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Fun fact: pi is both the same, and not the same, in all of those places, too.

Because geometry.

If you consider pi to just be a convenient name for a fixed numerical constant based on a particular identity found in Euclidean space, then yes: by definition it's the same everywhere because pi is just an alias for a very specific number.

And that sentence already tells us it's not really a "universal" constant: it's a mathematical constant so it's only constant given some very particular preconditions. In this case, it's only our trusty 3.1415etc given the precondition that we're working in Euclidean space. If someone is doing math based on non-Euclidean spaces they're probably not working with the same pi. In fact, rather than merely being a different value, the pi they're working with might not even be constant, even if in formulae it cancels out as if it were.

As one of those "I got called by the principal because my kid talked back to the teacher, except my kid was right": draw a circle on a sphere. That circle has a curved diameter that is bigger than if you drew it on a flat sheet of paper. The ratio of the circle circumference to its diameter is less than 3.1415etc, so is that a different pi? You bet it is: that's the pi associated with that particular non-Euclidean, closed 2D plane.

So is pi the same everywhere in the universe? Ehhhhhhhh it depends entirely on who's using it =D

In non-euclidean spaces, your definition of pi wouldn't even be a value. It's not well defined because the ratio of circumference to diameter of a circle is dependent on the size of the circle and the curvature inside the circle.

It's probably true that it's only well defined in euclidean space. Your relaxed definition, which I have never seen before, is not very useful.

I don't agree, I thought what he said was very interesting. It never occurred to me that pi might vary, and over a non-flat space I can see what they're saying. I think it's intrinsically interesting simply because it breaks one of my preconceptions, that pi is a constant. Talking about it being 'not very useful' just seems far too casually dismissive.

Pi doesn't vary. The ratio of circumference to diameter of a circle may vary depending on the geometry. Clearly everyone means euclidean space unless specified otherwise. Any other interpretation will only lead to problems, which is why it's not useful. There is really no ambiguity about this in mathematics. Mathematicians still use the pi symbol as a constant when they compute the circumference of a circle in a given geometry as a function of the radius.

> Pi doesn't vary. The ratio of circumference to diameter of a circle may vary depending on the geometry.

Can you share some place where Pi isn't defined exclusively as being "the ratio of circumference to diameter of a circle"? I have never heard any other definition in my life, and couldn't find any other through the first few Google results

"This definition of π implicitly makes use of flat (Euclidean) geometry; although the notion of a circle can be extended to any curve (non-Euclidean) geometry, these new circles will no longer satisfy the formula π = C / d"


Pi is the "the ratio of circumference to diameter of a circle in Euclidian space". Everyone agrees that. What people are arguing is that when you have a circle in non-Euclidian space, so that the ratio of it's circumference to diameter is different, do we still call this new ratio Pi.

Most people would argue that we don't. They say "the ratio is not Pi" rather than "Pi is a different value".

Similarly, g depends on the geometry, and g is a constant 0 for Euclidean space

There is no "clearly" in Math. The fact that pi is a constant while at the same time not being "the same constant" in all spaces, and not even being "a single value, even if we alias it as the symbol pi" is what makes it a fun fact.

Heaven forbid people learn something about math that extends beyond the obvious, how dare they!

> There is no "clearly" in Math.

Sure there is. You don’t expect a paper to explain that the numbers are in decimal and not hexadecimal.

I don't know which ones you read so I can't comment on that, but the ones I read most definitely specify which fields of math they apply to, and which axioms are assumed true before doing the work, because the math is meaningless without that?

Papers on non-Euclidean spaces always call that out, because it changes which steps can be assumed safe in a proof, and which need a hell of a lot of motivation.

And of course, that said: yeah, there are papers for proofs about things normally associated with decimal numbers that explicit call out that the numbers they're going to be using are actually in a different base, and you're just going to have to follow along. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway_base_13_function is probably the most famous example?

Ur being rather snotty about this. I've just realised something important which is so obvious to you that you consider it trivial, but it's not. I realised something important today, you might just want to feel pleased for me, and a bit pleased that the world is a little less ignorant today...? Or not?

Sorry for coming off as snotty. It wasn't my intention, I thought my statements were rather matter of fact. It's possible that after having attended two lectures on differential geometry I have forgotten that some of these things like circumference ratios and sum of angles of triangles being different in a curved geometry are not obvious to every one. I'm glad you learned something!

