I drove my spouse crazy with this because I'd put his stuff in a pile in the same place every time.
He'd get annoyed with me because I moved his keys from the microwave and put in next to the rest of the keys. Apparently that was his spot for his keys.
The way I 'fixed' this is I got a little basket for his keys and now he gets after me because I leave my keys on my desk.
One other thing that would cause turmoil was mail. We would get mail in then dump it on the counter. I would sort it into piles but apparently the pile was an efficient storage method. Now we have inboxes right next to the door, even our dog has one for all of her stuff because before we'd place her leash wherever she wandered off to when she walked inside.
If I saw his junk lying around, it went in his drawer. Far more often if he saw my junk lying around, it went in my drawer.
‘Where’s thing?’ Probably in my drawer.