will be part of your system expression, of course.

Either hackernews or autocorrect ate the p, it was supposed to be \p{L} which is a unicode character class.

As the other comment mentioned pcre-compatible Regex are a standard, though the pcre spec isn't super readable. There are some projects that have more readable docs like mariadb and PHP, but it doesn't really make sense to repeat the spec in library docs https://www.php.net/manual/en/regexp.reference.unicode.php

There are libraries for pcre2 or gnu regex syntax with the same API if you prefer those

> That's why, if you like the Haskell philosophy, why would you restrict yourself to Haskell?

In the essay, I didn't say "Haskell is the only thing you should use", what I said was:

> Many languages have bits of these features, but only a few have all of them, and, of those languages (others include Idris, Agda, and Lean), Haskell is the most mature, and therefore has the largest ecosystem.

On this:

> It's not bleeding edge any more.

"Bleeding edge" is certainly not something I've used as a benefit in this essay, so not really sure where this comes from (unless you're not actually responding to the linked essay itself, but rather to ... something else?).

> So what does unique value proposition does GHC have left? Possibly the GHC runtime system, but it's not as sexy to pitch in a blog post like this.

The point is that programming in a pure language with typed side effects and immutable data dramatically reduces the size of the state space that must be reasoned about. This makes programming significantly easier (especially over the long term).

Of the languages that support this programming style Haskell remains the one with the largest library ecosystem, most comprehensive documentation, and most optimised compiler. I love lean and use it professionally, but it is nowhere near the usability of Haskell when it comes to being a production ready general purpose language.

When you start mathematically characterizing state spaces it quickly becomes apparent that pure functional languages advantage over imperative ones is more a matter of the poor design of popular imperative languages rather than an intrinsic difference.

That (in)famous goto paper isn't really about spaghetti code, it's about how on Earth do you mathematically define the semantics of any statement in a language with unrestricted goto. If any continuation can follow literally anything then you're pretty much in no man's land. On the other hand imperative code is easy and natural to reason about when it uses a small set of well defined primitives.

If that sounds surprising, consider how mathematical logic itself, especially obviously in the calculational proof style, is essentially a series of assignment statements.

I’m not quite sure what the point is here. I agree that well written imperative code can be easy to read, and that it’s often the natural style for many problems. I just think it’s always better to use that style in a system that makes the available context explicit and enforces a strict discipline via the type system (e.g. a State monad).

Regarding semantics my experience is that defining formal semantics for languages with unrestricted mutation (or even worse aliased pointers into mutable state) than one that avoids those features.

> dramatically reduces the size of the state space that must be reasoned about


> This makes programming significantly easier (especially over the long term)

Not true. (As in, the implication is not true.)

There are many many factors that affect ease of programming and the structure of the stage space is just one of them.

It’s true that things like docs and error messages are also important, but the fundamental task of understanding and reasoning about code is significantly easier if you restrict yourself to pure functions over immutable data.

No, I didn't mean docs and error messages, I meant even more basic things. Like sheer code size, visual noise, and intuitiveness, to give a few examples. There's no free lunch, everything is a tradeoff. Just because you're constraining the program's state space that doesn't imply you're making the code more succinct or intuitive. You could easily be adding a ton of distracting noise or obscuring the core logic with all your awesome static typing.

I think the relative importance of syntax compared to actual semantics when it comes to ease of understanding is probably rather low.

Either way Haskell is also probably the language that lets you produce the most succinct code of anything that could be reasonably be used in production.

> Haskell is also probably the language that lets you produce the most succinct code

It is. Haskell has the low verbosity of scripting languages like Ruby and Python while letting you manage applications that would otherwise be written in high verbosity languages like C++, Java, and Rust.

Idris and Lean have a similar advantage; once you get past the general notation, the code syntax is very smooth and easy to follow.

Totally. ML style syntax is just so much cleaner than the curly braces / semicolon orthodoxy.

> As the typed FP ecosystem is moving towards dependent typing (Agda, Idris, Lean)

I'm not really sure where the borders of "the typed FP language ecosystem" would be but feel pretty certain that such a thing would enclose also F#, Haskell, and OCaml. Any one of which has more users and more successful "public facing" projects than the languages you mentioned combined. This is not a dig on those languages, but they are niche languages even by the standards of the niche we're talking about.

You could argue that they point to the future but I don't seriously believe a trend among them represents a shift in the main stream of functional programming.

This is the F# time that I've seen F# contrasted as the more mainstream option and it warms my heart.

> That's why, if you like the Haskell philosophy, why would you restrict yourself to Haskell? It's not bleeding edge any more.

Because it has a robust and mature ecosystem that is more viable for mainstream commercial use than any of the other "bleeding edge" languages.

> As the typed FP ecosystem is moving towards dependent typing (Agda, Idris, Lean), this becomes an issue, because you don't want the type checker to run indefinitely.

First of all, does ecosystem move to dependent types? I think the practical value of Hindley-Milner is exactly in the fact that there is a nice boundary between types and terms.

Second, why would type checking running indefinitely be a practical problem? If I can't prove a theorem, I can't use it. The program that doesn't typecheck in practical amount of time is in practice identical to non-type-checked program, i.e. no worse than a status quo.

No, the FP community at large is definitely not moving toward dependent types. However, much more of the FP research community is now focused on dependent types, but a good chunk of that research is concerned with questions like "How do we make X benefit of dependent types work in a more limited fashion for languages without a fully dependent type system?"

I think we'll continue to see lots of work in this direction and, subsequently, a lot of more mainstream FP languages will adopt features derived from dependent types research, but it's not like everybody's going to be writing Agda or Coq or Idris in 10 years instead of, like, OCaml and Haskell.

I'm not even sure if any human is still writing code in 10 years.

Based on what?

Looking back where we were 10 years ago in terms of AI: If we get a similar jump in 10 years from now, we have superintelligence.

Honestly, it's more likely that we won't have the working infrastructure for running computer programs, making writing them fairly pointless.

>Haskell doesn't prevent endless recursion. (try e.g. `main = main`)

Do you mean to say Haskell hasn't solved the halting problem yet?

There are languages that don’t permit non-terminating programs (at the cost of not being Turing-complete), such as Agda.

Uhh, endless recursion doesn't cause your typechecker to run indefinitely; all recursion is sort of "endless" from a type perspective, since the recursion only hits a base case based on values. The problem with non-well-founded recursion like `main = main` is that it prevents you from soundly using types as propositions, since you can trivially inhabit any type.

The infinite loop case is:

    loopType : Int -> Type
    loopType x = loopType x

    foo : List (loopType 3) -> Int
    foo _ = 42

    bar : List (loopType 4)
    bar = []

    baz : Int
    baz = foo bar
Determining if baz type-checks requires evaluating loopType 3 and loopType 4 to determine if they're equal.

Given line "loopType : Int -> Type", how can line "loopType x = loopType x" mean anything useful? It should be rejected and ignored as a tautology, leaving loopType undefined or defined by default as a distinct unique value for each int.

What makes it ill-defined is that it computes infinitely -- that's why you need a totality checker (or a total language).

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