Edit: This picture should make it pretty clear for anyone who is new to this concept: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-Euclidean_geometry#/media/...

No probs, and yes I certainly learnt something important, thanks.

This whole conversation is painful to read:

1. Your parent was talking about projections from one space to another and getting it confused.

2. Pi is pi and their non-Euclidean pi is still pi (unless you want to argue that a circle drawn on the earth’s surface has a different value of pi).

The problem comes down to projections, then all bets are off.

Yes. That's what makes it a fun fact. Most people never even learn about non-euclidean math, and this is the kind of "wow I never even thought about this" that people should be able to learn about in a comment thread.

Calling it painful to read is downright weird. Pi, the constant, has one value, everywhere. So now let's learn about what pi can also be and how that value is not universal.

It isn't a "fun fact" ... it's plainly incorrect.

π never changes its value. Ever. It is a constant in mathematics, no matter the geometry. However, π can have different ratios in other geometries, but it will still be ~3.14.

It is painful because this statement:

> draw a circle on a sphere. That circle has a curved diameter that is bigger than if you drew it on a flat sheet of paper. The ratio of the circle circumference to its diameter is less than 3.1415etc, so is that a different pi? You bet it is: that's the pi associated with that particular non-Euclidean, closed 2D plane.

The problem here is *projections*. If you project non-Euclidean space onto Euclidean space, you end up with some seemingly nonsensical things, like straight lines that get projected into arcs. This is your problem. You projected a curved line from non-Euclidean space onto Euclidean space and got an arc, but didn't account for the curvature of your "real non-Euclidean space" and thus ended up with an invalid value for π. If you got something that isn't ~3.14, then you did the math wrong somewhere along the way.

It doesn't have anything to do with projections.

Let's say you live in a non-flat space. You come up with the idea of a "circle" with the usual definition: the set of points on the same plane equidistant from a central point.

You then trace along the circle and measure the length, and compare it to the length of the diameter. It turns out that this ratio changes as a function of the diameter. This truth is inherent to curved spaces themselves, and is not an artifact of choosing to describe the space using a projection.

The definition of pi in this world is no longer the invariant ratio of diameter to circumference. You can still recover pi by taking the limit of this ratio as the diameter length goes to zero. But perhaps mathematicians in this world would (justifiably) not see pi as such a fundamental number.

Now back to GP's example: people living on a sphere (like us) are analogous to inhabitants of a non-Euclidean space. The surface of Earth is analogous to 3-space, and the curvature of Earth is analogous to the curvature of space.

And indeed, if you draw real-life larger and larger circles on our planet, you will find that the ratio of circumference to diameter is smaller than pi. For example, if you start at some point on the Earth (say, the North pole) and trace out a circle 100 miles distant from it, you will find that the circumference of that circle (as measured by walking around that circle) is a little bit _less_ than pi x 100 miles.

Again, we have done no "projection" here. We've limited ourselves to operations that are fairly natural from the perspective of a mathematician living in that space, such as measuring lengths.

The fact that large circle circumferences measure less than pi x diameter on Earth did not change how we developed math, likely because you only notice start to notice this effect with extremely large (relative to us) circles.

But perhaps the inhabitants of a non-Euclidean space that was much more highly curved would notice it much earlier, and it would affect their development of maths, such that the number pi is held in lower regard.

Thanks for the original comment—I picked up something new that I hadn't considered before.

That said, you could spin this by suggesting that the mathematician living in that non-Euclidean space might also have a different perspective on numbers. If we assume pi is still constant for him, then the numbers he's always known could be shifting in value but maybe that's a stretch.

Just sounds like you’ve confused yourself. It’s like spinning in circles and acting like no one else knows which way is up.

That isn’t a different pi. That’s a different ratio. Your hint is that there are ways to calculate pi besides the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. This constant folks have named pi shows up in situations besides Euclidean space.

Good job, you completely missed the point where I explain that pi, the constant, is a constant. And that "pi, if considered a ratio" (you know, that thing we did to originally discover pi) is not the same as "pi, the constant".

