One issue with SponsorBlock is that people use skip to highlight[0] on music, which should be illegal. To me there often is no highlight for music. You need to hear the first part of the piece in order to enjoy the second. And people have different views on what counts as the highlight. I don't even like seeing the skip to highlight color on the scrub bar in videos that are just music. Skip non music[1] is good though.
When people Listen to Giorgio by Moroder, but they skip the "boring talking part". Really shows the kind of respect today's people have for the pioneers. Sometimes I'll just loop the introduction as motivation (still has a really good beat!).
But yea, reason #2 for not wanting to use SponsorBlock. I have niche tastes, I don't trust others to tell me what's "the bad parts".
You can just turn that off in the options including the marker on the seek bar.
Also when it is bad don't hesitate to downvote. The database is only that good because of user feedback (and some anti-botting measures). You can check hidden segments and votes here:
I think that turns off the skip to highlight everywhere, right? I still want to see skip to highlight in non music videos. Also, looking at the use cases on the wiki for highlight, musics should not be allowed
> Skipping to the point/most important part of the video
Skipping to the part of the video referred to by the title
Skipping to the part of the video referred to by the thumbnail
Skipping to the part of the video referenced from a preview/teaser at the start of the video
There is no "most important part" of a piece of music. And the last three don't apply at all.