Language skills matter in Math just as much as they do in regular discourse. Arguably moreso: how you define something determines what you can then do with it, and that applies to everything from whether "parallel lines can cross" (what?) to whether divergent series can be mapped to a single number (what??) to what value the circle circumference ratio is and whether you can call that pi (you can) and whether that makes sense (less so, but still yes in some cases).

I haven’t missed your point. I’ve criticized it.

You’re treating your non-consensus definition not as a hypothetical, but as a fact. Your comment started with “fun fact”.

FWIW I enjoyed your original comment :)

Modern mathematics is more likely than not going to define pi as twice the unique zero of cos between 0 and 2, and cos can be defined via its power series or via the exp function (if you use complex numbers). None of this involves geometry whatsoever.

What do you mean? Cos is an inherently geometric function.

There are many equivalent definitions and many of them do not refer to geometry at all. If you don't want to go through cos you can always define pi as sqrt(6 * sum from 1 to inf 1/n^2).

You can also define it as `3.14159...` just because. Obviously, a π definition entirely divorced from geometry becomes irrelevant to it - instead, in geometry, you'd still use π = circumference/diameter, or π = whatever(cos), and those values would happen to be the same as a non-geometric π, but only if the geometric π is the one from Euclidean geometry.

> You can also define it as `3.14159...` just because.

That's not a rigorous definition, though, because it doesn't tell you what those "..." expand to.

To quote myself:

> cos can be defined via its power series or via the exp function (if you use complex numbers).

Any function can be defined as a taylor series. That is not at all an argument against its geometric nature.

> Any function can be defined as a taylor series.

First of all, that's wrong. It's only true for analytic functions.

Second of all, sin and cos appear in all sorts of contexts that are not primarily geometric (such as harmonic analysis).

Lean's mathlib defines pi precisely the way I've described it - cos is defined via exp, and pi is defined as the unique zero in [0,2]

> Lean's mathlib defines pi precisely the way I've described it - cos is defined via exp, and pi is defined as the unique zero in [0,2]

Which, _again_ is a taylor series. A function having a taylor series does not argue against the geometric nature of cos.

> Second of all, sin and cos appear in all sorts of contexts that are not primarily geometric (such as harmonic analysis).

I'm not sure how you can say that, there is so much material describing the geometric nature and interpretation of fourier/laplace transforms.

> Which, _again_ is a taylor series.

Mathlib defines cos x = (exp(ix)+exp(-ix))/2, which is not a definition via Taylor series (even though you can derive the Taylor series of cos quite easily from it). exp is defined as a Taylor series in mathlib, but it might just as easily be defined as the unique solution of a particular IVP, etc. Regardless of this, I have no idea why to you seemingly a definition via Taylor series is not a "true" definition, you could probably crack open half a dozen (rigorous) real or complex analysis texts, they're likely to define sin and cos in some such way (or, alternatively, as the single set of functions satisfying certain axioms), because defining them via geometry and making this rigorous is much harder.

I can't argue whether cos has a "geometric nature" or not, because I don't know what that means. Undoubtedly cos is useful in geometry. It is, however, used in a wide range of other domains that make absolutely no reference to geometry. mathlib's definition of cos doesn't import a single geometry definition or theorem.

Remember that the starting point of this discussion was that somebody was claiming that "pi is different in non-Euclidean geometry", which, no, even in a completely different geometry, the trigonometric functions would be useful and pi is closely related to them.

> Mathlib defines cos x = (exp(ix)+exp(-ix))/2

I am not understanding why you think this is at all relevant.

Its like saying a^2 + b^2 = c^2 is not geometric because it doesnt make reference to triangles. But at the end of the day, everyone understands Pythagorean theorem to be an inherently geometric equation, because geomtry is just equations and numbers.

I realize to some extent this is all subjective, but to me its insane to claim that cos is not an inherently geometric function. Agree to disagree.

You're analogy is flawed. Pythagoras' theorem is about right triangles. "a^2+b^2=c^2" isn't about triangles, it's not even a theorem, it's simply an equation (typically a diophantine one) that is satisfied by some numbers but not others. Something which typically belongs to number theory. Obviously the two things are closely related (which is the beauty of mathematics - there are a lot of connections between very different fields).

But really, I'll refer again to the part of my previous reply where I contextualise why I wrote what I wrote and how that answers the question of whether pi is somehow arbitrary due to the fact that we usually think of space as Euclidean: it's not.

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